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300. New business opportunities

Lu Jian followed the fishman and the bandaged man into the engine room.

This is the center for controlling the power of the cruise ship, as well as various electronic communication equipment. If you want to start the cruise ship, you must control it here.

It is much darker here, and beyond the light of the last window, there is darkness.

Don't be in absolute darkness, this is the advice Lu Tan got from Feng Yu.

"What monster is in the dark?"

Lu Tan asked.

"A unique kind of monster, you can call it Shadow Demon, or Shadow Eater. They will only move in complete darkness. This is not because they are afraid of sunlight. In fact, these monsters will not be affected by sunlight even if they are exposed to it.

They will die, they just have a special way of existing."

Feng Yu explained with lingering fear.

"Once they are recognized by creatures with certain intelligence, they will appear in a shadow state and cannot move, be damaged, or be killed. In layman's terms, when you see it, it is just a ball.

A shadow, but when it disappears from your sight, it is the most sensitive creature in the world."

"But if it touches me, is it recognized?"

Lu Tan asked.

"Yes, when the shadow demon touches other creatures, it will also turn into a shadow that cannot be destroyed. Therefore, their hunting method is to go out in groups and quickly surround the opponent when the prey is not paying attention, allowing it to fight with them.

The outside world is completely isolated, and then when the prey is completely dead, they will return to their original state and start eating."

Feng Yu explained.

"I boarded this ship and didn't notice the existence of shadow demons in advance. I was almost completely surrounded by them. I had to abandon part of my body to escape."

"Part of the body..."

Lu Tan thought of the huge mouth on Feng Yu's chest. Speaking of which, what on earth was that thing?

"Because I lost part of my body, I went to eat something else to replenish my body. Those are the things you see."

Feng Yu once again read Lu Tan's inner doubts.

"Are those things delicious?"

Lu Tiao was really curious.

"...The taste is just so-so, the kind you would never want to eat when you are free."

Feng Yu also didn't expect that Lu Tan would be particularly interested in this kind of problem.

"You can take me to try it next time. I have never eaten anything similar. The mouse I ate last time tasted very good. I think exotic things have elements that are not found in our world, and the taste must be unique."

Lu Tuan was already thinking about how to eat those monsters.

"I'm wondering if these exotic things are considered a kind of pollution if they are brought to our world. If humans eat them, similar elements will exist in their bodies, which is equivalent to being contaminated.

If we could find some safe, reliable and side-effect-free ingredients and promote them in the world, wouldn't it soon increase the level of pollution around the world?"

He suddenly smelled a new business opportunity.

"Moreover, these things can be sold in real life after appearing in movies, and they will be regarded as advertisements. It will be very convenient to promote, and the money earned can be used to expand production. Even if it requires exotic soil or ecology, I can

Use props and the like and let Shia and Drizzt take care of them."


Feng Yu was a little speechless.

"You'd better solve the problem at hand first."

"I shouldn't have to walk in, right?"

Lu Jian asked.

At best, his goal is to prevent these people from lifting the seal. Since Shadow Demon is now guarding the engine room, if these people go in, they will definitely not be able to come out alive, so Lu Tuan only needs to guard at the door.

Feng Yu fell into the trap because he didn't know the situation at the beginning. Since Lu Tan knew everything about it, he could completely avoid it.

"No, no, as long as this ship is here, there will always be similar Chosen Ones. If we can prevent them this time, they may not be there next time. This situation must be completely resolved."

Feng Yu said.

"Always showing up?"

After Lu Tan asked the question, he quickly responded.

The Quiet Place can transport people to a foreign land at any point in time, so this storm is the same.

The emergence of this city caused a typhoon. During the duration of the typhoon, countless chosen ones may come here to try to unlock the seal.

After all, even if there is no land connection, this mission cannot be said to be easy. It has [Alienation] difficulty. Someone chosen by God will definitely die here or the entire team will be wiped out.

Therefore, the opponent's gods will constantly throw in the Chosen Ones and let them try to pass the level.

While Lu Tian was thinking, he vaguely grasped some key information.

"Wait a minute, why was it thrown on this ship instead of on the island? The importance of this ship seems to be very high... is it because of the scene?"

Lu Tan watched the two of them walk into the engine room and submerged themselves into darkness. He stood at the door and thought in the sunshine in the corridor.

"Even if it is silence, it cannot place people at any time or place at will. It must also follow certain rules?"

Feng Yu did not respond. He seemed to be thinking and hesitating.

"No matter which mission, the start time is very abrupt, and there is still a certain time and distance from the core of the mission. Does this mean that the current situation must form a pattern before the Quiet Place can send us here?


Lu Tiao's thinking became clearer and clearer.

It's like, a game.

In RPG games, players are not usually allowed to directly face the BOSS as soon as they enter the game. Players are usually given time to upgrade and fight monsters, but the tasks in the Quiet Land are also different, because most of the Chosen Ones are very pressed for time.

, there will be no extra time for upgrading, and it will be similar when you enter the mission and when you complete the mission.

The quest in the Quiet Place is more like a scene, a scene without beginning or end. The elements of the scene are fixed, and the only difference lies in the chosen one who enters.

These gods put the chosen ones into the scene, gave them tasks, and asked them to complete the goals. If they failed, they sent people there again until they succeeded.

Moreover, Lu Jian suspected that these scenes may not even be the real history of Yayu, but may just be a projection or a simulation.

After extracting this scene separately, put the Chosen One into it until it succeeds, and then overwrite the successful one to turn it into real history.

Lu Tan quickly thought of an answer to the reason why it was so troublesome.

That is, these scenes do not appear out of thin air or are directly fabricated without any reason, but are reproduced according to certain rules.

For example, in this temple, this ship may be a necessary event. This ship must be there, and the chosen ones must set off from the island in order for the mission to proceed.

Thinking about it this way, the accident of the Stars may also be the work of the Chosen Ones. The inconsistent actions of those key figures in the public opinion may be because when the incident occurred, their existence was replaced by other Chosen Ones.


As for the reason why these scenes cannot be created even by gods and must be reproduced according to their original appearance, Lu Jian thought about the exploration level of the mission.

The quests in the Quiet Land all have exploration settings, which encourages the chosen ones to explore things beyond the quest goals. Then, if these scenes are set by these gods, they have no reason not to know what is going on in the scenes they set.

What's there.

After contacting this point, Lu Jian could only draw one conclusion.

That is, these scenes were first constructed or picked up by beings other than gods.

Whether it's the Quiet Place or other chosen ones, they all want to explore these scenes and obtain certain secrets.

As we all know, in foreign lands, knowledge represents pollution.

The intelligence and information obtained in these missions are all serious pollution to the chosen ones!

But those great beings who placed the Chosen Ones in the scene can obtain corresponding knowledge through the Chosen Ones.

This is probably the real purpose of the Quiet Place!

This chapter has been completed!
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