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198. The Silent Project


Lu Tiao was stunned.

He didn't know Feng Yu would come.

If he had known in advance that Feng Yu would be here, Lu Tan might have considered not giving in and going home directly.

Although Feng Yu, or the guy who now replaced Feng Yu, didn't seem to have any ill intentions towards Lu Tian, ​​Lu Tiao instinctively felt a little scared at the thought of standing with this guy who was not necessarily a human being.

Moreover, after meeting Xia, Lu Tan suddenly realized something.

The women in the Quiet Place are not easy to mess with.

He looked at Feng Yu's smiling expression, adjusted his mood, and walked over.

"So you guys know each other?"

The person in charge of the theater reception was a middle-aged woman named Mei Juan. She looked at Lu Jian and then at Feng Yu, with a look of surprise a little bit.

"We are classmates, Sister Mei."

Feng Yu explained.

Lu Tan quickly pulled Feng Yu aside.

"Why are you here?"

He looked around and saw that the audience had not yet entered the venue. There were only empty auditoriums and nothing unusual could be seen.

"Can't I come?"

Feng Yu said somewhat innocently, and before Lu Tan could respond, he raised the corners of his mouth again.

"The director I am following will also attend the premiere this time, and I am here to help coordinate."

She explained.

"The director you followed...could it be the same?"

Lu Tan was curious.

Feng Yu's death made the news, but now Feng Yu can function normally, and no one else can see it. There must be a certain degree of cognitive rewriting in this, just like the chosen ones entering a foreign land, people from a foreign land

Will quickly accept the arrival of the chosen one, and even consider them as companions.

"No, no, he is just an ordinary person."

Feng Yu smiled.

"That's good."

Lu Tan felt relieved.

Feng Yu did not continue chatting with Lu Tan, but continued to communicate with Mei Juan.

Lu Jian sat in the front row and waited for a while. The audience began to enter one after another, and the premiere officially began.

After a relatively lengthy introduction session, it was finally time for Lu Jian to speak.

When he came to the screen, there was a crowded audience, mostly young people. Lu Tian didn't know if all these people had seen it. He looked around and then spoke.

"Thank you very much for coming to the premiere of "The Cry". I hope everyone can feel the love and hope from this movie. That's all I want to say about this movie."

He bowed.

The audience was a little confused.

Shouldn’t this be a time to talk about the creative process?

Why did it end?

People didn't know whether they should applaud or not.

Lu Tan raised his head and picked up the microphone.

"Also, I have something to announce here."

After hearing his words, people pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

"Perhaps many of you here have watched my previous movies and videos. Some of you may be curious about what is in the abandoned city, what happened to the village with the fishmen, and what is the secret of Wushima's shrine."

Lu Tiao saw Feng Yu sitting in the audience. She held her chin and listened attentively to Lu Tiao's speech.

"Just like "The Cry" and the film "The Nameless City" that I will release for free, there is actually a whole world behind these films waiting for you to explore."

After hearing Lu Jian's words, there was a faint discussion among the audience.

Half of it is because Lu Jian said that the previous movies belong to a whole set of world views and are interconnected, and the other half is because of the new movie Lu Jian said.

And it’s published for free!

"So, I will launch my next new project at 0:00 tonight, which is when "Crying" premieres, called "The Silence Project", which will include a series of films, settings, world views, and hopes.

Everyone can like it.”

Lu Kan bent down again to pay his respects.

Only then did the audience burst into applause.

On the one hand, the huge world view of this interconnected work means that there will be many related works in the future, and the sequels that the audience is looking forward to will be produced one after another.

On the other hand, the speed with which Lu Jian released videos and movies convinced them that this was not a money trap, but a real plan. After all, the new videos would be released online soon, right?

Some people who came here for the second time were already a little thirsty and wanted to run out and wait until midnight to watch the new videos.

Lu Tan straightened up and added another sentence.

"By the way, the theater has arranged proper security personnel for everyone. If you don't dare to go home by yourself after watching the movie, you can ask the security guards for help."

His speech aroused laughter, part of which was about wondering how that situation could possibly happen, and part of which was gloating about his misfortune.

Lu Tan returned to his seat. Naturally, he wanted to finish watching this movie.

"It's pretty awesome."

Feng Yu next to him praised him.

"Let's watch a movie. Have you seen it before?"

Lu Tian used his mobile phone to check the timing of the web page and account, and there was no problem.

"I've seen it, but I wouldn't mind watching it again."

Feng Yu smiled.

"Sometimes, you can gain new things by re-watching movies you have watched before."


Lu Tan also likes to watch the movies he has already seen. Some very ordinary movies have been watched three or four times. For him, although the freshness of the script may have declined, the shots, the actors' performances, and the details are all worth it.

Reminiscent of it again and again.

If a movie only relies on a strongly reversal of the script to amaze people the first time they watch it, but it is uninteresting the second time they watch it, then the movie is not considered a very good one, Lu Jian thinks so.

The cinema went dark, and the sponsorship and production of the film emerged. The light shone on Feng Yu's face, making Lu Tian feel that she was strange.

The video played, and a familiar scene appeared in front of Lu Jian's eyes.

But it was difficult for him to concentrate on the movie, and instead he kept paying attention to Feng Yu's reaction around him.

He saw Feng Yu frightened and frightened, so he took a breath, then continued to be nervous. Several times, he even subconsciously grabbed Lu Tiao's wrist with his hand, just like an ordinary girl.

Even at the end of the film, when the mother confessed, Feng Yu's shoulders were shaking and she let out a small sob.

Lu Tan handed her a tissue.

"I have heard a saying that before people die, they will go to a movie theater and a movie will be played there. When the movie ends, the person will really die. What do you think you want to see at this time?


When the cast list was playing, Feng Yu suddenly spoke. Her voice was very soft, but it could be clearly heard in Lu Tan's ears.

"..."Once Upon a Time in America"?"

Lu Tan was silent for a moment.

"You liked this movie?"

"No, it's just that it lasts longer and will allow me to die later, in case I can come back through emergency treatment."

Lu Tan explained seriously.

He heard no sound from next door.

Turning his head, Lu Tan saw Feng Yu looking at him, with a certain kind of beautiful brilliance in his eyes, like stars or the real starry sky.

"One week from now, this movie theater will be at midnight. If you come over, you might be able to see something."

Feng Yu came closer and whispered in Lu Tan's ear.

That voice was as sweet as death.

This chapter has been completed!
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