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187. Want to watch you get eaten?

Lu Tian had seen a movie before, and there was a plot in which a group of people were locked in an incubation room, let bugs parasitize them, and finally broke out of their bodies.

But obviously, the ceremony here is more bizarre.

On those eggs, Lu Jian saw tiny tentacles.

These tentacles are like the tentacles of an octopus, extending in all directions from the top of the egg, as if they want to catch something.

From the top, these sticky, slippery, dark-colored eggs gradually crack open, and among those tentacles, some kind of creature seems to be gestating.

"Can you just blow these things up?"

Lu Tan didn't wait for them to hatch completely before asking Shia.

The people in the movie don't know why, but they always have to watch these creatures hatch before taking action. Lu Tiao doesn't know what serious illness they have, but if it were him, he would decisively crush them.

"no problem."

Shia raised her right hand and seemed to be holding something in her palm.


She muttered a word that even Lu Jian couldn't understand, and then threw the invisible object in her hand like a medicine ball.

A few seconds later, the eggs were still hatching, and Lu Jian could already see the slippery surface of those ugly, wriggling larvae.

"It doesn't seem to be working?"

He looked at Shia.

"It's going to take a while."

Shia said seriously.


Before Lu Tiao had time to look over, he heard a violent explosion from behind. The insect eggs fell apart instantly, and thick black body fluids splashed onto the wall, leaving mottled traces.

"Maybe these things will be hatched from the flesh and blood of the sacrifices, and then continue to grow and become the monsters you encountered before?"

Lu Tiao approached the blood pool and used a crowbar to pull out the remains.

The texture is soft and translucent, like jelly.

"Is it tasty?"

he asked.


Iron Fist is speechless.

"It shouldn't taste good."

Only Shia responded to Lu Tan.

"This kind of bug is carnivorous and generally has high nutritional content. I suspect that the people here may be raising this kind of bug as a source of food. Then every year, in order to thank these bugs, they create a god to worship and enslave the prisoners.

Throw it in to feed the bugs."

Lu Tiao smelled the insects.

Suddenly, a tentacle jumped up from the wreckage and burrowed straight towards Lu Tiao's head.


The tentacle cut through the skin and inserted into Lu Tiao's throat.

The tentacles were like leeches, trying to burrow into Lu Jian's skin, tearing out horrific wounds. Blood flowed out and splashed into the pool, creating ripples.

But the blood didn't flow much, because soon, the green grass growing out of Lu Tiao's wound blocked the insect's ability to continue drilling in, and pushed it out.

Lu Tan pinched it with his hand. He observed carefully and found that the bug was already a complete individual. Perhaps there were countless such bugs in that egg. Once it came into contact with the human body, it would burrow into the flesh and gnaw like just now.


"...You can put your hand down. Wait a minute. It's not still flying, right?"

Lu Tan glanced at Xia who raised her hand, fearing that she would throw the spell at him again and throw the insect and others away.

"not yet."

Shia put down her hand.

"So you really planned to fuck me just now?"

Lu Tan was surprised.

"The teacher told me that as long as the hostages are eliminated, the monster will have nothing to threaten us."

Shia answered decisively.

"Is this how you people from the Gray Tower save people?"

Lu Tan felt that there must be a deviation in the understanding of Xia and himself on this matter.

"Of course, otherwise, why don't I just watch you being eaten by monsters?"

Shia replied matter-of-factly.

"It doesn't matter. We usually deal with you and the monster at the same time and then use healing spells to revive you. Basically, your body will be the same as before!"


Lu Tan raised his eyebrows.

"Then can you use healing spells today?"

"Definitely tomorrow!"

Shia looked around to talk to him.

Just as Lu Jian was speaking, the insect lost its vitality and quickly shriveled up, like an earthworm dried by the sun.

"You two, stop arguing."

Iron Fist said something, and he came to the blood pool. The blood was gradually flowing down. You can see that when the platform with the insect eggs was raised, the blood flowed to the next level through the gap under the platform.

"Where did this blood come from?"

Faceless stretched out his finger and dipped some blood into it and smelled it. It looked like human blood and was still warm.

They used the blood of a man with outstanding recovery ability to open the altar, but that blood should have solidified long ago after such a long time.

The blood here has obviously just been shed.

You must know that in today's wilderness, apart from humans, there are almost only insects. There are no pigs, cattle, sheep and other domestic animals recorded in history books. Therefore, red blood is a patent for humans.

"We can go down from here."

Iron Fist pointed at the gap in the table.

"Since there are insect eggs, there must be eggs laid."

"Wait a minute, is the treasure in this ruins the Insect Queen?"

Lu Tan stopped Iron Fist who was about to smash open the altar and asked.

"No, it's just a part of it. There is something hidden in the ground here that can turn people into saints. The Queen of Insects is the one who protects it."

Iron Fist replied.

He clenched his right hand into a fist, and the crystal covered his arm. Then, he smashed the iron fist hard, and the entire altar suddenly shattered.

When the blood-stained stone falls, you can see that there is a huge hole.

"Those bugs must have somewhere to go out after they hatch and grow up, maybe into this hollow."

Wu Mian said something and then called his men.


The young man with eyes made of crystals came to the entrance of the cave and looked down.

His eyes burst out with bright light, illuminating this space.

Lu Jian saw that the space underneath was extremely wide, the dome was about tens of meters high, and the underground illuminated by light was a complex mechanical gear structure.

These structures are moving slowly, moving something out.

Those are all insect eggs.

Countless insect eggs are scattered on the ground of the space. These dark and crystal-clear things are densely packed, like bees in a honeycomb. Some of them seem to be still squirming, but none of them have hatched.

The blood on the altar flowed down and fell on some of the insect eggs. The eggs immediately began to move, and the tops cracked, revealing tentacles one by one.

These insect eggs that are about to hatch are grabbed by a stone machine and placed on a conveyor belt, where they are sent to an unknown location.

And from nowhere, there are conveyor belts that continuously transport insect eggs and accumulate them in this room.

"Are you sure you want to go down?"

Lu Tan felt that going down directly was definitely not a good choice.

"Look at these insect eggs. They were transported here. So if you follow the road, you will definitely find the insect queen."

Iron Fist pointed at a corner, a pothole in the direction of the conveyor belt.

"Should we clean up down here first?"

Lu Tan glanced at Xia.

This chapter has been completed!
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