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030. Daily UP master in living area

"...A sneeze!"

Lu Tan sneezed, rubbed his nose, looked at the temperature of the air conditioner, and turned it up one degree.

He watched Qin Tiantian's live broadcast completely.

The effect is very good.

After Qin Tiantian's broadcast, Lu Tan gained more than 5,000 followers in the past two hours.

It's not that Qin Tiantian has strong appeal, but because after she forwarded it to the anchor group, several anchors watched it. For a while, in the live broadcast area of ​​the old video network, several virtual anchors watched the same video.


For anchors, it is very important to please the audience. Anyone can simply sing and play games, and it can be shown through videos. Therefore, during live broadcasts, more ability to live and adapt to changes is required.

Some anchors are not good at singing and playing games, but they just know how to do things. They are not good at doing anything. They are number one in all kinds of things, but they have attracted many fans.

You must know that the anchor's captain income and the reward income during live broadcast are the largest share. Therefore, in order to pursue the effect of the program, the anchors also like to find some interesting videos to watch live.

For example, horror videos are very good material. Viewers feel nervous and exciting when watching the videos, and they like to see other people's reactions to watching the videos. They probably also have a schadenfreude mentality in them.

Especially the horror videos I have watched, because I know where the high energy is, and I look forward to the reactions of the anchors.

Therefore, Lu Jian’s video quickly spread among anchors.

Originally, it was just a horror video, so everyone gathered together to watch it, but when some people saw the video, they were like, "Hey guys, isn't this the author of the heartbeat counting video last time?"

I always get picked off by the anchors.

The video last time not only made a small hit in the host circle, but also added some more material to the Ghost O area of ​​the old video network, which has the potential to make Lu Jian himself into this year's Ghost O All-Star.

In the two days when it first became popular, I watched Lu Tran’s original video, watched Lu Tran’s Ghost O video after watching it, and then watched Lu Tran’s Ghost O video’s Ghost O video. It really made everyone remember it.

The face of this handsome guy who likes to commit suicide.

But this is of little help to Lu Tan’s success in increasing his followers. It’s like a lot of emoticons, everyone is using them, but very few actually know what the stories behind these emoticons are and who they belong to.

Most people just reread it and play bad jokes.

Lu Tan doesn't mind these re-reads and bad jokes, as long as he can increase his fans, that's enough.

He watched as the number of views on the video started to increase every time it was refreshed, and the comments, comments, and likes were also increasing steadily. He had a sense of satisfaction like playing an idle game and watching the numbers keep growing.

Lu Tan casually glanced at the comments.

[Brothers, from Chuanbao, put the public screen on for protection!]

[I remember this UP, which specializes in doing things in the underworld that people in the underworld cannot do]

[After watching the video, the final special effects are very good and lifelike. UP is a professional in this, right? 】

[What is the BGM at the end? Does anyone know? 】

[Where are you going to explore next time UP, I think the haunted hotel in Beicheng is very suitable]

[Am I the only one here to watch UP’s mukbang? What brand is that self-heating rice? 】

[I can’t be the only one watching such a beautiful video, I must support it to repay the society]

Of course, these are relatively friendly comments.

There were also some who were malicious, or who directly criticized Lu Jian, but he didn't care.

As mentioned before, this kind of swearing after being scared actually proves that Lu Jian's video is very effective.

This is not the first time Lu Jian has edited this type of video. When editing the video, he noticed four points.

The first point is to mobilize the audience's emotions.

You can't keep the audience's emotions in a tense state all the time. If the audience remains tense all the time, then they will be mentally prepared for the shocking and terrifying scenes, which will weaken the impact. That's why Lu Jian edited the scene of himself eating.

Used to slow down the rhythm.

In horror movies, there are often shots of the protagonist escaping and going about his daily life. This shot is used to give the audience a certain sense of security, and then suddenly destroyed, the effect is even better.

The second point is that the incident cannot really be solved.

Lu Tiao's actual experience was much more dangerous than what was shown in the video, and he almost completely solved the incident. However, what was shown to the audience was that he was powerless and only knocked down a few mannequins before escaping in a hurry.

The first aspect is to let the unfinished events whet the audience's appetite and make them look forward to Lu Jian's next exploration.

On the other hand, the way the incident is completely resolved is not "horror" at all. The so-called horror is to keep the truth behind the curtain and to make the audience confused about what happened, so as to guide their imagination.

The third point is that it is said to be a horror video, but it cannot be really scary. Lu Jian’s goal is not to scare people to death, but to get more views, more attention, and more fans.

If the video is very scary, the spread rate will definitely be greatly reduced, because many people will not click on it once they hear the name, let alone follow it.

