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270. Retrograde (month)

"We can't last much longer."

In the domed hall, the mage in charge looked at the scenery outside with a solemn expression.

It is unprecedented for three demonic tides to appear at the same time. No fortress can withstand these three days of demonic tides.

What's more, no one knows whether this demonic tide will really only last for three days. If it doubles and there is a nine-day blood moon, the Kingdom of Night will probably be completely destroyed.

No spiritual torch can sustain burning for so many days. Even if the large spiritual torch inside the Gray Tower is activated and the Archmage, who is only one out of thousands of mages, is burned as firewood, it will only delay the demise of mankind.


Under such circumstances, even escaping from the battlefield is no longer possible.

The entire fortress is surrounded by winter wolves and other monsters. Even the mages, if they go out now, they will be torn into pieces, eaten and wiped clean. They can only stay here, either until the spiritual torch burns them to death, or they stop burning.

The spirit torch and those monsters can be wiped out head-on, or they can directly use the Eternal Blazing Sun to burn all the monsters around them, and then be eaten up and wiped clean by the remaining monsters.

Horizontal means death, vertical means death, and tilt means death. The blood moon symbolizing death hangs high above the head.

This kind of situation without any hope makes people despair.

Almost no one backed down, was timid or crazy, everyone was doing their own thing, picking up weapons, resisting monsters, and then died.

In this environment, only such mechanical numb movements can make people feel at ease.

But the mage in charge suddenly saw something was wrong.

"Has anyone left the fortress?"

He looked into the raging pile of monsters.

He saw someone who seemed to be walking among the monsters.

Moreover, it was not the direction of escape, but towards the depths of the black forest, towards the direction of the huge winter wolf.

Beside that person, the monster seemed to be disturbed by some kind of disturbance. It either fell to the ground and kept twitching, or went crazy and began to fight with the same kind around it.

Even those wriggling shadows could not get close to that person. The mage observed carefully and found that the frost ice crystals also bypassed him, as if they were avoiding something.

Centered on that person, a small gap actually appeared in the demonic tide.

"Who is he and what is he going to do?"

The mage in charge asked.

No one answered.

Jonah also came to the window and looked at the guy walking backwards.

"...Is it him?"

"Do you know him? Which army's mage is that?"

The mage in charge looked at Jonah.

"No, he's not a mage...he's just a ranger's crossbowman."

Jonah replied that he couldn't even remember the name of this man who was about the same age as himself.

"How did he avoid those monsters? Do you know what he was going to do?"

Under this situation, it is difficult not to suspect that the person heading towards the Winter Wolf may be related to the demonic tide. After all, in the Kingdom of Darkness' perception, the demonic tide is absolutely opposed to human beings, and their existence is to destroy

Human beings, it is absolutely impossible for human beings to walk like that in the demonic tide.

Even the great mages of the Gray Tower can only stand in the demonic tide and resist those monsters for a period of time.

The person who went upstream like Lu Jian and faced him head-on did not exist in the Kingdom of Darkness' cognition at all.

But Lu Tan is indeed moving forward.

In the wind and snow, endless gibbering came from Lu Tan's mouth.

Any rational creature who hears these gibberish will immediately go crazy, be seriously contaminated, be quickly corroded, and transform into a monster.

Tiny sounds like fingernails scratching a blackboard intertwined with low sounds like bubbles bursting, spreading in the wind, causing the monsters around Lu Tiao to become distorted.

Obviously, these monsters are not serving that great being. For the monsters, these ravings are the strongest mental pollution.

Lu Tiao saw a winter wolf lying on the ground. Something seemed to be writhing inside its body, trying to break out. As Lu Tiao passed by, its abdomen burst open with a shudder. From inside, green vegetation grew.

, not afraid of severe cold.

The squirming black shadows that originally surrounded Lu Tiao seemed to be afraid of the impact of these gibberings. Most of them fled away, while a few kept twitching and twisting, and finally became motionless and turned into real shadows.

A gust of green wind blows, and in Lu Jian's [real vision], there are countless foreign words hidden in the wind. This is the wind of plague. If you inhale it, you will be infected by the plague, be controlled, and eventually kill yourself.

But the wind immediately disintegrated and dissipated after it came into contact with the murmur in the wind. The words turned into black powder and disappeared.

As he walked, Lu Tiao found that he felt a little hot.

He saw that with himself as the center, the white frost retreated, forming a continuous road.

"Sure enough, even this ice and snow was caused by monsters."

Lu Tiao thought to himself.

These monsters pollute the air, causing the air to become abnormal, which is why there is that biting wind and snow. In a sense, the pollution of monsters changes reality through this method.

However, Lu Jian knew that what they were afraid of now was just fear of the ravings of the great being, fearing that the sound would completely corrupt them.

If there was someone who was not afraid of death, or who was ordered by a higher-ranking person to come directly and want to die with Lu Tiao, then he wouldn't have any good solution.

Now Lu Jian is like holding a Gatling in his hand and pointing at these monsters, threatening to shoot them if they don't get out of the way. The serious monsters will naturally get out of the way.

But if the opponent doesn't show martial ethics and just packs hundreds of monsters and throws them at them, Lu Tiao's small water pipe won't be able to flush out so many things.

The reason why the other party did not do this is that first of all, the cognition of monsters is chaotic. Simply put, they do not have such a high IQ and may not be able to think of this. Secondly, because of the existence of this nonsense, those monsters cannot be sure of hundreds of people.

If a monster is thrown in a package, it can really kill Lu Tiao.

In the foreign land of silence, knowledge represents pollution.

This man knows so many things, his pollution must be very serious!

Humans think these monsters are ferocious, twisted and terrifying, but in the eyes of the monsters, Lu Jian, who chants those indescribable whispers of evil gods, is the dirtiest one!

Thinking of this, Lu Tan decided to speed up.

He jumped up, and at the same time [Last Words] replicated the impact of a dump truck for himself. He quickly moved forward, getting a lot closer to the giant wolf that was as tall as a mountain.

He is using two of the three ways to use [Last Word] at the same time. If there is no conflict, he can also launch [Word Bullet].

Lu Jian's target is naturally the master of frost, the huge winter wolf.


The first monthly ticket in October will be updated by 1/3

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