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269. I will go back to save the world

Lu Tiao finally understood why the demonic tide was called the demonic tide.

Because it was really like the waves of the ocean, in which human beings were just a drop in the ocean. He even felt that it was a miracle that the people of the Kingdom of Darkness could survive such an invasion for thousands of years.

If it were on Earth, it is estimated that within three months, the entire land would be devastated. Even if humans frantically used all the nuclear warheads in their reserves to wash the ground, and would not hesitate to die together with the monsters, I am afraid it would only be able to slow down the advancement of the demonic tide by a hair.

This is real pollution.

He didn't hesitate.

First of all, his mission is to survive until the end of the demonic tide. Putting aside the heart of the winter wolf, if he wants to complete this mission, he can only pray that the fortress can sustain it for three days.

But now it seems that, let alone three days, it is probably a miracle that Black Castle can sustain it for one day.

Then Lu Jian can only try the second path.

Just like the Poetry Festival on Wajima, there are two ways to survive until the end of the Poetry Festival. Either go through various things and wait for the festival to end, or just blow up the entire island and force the festival to "end".

Lu Tuan is now ready to directly "end" the demonic tide.

As we all know, the source of the demonic tide is its master, such as the winter wolf as tall as a mountain.

If that winter wolf can be eliminated, then the demonic tide of frost will naturally cease.

Plague and eternal night are the same.

Very simple.

All you need to do is find the source of the demonic tide and solve them.

With no other options left, Lu Tiao felt much more relaxed.

This feeling is like facing a lot of homework papers that cannot be completed, and after struggling for a while, you find that you can't turn them in on time anyway, so you decide to lie down and wait for death. It is relaxed and happy.

Thinking of this, Lu Tan set off immediately.

He arrived on the first floor, near the door.

The winter wolf outside was scratching at the wall of the fortress, making a tooth-piercing sharp sound.

The entire fortress has been covered by winter wolves, and the invisible magic barrier has long been frozen and shattered by the ice. The mages on the observation deck are still struggling to hold on, and the rangers who control slings and stone crossbows have been killed and injured.

Even more serious are the eternal night and the plague.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yeah...

A crossbowman standing near the window suddenly let out a scream. He raised his hand and thrust his fingers into his eyes. The veins on the back of his hand popped out and he dug out the eyeballs without hesitation.

, after discarding the mass of flesh and blood, he inserted his bloody fingers into his eye sockets. With the force of his fingers, his brain tissue and part of his skull were completely destroyed, and his whole person collapsed.

On the other side, a ranger standing by the window had a squirming shadow under his feet. Before he could call for help, his whole body was turned from the inside out, his bones and flesh burst open, and blood spattered to the ceiling of the hall.

These two demonic waves relied on the frost to invade Black Castle and spread rapidly.

A mage arrived quickly. Facing the soldier who was infected by the plague and rushed toward other rangers, he did not hesitate. He raised his hand and twisted the opponent's neck, eradicating the source of infection.

Light burst out from the palm of another mage's hand, binding the ranger entangled by Yongye's family members into the sunlight. With a muffled sound of twisting bones and flesh, the ranger was twisted into a twist and collapsed to the ground.


The gate of the fortress was hit with great force and did not move at all.


Another frightening crashing sound came, and then, you could see that white frost appeared on the edge of the door.

The hoarfrost continued to spread and freeze, covering the entire door.

The mage's hand ignited flames, fighting with the white frost.

Anyone can see that if this gate is completely sealed by ice, then it will be as fragile as glass and simply destroyed by the winter wolf. At that time, the entire Black Castle Fortress will be under the demonic tide.

of dead souls.

The chaotic battle continues.

Lu Tiao saw Birmingham. This young man was holding a crossbow and shooting out of the window. He might have killed a dozen smaller winter wolves, but they seemed extremely small in front of the number of demonic waves.

"Don't run around and stay with me. As long as you don't get close to the window and keep a certain distance, you won't be infected by those things."

Birmingham also saw Lu Tiao. He threw a crossbow to Lu Tiao, then warned him, and then shot the crossbow arrow skillfully, and a winter wolf fell out.

"Believe me, we can stop it."

The boy, who was probably only sixteen or seventeen years old, spoke as if he was talking to himself. He repeatedly carried out the actions of loading arrows, aiming, and shooting, as if this could make him forget his despair.

As long as you give up thinking, people will not feel fear.


At the next window, a ranger was infected by the plague. He raised the crossbow that was facing out the window, aimed it at his chin, and then tremblingly pulled the trigger.

The crossbow arrow penetrated his head accurately, from the chin to the top of the head, causing the sparse contents to fly out and stain the wall.

"You fill the spot there."

Birmingham's face was expressionless, or his expression had long been frozen by the cold winter. He pointed there and motioned for Lu Tiao to come over.

Lu Jian didn't move.

"What are you doing? Go quickly."

Birmingham said again, this time, obvious anger could be heard in his tone.

"Your shadow."

Lu Tan pointed under Birmingham.

Birmingham was stunned.

He looked at his feet.

I don't know when, his shadow started to tremble, like an iron worm that encountered water, ferocious and twisted.

"Don't move."

As Lu Tan spoke, [Last Words] had already materialized in his hand.

Without hesitation or breathing, he chose the words murmured by the great being and hit the shadow of Birmingham.

In an instant, the shadow expanded to its limit, then shrank and twisted, accompanied by an undetectable scream, and finally stopped moving.

"You stand back."

Lu Tiao grabbed Birmingham's shoulders, and only then did he realize that the boy's clothes were soaked, and Birmingham's shoulders were shaking more than ever.

Thinking had stopped, and with the pull of the landing, Birmingham shivered instinctively. Then, the muscles in his body that had been tense for too long suddenly collapsed, and he sat paralyzed on the ground, with tears in his eyes.

All the faith that had previously supported him was gone, and Birmingham collapsed completely.

"Live well."

Lu Tan patted his shoulder, then stood up and came to the window.

"It seems that even intangible objects can be affected by gibbering."

He looked at the chaotic monsters outside the window, the green pestilential wind, and the shadows constantly looking for opportunities.

"In this case, Frost should also be affected."

Lu Tiao made up his mind and climbed up to the window.

"You, what are you going to do..."

Birmingham suppressed the trembling all over his body and finally squeezed out his voice.

"Don't worry, I'll go save the world and come back."

Lu Tiao smiled, then turned over and jumped out of the window.


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