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260. Rangers

Without much time to think about the content of the mission, Lu Tan raised the crossbow arrow with one hand and simultaneously materialized [Last Words] with the other hand.


Before Lu Tiao could pull the trigger, the gray wolf hit an invisible and transparent barrier.

Bang bang bang——

Lu Jian saw that several similar monsters had hit the barrier. They tried to break through, but were unable to take a step forward.

Whoosh whoosh——

The next moment, the crossbow arrow was shot.

Sparse but deadly arrows pierced the bodies of these monsters. Black blood fell to the ground from their eyes and fur, melting the snow and emitting a cold stench.

Lu Tiao noticed that the reason why the crossbow arrows were sparse was because they were divided into three groups.

The three groups of people were staggeredly distributed, and only one-third of them shot arrows at a time. When the round of volleys ended, the second group of people added more people, and those who had just finished firing began to reload the crossbows.

A very classic mid-range weapon tactic.

However, Lu Tuan wasn't quite sure which round he was in. He saw that after three rounds of volleys, the monsters were almost retreating.

Then, he heard a noise behind him and turned around to take a look. There were several people wearing heavy armor and cloaks.

Lu Tan, who just thought this outfit looked familiar, then remembered that this was Shia's outfit.

They are mages.

The moment he realized this, invisible shock waves spread from the hands of those mages.

In an instant, the monsters that had not yet fallen seemed to have been hit head-on by cannonballs. They began to collapse and crack from the tip of their noses, and their flesh and blood formed an obvious columnar cavity. Those ferocious bodies were thrown to the surrounding tree trunks, and blood dripped from them.


The last step is to clean up the battlefield.

People worked in groups of three to finish off all the monsters that fell on the ground, and pierced the bodies of those monsters with their spears, repeating this three times until they were completely dead.

Lu Tan climbed up from the snow and saw the man next to him patting the snow on his cloak.

"See, I told you, there's nothing dangerous."

He looks much younger than Lu Tan, maybe only sixteen or seventeen years old. His face is green and a little childish, but his posture when holding a crossbow seems to be very standard.

"Birmingham, come and help."

Behind him, another older man called out, and the young man followed.

It turns out his name is Birmingham.

Lu Tiao has generally become accustomed to the fact that people in the Kingdom of Darkness tend to have Western-style names and some Eastern styles, but they may all be located in remote areas. At least the Gray Tower and the Black Tower, this style of names and customs should be more widespread.

Looking around, monster corpses were everywhere, and the gaps in the trees were deep enough to block the sun. Only the crystals held by some people emitted light, illuminating the area.

"After packing and loading the car, we will return to the fortress."

One of the leading mage said.

The horses pulled the cart, and the carts were filled with the corpses of those monsters. Although they were ferocious, it seemed that the flesh and blood of the monsters was an important source of food. Lu Tan followed Birmingham and listened to his chatter.

"I said that there is no danger in hunting under normal circumstances. Our tactics are perfect and nothing will happen even if we encounter a sneak attack."

He pointed to the team in front.

The cargo is in the center, and outside are crossbowmen like Lu Tiao and Birmingham. On the outside are infantrymen wearing light armor holding spears. Mages are interspersed in the team on horseback. The commander walks at the lead of the team, while riding horses

, light and flexible scouts are scattered in the forest, guarding the surrounding areas on three levels.

In this case, even if a monster attacks the outermost scout, the middle scout can pass the information back to the team to prepare for war.

This does not include the detection spells that the mages use continuously. Lu Tian has seen Shia's spells, which can at least ensure that there are no enemies within a hundred meters. With such a tight intelligence network, it is indeed not easy to be defeated by an attack.

Lu Tan simply chatted with Birmingham on the road and got a clear idea of ​​the current situation.

This is a military organization called the Rangers, which is a unit under the Black Tower and is specifically used to defend the Black Forest. Lu Tiao is located in the sentinel unit of the Black Castle, the largest fortress in the Black Forest.

The members of the rangers are very mixed, ranging from children of mage families who were born in the Gray Tower but do not know magic, to poor people who cannot afford to eat. As long as you join the rangers, you can get the most basic food and clothing, but the same

, we must also receive training and stand on the front line of the Black Forest.

As for those mages, they were the accompanying mages sent by Gray Tower to garrison the fortress. According to Lu Jian's observation, their army of about fifty people would be equipped with three mages. It was not clear whether this was too many or too few.

Even the rangers themselves seem to make distinctions.

The scouts are equipped with horses, most of which are trained disciples who have mastered some unique fighting skills.

Most of the infantrymen came from poor families and were equipped with spears, axes, war hammers, etc. They also wore leather armor, which could only prevent scratches.

Crossbowmen were born out of infantry. They were promoted if they performed well, or they had learned crossbows before, and were equipped with short swords. Some crossbowmen also had tracer arrows that could illuminate an area. They were used when the ancient trees were towering and blocked the sun.

In the Black Forest, their role is crucial.

The commander wears mail, rides a horse, and carries a sword. He looks to be in his thirties or forties, with sharp eyes.

The three mages are not very old, maybe one or two years older than Lu Tian. What is curious is that the armors on these mages are the heaviest, just like those iron can-like knights in the Middle Ages.

"Ahead is Black Pine Town. The people in this town are very nice. We can take a rest there."

Birmingham was very cheerful and kept introducing everything he had and didn't have.

It seems that in his understanding, Lu Tian is a new recruit, and Birmingham is Lu Tian's eldest brother.

"Don't worry, I'm here and no one can bully you. Just call me big brother and I'll protect you."

Birmingham patted Lu Jian's shoulder.


Lu Tiao shouted, and the boy who was younger than Lu Tiao looked proud.

"Follow me from now on, you will have soup to drink and meat to eat."

Birmingham puffed out his chest.

"You are still someone else's big brother. It's just your head. Be careful not to be picked up by the winter wolf."

Someone on the side joked.

"Go aside and don't tarnish my image in front of my little brother."

Birmingham rolled his eyes.

It seems that his only younger brother is Lu Jian.

But it doesn’t matter anymore.

Lu Tan felt the cold winter in the black forest. This coldness was not a magical attack from the south, nor a physical attack from the north. It was a kind of cold that froze his mind and body, and even his thoughts became stagnant. It was difficult to

I don't think there is any supernatural power involved.

The dark forest all looks the same, and even the roads are covered with snow. If the commander hadn't known the way, the entire team would have been lost in this unchanging scenery.

Just when Lu Tan was wondering how long he would have to walk like this, the dark forest suddenly lit up in front of him.

A large open space appeared in front of him, and Lu Jian saw that it was a small town.


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