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179. The most precious thing in the last days

early morning.

Lu Jian saw that the stars dimmed and the sky turned golden. This gradient from pitch black to golden surpassed all other landscapes on earth and was enough to be called a breathtaking scene.

He decided to pretend that what happened last night never happened.

In fact, Lu Tan didn't really want to learn magic.

Because it is said that as long as you are single until you are thirty, you can create fireballs. Lu Jian feels that he still has a few years left, so there is no need to worry.

In the second half of the night, Shia basically used her reading skills to study, like a statue that moved from time to time.

Lu Jian felt that this spell was really useful.

Shia could go to sleep with her own consciousness, and then let the books study by themselves. In the end, she gained both knowledge and rest.

What a dream come true!

At the same time, Lu Tan also tasted some details from Xiya's words.

For example, the magic of the Kingdom of Darkness is essentially "knowledge" obtained after praying to the gods. This knowledge is like Lu Jian's technique of using a crowbar when holding the [Holy Sword of Physics], wrapped around the brain like a spider web.

On the cortex, it can be removed at any time.

In the foreign land of silence, knowledge represents pollution.

Therefore, it is conceivable that before the founder of the Gray Tower developed the magic network, it is estimated that the wizards of the Kingdom of Darkness were the ones who had mastered this knowledge. In other words, most of their brains were probably

Being polluted, the mind became abnormal.

As for ordinary people, it is even less possible to master magic.

Therefore, the founder developed the magic network system and turned magic into a gift from the gods, which was a really powerful move.

No wonder Shia respected that man so much.

Judging from this, the Kingdom of Darkness has indeed developed a way to utilize the knowledge of the Silent Land without causing the entire world to fall into madness.

As for Dry Water Town... the forbidden knowledge was leaked. The Hai family must have been contaminated by the Black Queen Mother's knowledge and transformed into fish-men. It's no wonder they have to hide it.

It's just that... the magic network is praying to the gods, so how can these gods in the Kingdom of Darkness be such gods who generously give spells to humans without overly affecting human will?

Lu Jian wasn't sure.

Thinking about this, he saw three aborigines waking up and starting to make breakfast over a bonfire.

Of course there are also bugs for breakfast.

"...I actually have some better-tasting food here."

He pointed to his backpack.


Wearing a short body, Flame Heart felt much better after a night's rest. It seemed that he had the most severe core disease, and he looked very tired every time he used his abilities. Of course, this also meant that he was the strongest.


Lu Tan took out a few pieces of compressed dry food from his bag.

"This is...this is a treasure from the old times!"

Juzhu recognized what Lu Tan was holding at first sight.

"Let me tell you, hey, I have been to a ruins before and opened a warehouse that may have been sealed in dust for hundreds of years. Guess what I found?"

He didn't wait for anyone else to answer, and continued to speak on his own.

"It's wine!"

At the mention of this word, the other two people, Yan Xin and Jiu Meng, both showed longing expressions.

"Although it has no taste, it is wine! A gift from a hundred years ago!"

The giant wrist seemed very proud.

"Of course, there is still this food in the warehouse. I can't taste it. At least it tastes better than bugs."

He took a bite of insect meat on skewers.

Some of the insect meat was cut into strips last night and air-dried. This morning it had lost its moisture and turned into hard strips of meat, which looked like reserve grains.

After one night of observation, Lu Jian discovered that most of the food these people ate seemed to be bugs.

The bugs in the desert are hidden under the sand and need to be lured out through certain means. Then, after the three of them kill them, they can get the bug meat full of juice and protein.

Chicken flavor, crunchy?

Lu Tan, who had eaten bugs before, didn't think so.

"You can eat it."

Lu Jian took one piece apart, and as soon as he tore open the package, the unique smell of oil and starch from the compressed dry food entered the noses of several people.

"This smells so good!"

Juzhan stretched out his hand and took the compressed dry food from Lu Jian.

"Is it really edible?"


Lu Tan finished distributing a pack of compressed dry food and watched them eat it carefully.

The expressions of the three people became happy.

"The last time I tasted something like this was when I just left home..."

"I shouldn't eat this. How can I continue to eat bugs after eating this!"


Jiu Meng, who had always been taciturn, finished eating and licked his palms.

Lu Tan looked at their appearance and suddenly felt a little emotional.

In my own world, at least I don't have to worry about eating and drinking, but in an apocalyptic world like the wasteland, even compressed dry food has become a luxury.

The differences between foreign lands are really huge.

"Huh? If I can go to a city in the wasteland, can I use these compressed dry foods to exchange for many precious things in this world?"

He thought of some scenes similar to those in movies, where the protagonist travels between ordinary cities and the apocalypse, exchanging ordinary food for various black-tech items in the apocalypse.

"I also have some energy bars here, they taste good too, you can keep them."

He gave each person an energy bar. This kind of food made of nuts and chocolate was much more delicious than compressed dry food.

"I must keep it."

Instead of taking it apart, the giant wrist was stuffed deep into the backpack, giving it the feeling of a kindergarten kid who wants to save the most delicious snacks for last.

"You are generally called a FG, and you are very likely to suffer misfortune later..."

Lu Tiao complained secretly, and when he saw Yan Xin, he immediately opened the energy bar and ate it quickly.

“This is too delicious!”

He even licked the packaging bag clean, leaving no residue behind.

It seems that this person belongs to the type who will get drunk now and have fun in life. If there is any delicious food, he will eat it up as soon as possible.

After packing up the camp, several people got on the camels.

Although this creature is called a camel, it is actually different from the camel that Lu Jian knows. From the appearance, it is more like a hybrid between a lizard-like creature and a camel, with smooth scales and iconic...


"We have to arrive as soon as possible, hoping there will be no other competitors."

Riding on the camel, Juwan took out a tattered piece of paper.

"Where to rush?"

Lu Tan asked directly from behind.

"A ruins. I got this blueprint from a group of wasteland hunters who had been wiped out. They were obviously on their way to that ruins. Unfortunately, they encountered an accident. When I found it, they had turned into mummies."

Juzhu said without any emotion.

"Following the direction of the sun, we can see the ruins at the border of the wasteland in one day at the earliest."


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