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208. Named Weird

There seemed to be a person standing in the dim corridor.

The man was wearing tattered clothes and holding a rusty sharp knife that was still dripping with blood.

He had very little hair, and his face was marked with stitches and was bloody and bloody.

He was still dragging a few chains in his right hand, and the metal chains scratched across the floor, making a small friction sound.


The lights in the corridor suddenly flickered, as if the electrical appliances were aging and about to fail.


The light flickered again, this time, it stayed off longer.

When the lights came on again, I saw that the man had moved forward a certain distance and arrived at the door of the screening room.


The lights went out again and the man disappeared from the corridor.

In the next shot, in the corridor of the screening room, the guy with blood dripping from the tip of the knife is slowly walking in.

From the perspective behind him, he could see the four people sitting in the cinema, none other than Lu Jian and the others.


I don't know if it was in the movie or in the screening room, but there was a harsh friction sound of chains being dragged on the ground.


Zitang subconsciously turned around to confirm, then let out a scream and disappeared from the seat.

When she reappeared, she had already come to Remington's side. There were chain marks on the exposed thighs and neck of the cheongsam. These marks were not just an illusion, but had real pain, as if someone had just used iron.

The chain has been whipped normally.

The woman couldn't help but hug her arms and tremble. She looked at the big screen, only to find that she was doing the same action there!


With a trembling and suppressed scream, Zitang disappeared from the seat again.

This time, she did not appear immediately.

Remington swallowed.

"Can't even fear and trembling..."

He didn't expect that even such details could not be repeated in the movie.

This is just like not being able to show fear when watching a horror story. How can it be done?

Even if you are not afraid, people will always react like conditioned reflexes to things that suddenly appear. This is human instinct. Who can control themselves?

not to mention......


A scream came from the row in front of Remington. He saw that Zitang had returned to her seat, but her body was covered in blood. Her cheongsam was in tatters, and the exposed skin looked like she had been severely whipped with an iron chain.

The bloody body was no longer as graceful as before, but instead became more terrifying and ferocious.

Remington suppressed his emotions. He also heard the sound of the chains. He saw that the humanoid monster holding a sharp knife in the movie had come to him.

It doesn't seem to be able to see clearly and relies only on its sense of smell to find prey.

When it came to the side and rear of Remington, it stopped.

Remington resisted the urge to turn around to confirm and just stared at the movie screen.

The monster turned its head for a while and turned in Remington's direction.

It comes closer.

Cold sweat broke out on Remington's forehead.

The sound of chains sounded, and he didn't know if this was the monster really behind him, or if it was just a deceptive illusion on the screen.

Holding the armrest with his left hand, Remington held his knife with his right hand. His whole body was like a bowstring that was stretched to the extreme, and would either be released or break at the next moment.

The guy's head came closer, and his breath seemed to be right next to his ears. Remington heard the heartbeat of someone he didn't know, thump thump, thump thump, so fast that his eyes turned red and blood rushed to his head.

Very close, very close.

Remington seemed to smell the fishy smell, the sourness of the blood mixed with the metal, the decaying breath, and the cold and shining blade.

In the movie, the monster's head is right next to Remington, and you can see it as long as he turns his face slightly.

Remington in the video was about to turn his head. He suppressed his nervousness and widened his eyes as he watched the monster's blade lift up and cut towards his throat.

"Do not move......"

Lu Tuan had just issued a reminder, and Remington had already swung the blade in his hand, but there was no feeling of impact.

"Oh shit..."

He only had time to yell and curse before he disappeared from his seat.

At the same time, Lu Jian also disappeared because of the reminder.

The first one to appear was Lu Jian.

Three stab wounds appeared on his chest, cutting the skin and exposing a little bit of flesh and blood, but soon, new green vegetation spread out from the wounds, covering the hideous wounds.

"My new clothes."

Lu Tan felt a little distressed.

A moment later, Remington appeared.

He sat next to Zitang and looked at his right hand in disbelief.

The right hand that originally held the knife was full of wounds, as if it had been put into a meat grinder and rotated more than a dozen times. The blade was mixed with bones, blood vessels, and muscles, and it was already terrible.

This was so painful that Remington turned pale, blood dripped to the floor, and made a dull sound.

It was fake just now!

Only then did he finally understand Lu Jian's reminder.

This movie does not directly affect reality at all and create the power of monsters. It only relies on the atmosphere and fear brought by the screen to make people act accordingly, thereby making them fall into their own rules.

Ta da——

The sound of crisp footsteps echoed in the screening room, and Lu Jian saw that Feng Yu stood up again and walked to the seat next to him.

"How are you hurt?"

She came over to check Lu Tan's wound, and couldn't help laughing when she saw the vegetation on it.

"It turns out you really can grow grass."

"So why are you exempt from the rules here?"

Lu Tiao was still curious.

Although I knew that Feng Yu might be a being higher than human beings, I was still a little confused when I saw her coming and going so freely.

If Feng Yu is really not afraid of these weird things, then why is he still here? Wouldn't it be simpler to take Lu Tiao and others away directly?

Or is this weird cinema the result of Feng Yu’s doing?

"I told you that things are done according to the rules here. Even if it's weird, you can't bypass the rules and attack us. Look, what happened just now is to influence people's hearts through movies, isn't it?"

Feng Yu explained in a serious tone, like a stupid son who refused to listen to repeated education.

"Therefore, the rule here is that if you are immersed in a horror movie, you will encounter the same thing as in the horror movie, so just pretend that the horror movie does not exist."

"Just like me just now, I simply didn't pay attention to what was playing in the movie and just walked over by myself. There are no similar shots or scenes in the movie."

After hearing Feng Yu's words, Lu Tan suddenly became enlightened.

In fact, to put it simply, Lu Jian and others are now trapped in a horror movie. If they follow the development of horror movies, they will suffer various tragic events and eventually die.

However, Lu Jian and the others don’t have to follow the development of horror movies.

Lu Jian gradually understood everything.

This chapter has been completed!
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