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277. Recruitment notice

"It's hard to do."

Lu Tan had a headache when he thought of five billion in revenue.

It was obviously a profit of 100 million before, but why did it suddenly become 5 billion?

This multiple difference is the same as the upgrade conditions of [Silent Department Store].

If the box office is 5 billion, Lu Jian can still struggle a little and rely on popular movies like "War in the Pocket" to give it a try.

But the revenue of 5 billion means that it is extremely difficult for Lu Tian to get this money from the movie box office.

Lu Jian still has a clear understanding of himself.

His current status and achievements are due not only to personal struggles, but also to the historical process.

The domestic production of horror films and thrillers is relatively backward, and there is a large market gap. In addition, the film material of A Quiet Place itself can make people feel immersed in it. This is the reason why Lu Tan can succeed.

If he really thought he was a great director, and Lu Kan was not insane, how could he think so.

Therefore, if according to the current situation, Lu Jian spends several months to create the corresponding film, it will not be a big problem to get billions in box office, but it will be too difficult to create history.

Those films that can reach this level, let’s not talk about the artistic level, but at least they are at the cutting edge of the film industry. It is really difficult for Lu Jian to fight against them on his own.

Unless you add money.

Lu Tan thought.

His equipment needs to be replaced, and he needs to hire some professional teams, and then keep up with all kinds of propaganda to deceive as many people as he can.

The system talks about a profit of 5 billion, but there is no investment limit.

At the extreme end, Lu Jian could spend hundreds of millions to achieve 5 billion in revenue, which would still be considered a mission accomplished.

"It's just that... the professional team also needs to be tested."

Lu Tiao didn't question the professionalism of people in famous film and television studios, but the pictures in these videos had extraordinary characteristics. Lu Tiao felt that if ordinary people were surrounded by these pictures for a long time, they might lose their minds sooner or later.


Of course, thinking about it conversely, if ordinary people do not suffer from mental problems after being influenced by such extraordinary images, then it can also confirm Lu Jian's conjecture from the side, that is, moderate mental pollution can help resist mental pollution.

It sounds a bit weird to say this, similar to how you can better treat the disease if you have a disease, or how to better abide by the law without breaking the law, but it is true.

Strengthening its ability to fight pollution at the expense of small-scale pollution is the same as a vaccine for Lu Tiao!

Thinking of this, Lu Tian decided to publish a recruitment notice to recruit some production staff.

He immediately contacted Li Zijian.

"Brother Li, I have something to trouble you with."

"Are you going to inspect the mental hospital again?"

Li Zijian's first reaction was this. The last time Lu Tan went to the mental hospital, a lot of things happened, and some reporters were locked up in the mental hospital and couldn't get out. Li Zijian just hoped that Lu Tan would go to less mental hospitals, so as not to have to deal with it himself.


"No, no, I want to recruit some people."

"You want to recruit people to a mental hospital?"

Li Zijian blurted out subconsciously.


Lu Tan was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the other party's imagination would advance so much only in a mental hospital.

"No, I want to recruit some people in film and television, mainly in post-production and video production."

He explained hurriedly.

"Are you hiring?"

Li Zijian was even more surprised.

In the beginning, Lu Jian seemed to be a one-man army. He didn't find any helpers in these movies. Li Zijian thought it was strange at first, but over time, he just thought that Lu Jian was a superman, who could take care of everything, or have his own little baby.

Elves can do things for themselves after going to bed at night.

Now that I heard that Lu Tiao was recruiting people, I felt like I was in another world.

"The specific requirements are probably...the salary will be favorable, based on the highest in the industry. If you are particularly skilled, you can double it. By the way, I need to interview in person. Brother Li, if you have a suitable candidate, just contact me directly."


Lu Jian sent his request, then extracted some of the previous video clips and edited a short sample for the interview.

To put it simply, even if you have good skills, you still have to withstand the content of the video. If you can't bear it, then Lu Jian can't harm anyone. You would rather be a bit less skilled, but you still need to have enough willpower.

This mission has a one-year deadline, and Lu Jian can fully polish it.

When the box office of "In the Mouth of a Madman" exceeded 3 billion, Lu Jian finally got his first interview resume.

This is a man who is working abroad in the later stages. He has participated in the production of many major Hollywood movies and has a very impressive resume.

Lu Tian conducted an interview with him in the newly rented company office.

"Hello, Director Lu, my name is ke, nicetoetyou."

The other party shook hands with Lu Tan, and then looked around.

It still looks like it has just been renovated, with nothing there, not even the plastic sealing on the desk has been torn off.

"It's Zheng Shuo, right?"

Lu Tan took a look at his resume.

"You can call Mike."

The friend who insisted on using his English name twitched his lips.

"Oh, okay, Mike, I've read your resume and I think it's very good. Why do you want to return to China for development?"

Lu Tan did not act impolitely like "Okay Zheng Shuo, I know Zheng Shuo". He knew that after living abroad for a long time, some people are accustomed to using English names, but calling them by Chinese names is strange and uncomfortable.

"Because I think your video, Director Lu, is very attractive to me. As a Creator, I think there should be some soul resonance between us..."

He spoke a lot, in Chinese mixed with English, which made Lu Tian feel very uncomfortable.

Although this person may have very good skills, it is not good to talk like this.

Lu Tan thought.

After the other party finished explaining his thoughts, Lu Tan turned the computer screen to him.

"That's right, because a large part of the movies I mainly produce here are thrillers and horror plots, so in order to prevent the staff from having some adverse reactions after seeing these scenes, I need to test your acceptance of these scenes.

Ability, no problem?"

Lu Tiao asked earnestly.

"No problem Director Lu, I often came into contact with these when I was here. This type of Horrorfil is a piece of cake for me."

The other party patted his chest, looking like he was not afraid of danger.

"I can also speak idioms."

Lu Tan muttered and clicked the play button.

Ten minutes later, Lu Jian pressed pause.

"Are you okay?"

He patted the other person's shoulder.

This shot made the opponent jump up and look at Lu Tiao in horror, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Don't come over, don't come over..."

Mandarin that seemed to be mixed with the dialect of his hometown came out of his mouth.

Before Lu Tiao could catch him, the man fled down the stairs without even looking back.

"It's so hard to recruit people..."

Lu Tan felt a headache.

This chapter has been completed!
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