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301.F2, then A

When Lu Tan realized this, he felt that the world around him suddenly became unreal.

The ship, the sea, and the temple were like artifacts made of accumulated data. He himself was like a player in a game, dying over and over again, clearing levels, and conquering the game in a world of constant repetition and infinite reincarnation.

Compared with Feng Yu's replacement body and the Kingdom of Night's transformation of knowledge into temporary items that come from prayers, these great existences hidden behind the curtain are obviously much smarter.

They didn't know where they got the information about each scene, constructed the system of the Quiet Land, threw the chosen ones into the scene one by one, watched them struggle, watched them suffer, watched them die,

Watch them harvest, and finally pocket the knowledge they paid for with their lives.

At the same time, they are also using the Chosen Ones to play games, releasing certain things, sealing certain things, destroying certain things, and creating certain things for their own benefit.

"It seems that you have almost understood it."

Feng Yu's voice rang in Lu Tan's ears.

"This is the picture of the Silent Land. This is also the picture of these foreign lands, the foreign lands you know and the foreign lands you don't know. The gods outside the universe whose true identities are unknown to everyone control the gods in this way.

Or, let them understand the contaminated knowledge."

Just like Feng Yu, when the pollution of one body reaches the limit, he will replace another body.

The gods from outside the realm will also regard the chosen ones as consumables. Once their sanity disappears, they will be discarded as garbage.

Even if the tasks given by Ji Jingjing are quite normal and there is no intention to harm the world where Lu Jing lives, it cannot change these facts.

When you are playing a game, do you feel sorry for the death of a soldier?

Instead of going through all the troubles and operations to keep this minion alive, it's better to create another one. All you need to do is F2 to select them all, and then A goes over and you're done.

It cannot be said that you have any malicious or kind feelings towards this soldier. You are just operating it mechanically for your own purposes.

For those gods from outside the territory, humans, the Chosen Ones, and other races in foreign territories are all the same.

"But if you think about it this way, you can actually deduce another conclusion."

Lu Tan had an idea and suddenly thought of it.

"If these gods are omniscient and omnipotent, then they don't need to go to great lengths to do these things. Therefore, it can be considered that these gods are not omniscient and omnipotent. We can even continue to deduce that they still need us to explore the knowledge of foreign lands and need to continue to

Repeated attempts, does this mean that their own power is also restricted?"

"You mean, they are also sealed?"

Feng Yu quickly understood what Lu Tan meant.

If these gods are really extremely powerful, then they can definitely end themselves. The reason why they need the Chosen One and the framework of the Quiet Place is because they are restricted here.

Therefore, it is more likely that these gods have had their power sealed to varying degrees, or have fallen asleep, or are unable to directly interfere for some reason, and can only act under the current framework. Who can get enough knowledge first to get out of trouble?

, who can suppress other existences.

When Lu Tian thought of this, he heard a sound coming from the engine room.

First there was a slippery sound, like tentacles dragging across the ground, then the sound of water, then a slight explosion, and then Lu Tiao felt the tremor of the earth.

No, that's the shudder of the ship.

A certain rhythmic sound sounded. As time passed, the trembling gradually subsided, replaced by the revival of the entire steel behemoth.


There was a crisp sound of the switch, and the entire cabin lit up.

Lu Jian saw that the lights were also on in the engine room. Bandage and the fish-man were tinkering with the complicated instruments. Mainly the fish-man was studying them. He didn't look like he was coming into contact with these machines for the first time.

He skillfully pressed the button to start the Star's engine.

As for the shadow demons, Lu Tiao found no trace of them.

It's just that the body of the bandaged man seems to be bigger, as if he has swallowed something.

"Can they take down the shadow demon?"

Lu Tan felt more and more that he couldn't show up rashly. These guys must have some trump cards. If they faced off head-on, he might suffer a loss.

"Perhaps those shadow demons were originally placed by the people behind them..."

Feng Yu was lost in thought. Listening to her tone, Lu Tan could imagine Feng Yu holding his chin and thinking hard. Although he had never seen it, his intuition told Lu Tan that this must be interesting.

"Perhaps there is a third party. In addition to Silence and the gods behind them, there are other gods who are also paying attention to this place."

After the engine room started normally, with the rotation of the turbine, the Stars began to set sail slowly.

However, moving such a heavy ship requires a lot of power, and the Stars moves extremely slowly.

The two waited for a while before finally leaving the engine room.

Lu Tan looked at the equipment that was operating smoothly and frowned slightly.

"How does this thing stop?"

He asked Feng Yu to remove the invisibility of his hand and press the stop button. From Lu Jian's knowledge, this should be the switch to shut down the engine.

No response.


Lu Tan pressed it several more times.

Da da da——

Still no response.

"That's not right..."

Lu Jian pulled down the lever that controlled the speed again. According to the scale, the turbine should now be rotating in the opposite direction and the entire ship was moving backwards.

However, the Stars still gradually accelerated toward the front, showing no signs of slowing down or reversing.

"Could it be that these devices are not actually started according to the normal method?"

Lu Tan thought of what the fish man had done.

His world may not necessarily have this kind of mechanical ship, but he uses it like an experienced driver. This is definitely not something he learned on the spot.

Well, even though Lu Jian didn't know how to sail a boat, he looked very professional at first glance.

Lu Jian guessed that the extraordinary ability this fish man might have was to master the operating principles of these machines, or to use some method to make the machines run on their own.

Then this is controlled by extraordinary power.

It is impossible to stop the machine by normal means.

Thinking of this, Lu Jian made a decision.

He materialized [Last Words] and chose one of the bullets.

Aiming at the machine, Lu Ting pulled the trigger.


The next moment, the machine flew out at high speed, hit the wall, parts flew around, and even the lights flickered a few times.

There is no doubt that the equipment is broken.

"Oops, will this ship explode?"

Lu Tiao later realized that the location connected to the power room might cause an explosion if there was an accident.

However, the change did not happen as he expected.

Lu Jian saw that after the console that controlled the entire ship was completely destroyed and flew to the other side of the room, the ship was still moving forward slowly, as if the console still existed.

"...Is this the extraordinary power of a foreign land?"

Lu Tiao couldn't help but sigh.


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