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182. Before the altar

"Behind you..."

Lu Tan immediately patted Xia on the shoulder.

Sia immediately turned around and assumed a defensive posture, but soon her expression fell into confusion again.

"What's there?"

Shia asked, she seemed not to see that person, she was very confused, and her eyes could not focus on the other person.

"Didn't you see that?"

Lu Tan asked, he carefully looked in the direction of the man, his eyes were dark, and the long-haired man in a white robe was looking at him blankly in the same posture as Shia.

Shia noticed something was wrong and immediately snapped her fingers.

The ripples of the detection technique spread, however, in the feedback of magic, there was nothing special around.

"See what? My detection skills didn't tell me anything."

Shia started to feel a little uneasy.

If Lu Tan didn't lie, it meant that there was indeed something in front of him.

However, there was no response from my detection technique.

Under normal circumstances, there are two possibilities for the lack of response to the detection spell. One is that there is really nothing, and the other is that the opponent has far more power than the caster, so the caster cannot detect it.


Just when Lu Tan was about to reach out and point out the other person's existence, he saw that the guy disappeared again.

"Is that...the remains of the saint?"

Shia asked.

Lu Tan's strange behavior just now seems to be related to the person he mentioned before who appeared in the ruins. If it is really the remains of a saint, it seems understandable that it can evade Shia's detection technique.

After all, he is the existence at the top of this world's extraordinary power, and Shia is only a quasi-agent and is not yet qualified to walk independently.

"I think it should be."

Lu Tiao nodded.

He didn't understand why he was the only one who could see that thing. It was Lu Tran's first time in the wasteland, so he wouldn't be involved with the things here. So could it be the effect of [True Sight], because Lu Tran had a deeper understanding of the wasteland?

Because I'm a layer above, I can see things I shouldn't be able to see?

"I don't think something is right. We should find other people to discuss it."

He looked towards the center of the city.


In the center of the city, in the circular square, in front of the altar.

"Iron Fist" stood here, looking at the altar whose side was mottled by weathering and whose writing could no longer be recognized.

"Is this the nameless city?"

He stretched out his hand. The hand covered with shining crystals was no longer human-shaped, more like the limbs of some insects. Iron Fist murmured to himself.

Beside him, a man with half his face covered by crystal cores stepped forward and spoke.

"According to the map, it should be here. As long as we can find the treasure here, it shouldn't be a problem to reopen a city-state. By then, you can also become a saint and rule over this wasteland."

"I don't have such extravagant wishes. I just hope that a way to save my city-state can be found here."

Iron Fist took out the map and checked it carefully.

If Big Fist were here at this time, he would be able to quickly identify that Iron Fist's map is far more detailed than his own. In addition to the specific coordinates corresponding to the starry sky and the sun, there are also some ancient characters in the wasteland.

These ancient characters are not the characters of the civilization before the spread of the disease, nor are they modern characters, but the remnants of a civilization that was briefly born in the wilderness between the two.

After the nuclear disease spread and the world entered extinction, the entire land was actually not as barren as it is now. The remaining humans once established a civilization, but later, for some unknown reason, the civilization was destroyed and the entire land became a

Such a wasteland.

In the eyes of many people, this is just a legend, a nonsense to deceive rookie wilderness hunters, but Iron Fist knew that after so many years of searching, he knew very well that that civilization existed.

It is the remnants of that civilization that gave rise to saints in the world. The original thirteen saints are the survival of mankind and the hope of defeating the disease. Finding the remains of these original saints is the way to salvation that Iron Fist firmly believes in.

"This was once a prosperous city-state, with a scale and splendor that far exceeded [Athens]. However, due to unknown reasons, it fell into destruction..."

Iron Fist read the words on the map and looked towards the altar.

"The remains of the saint here are missing, maybe they are underground."

Iron Fist had seen such an altar in other ruins before. It was one of the characteristics of that civilization. It was a huge circular city square and altar. It seemed that tens of thousands of people would gather here to watch some grand sacrificial ceremonies.

Just imagine it, it is an extremely magnificent scene.

Under the altar, there are extremely complex mechanisms and passages. No one knows why these mechanisms and passages were built. However, Iron Fist can vaguely guess from the shape and structure of these passages that they may be used to imprison or imprison something.


"Start it."

Iron Fist said.

Immediately, the people around him took out two leather water bags, unscrewed the lids, and poured out the liquid.

That is warm blood, coming from humans.

The blood flowed onto the altar, flowing through the uneven surface of the altar, forming a complex pattern.

The pattern resembles stars, the universe, the sky and the earth.

The blood continued to flow downward, into the end of the altar, and into the interior of the altar.


A certain kind of roar could be heard rising from the ground, and the ground beneath Iron Fist's feet trembled, as if a small earthquake had occurred.

For a moment, under the night sky, those dormant monsters were ready to move. They were attracted by this movement and peered into the center of the city.

Iron Fist and others saw that the entire square began to shake.

These destroyed buildings seemed to have come to life at this moment. In the center of the wide square, the altar slowly sank, revealing a passage leading to the underground.

A gust of rotten wind blew, making Iron Fist frown slightly.

"It looks very deep down here. Give me the torch."

Taking the torch from the person next to him, Iron Fist threw it down.


The torch fell to the ground after falling for a while, illuminating the surrounding area. It seemed to be a hall.

Iron Fist looked at the person next to him.

"The scouts will go explore the road first and come back immediately if there are any problems."

He asked the man next to him, half of his face to be crystallized, to call two agile scouts. They pulled the rope and slid down, then picked up torches to illuminate the surroundings.

At this moment, Iron Fist suddenly felt that someone was watching him.

He stood up and looked back, only to see a man in white at the highest point of the auditorium in the square, looking at the place from a distance.

He also wanted to ask someone to check, but in the blink of an eye, Iron Fist discovered that the other party was nowhere to be seen.

"There's a door here, boss, a door."

At this time, the scout's voice came from underground.


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