This is why many long-lasting scary videos often have a common name and a routine beginning, just to trick people into scaring them!

The last point is also the most critical point.

The most important thing when making videos is to have fun. Lu Tan likes to insert food into his adventures and play horror movies while eating! He plans to bring some ingredients next time and make it on site!

The background music used by Lu Jianzui when Du Danping played was made by merging Du Danping's performance that he recorded with "Last Words" and the "Midnight Sound of the Piano". It has a somewhat attention-grabbing effect, but

It doesn't completely take away people's minds, and the effect is very good. Children who can't sleep like it very much.

Looking at the data, which far exceeded the increase in the previous few days, Lu Tan came up with another idea and edited several key scenes, such as Du Danping's undead playing the piano, and the shot of turning his head to meet the model doll with weird eyes, into ten seconds.

Short videos that are not available are uploaded to the personal account of Tomorrow Online.

Since fans are all platforms, then aren’t fans of Tomorrow Online also fans?

Some fans follow me on Tomorrow Online and follow me on Jiori Video Network. Couldn’t one person be used as two people?

If you follow me on Weibo again, it will be a triple taboo!

As for Aishiyi Video Network and Scarecrow Video Network, Lu Tian spent a long time unable to understand the user agreements and video copyrights of these two websites, so he could only put it aside for the time being.

And thinking that if the complete video is exclusively released, the website may also promote it, he is too lazy to do it.

"According to this progress, how can we reach 100,000 fans in a month?"

Lu Tuan even had the idea of ​​actually finding a place to play some supernatural games or explore the popularity.

Thinking of this, Lu Tan couldn't help but feel grateful to Qin Tiantian.

Although the two of them have only met once, and although Qin Tiantian asked him if he was alive when they first met, Qin Tiantian is still reliable at the critical moment. If anything scary happens in the future, he will definitely be the first to share it with her!

"The drainage effect is so good, I don't know whether to be happy or sad."

Lu Tiao turned over and looked at the comments.

What surprised him the most was that all the viewers agreed that Du Danping's appearance at the end was a special effect, and therefore believed that Lu Jian was actually a special effects UP master in a technology zone.

I should obviously be the daily up-and-comer in my living area.

He looked at the questions in the comment area asking how the special effects were done, thought about it, picked up his account and replied.

"It's not a special effect. Please don't imitate it. It's very dangerous."

Within two minutes of this reply being sent out, Lu Tan saw several people replying to him.

[This UP is quite humorous and focuses on character design.]

[I understand, this is not a special effect, it is a manufactured prop!]

[The special effects technology of UP is very good, it looks more real than any 3A masterpiece]

[Is this a real person promotion for some game?]

[UP, you said this is not a special effect, are you trying to tell us that there are really ghosts in this world?]


Lu Tan thought for a while, but still did not continue to explain.

Special effects are just special effects.

Anyway, the Jiangcheng Grand Theater is such a remote place that ordinary people can't go there, let alone like Lu Jian who stayed up late at night and ran there to look up at the stars. There is no danger.

He also saw that someone had left a message asking about the performer.

[I would like to ask what the settings of this player are. Will people die when he plays the piano? 】

This Lu trip is of interest.

"This player had extraordinary abilities during his lifetime. He played to fight against the great being from Aldebaran. To be precise, he played to protect others. At the same time, there are many things in the starry sky that we don't understand.

The great beings are watching the earth, and their mere glance is enough to cause disaster. In this world, the more you know, the easier it is to fall into madness!"

He slapped a bunch of them.

It also attracted a bunch of replies.

[It makes me laugh so hard that I still leave this setting!]

[It’s normal to talk about ghosts, but why are aliens coming out? Is it possible that the ghosts are caused by aliens? 】

[UP, this character who focuses on seeking death and is suspicious of ghosts is quite real, I love it]

[From supernatural to science fiction, what’s so scary about aliens? You can kill them by driving F16]

[This person in UP is quite interesting, follow him!]

[I believe, I also believe in Area 51, Roswell, Crystal Skull, and the Tunguska Explosion! UP What is your home address so we can communicate? 】

"...the crystal skull is a forgery."

Lu Tan simply replied and then stopped paying attention to the comment area.

Sure enough, just like psychiatrists, most people will not accept this fact.

It doesn't matter if Lu stumbles.

Normal people are unlikely to be exposed to those weird things, and normal people who are exposed to those weird things are unlikely to survive. Those who can survive, except for Lu Jian, are probably not normal.


At this time, his mobile phone on the table vibrated, and Lu Jian saw that it was a WeChat message from Qin Tiantian.

[Wangchuan]: Which building does your family live in?


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