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316. My generation is bound to

"It seems that Director Lu is very confident in our domestic film market."

The host Cao Song felt that Lu Jian should be able to express a lot of opinions when it comes to industry topics. This is also the purpose of this interview, because the audience are all students from Yannan University of Communication. For these young people who have not yet entered the society,

, it is important to have an intuitive understanding of this industry.

As a newcomer who has graduated less than two years ago, Lu Tan’s understanding of the industry should be similar but different from these college students, and he can provide valuable reference opinions.

"If the box office of "The Devil" can reach our target, then it will be the box office champion of this year. In this case, this means that we are the number one movie power."

Lu Tan opened his mouth and said.


The host Cao Song was stunned.

Can this be so crazy?

"Wait a minute, Director Lu, even if "Magic Tide" can get a box office of 13 billion and win this year's box office championship, it doesn't mean that our country's film strength will be comparable to that of Europe and the United States, right?"

The college students present also agreed with Cao Song's statement.

The fact that one or two movies became a hit and achieved high box office is just an example. Just like in the past, there were movies in China that could earn 4 to 5 billion at the box office, but many people say that these movies are just to please the Chinese people and have no international impact.

However, domestic films are still stuck in a backward era.

"Then how can we compare with Europe and the United States?"

Lu Tiao asked back.

"Although we are already the largest film market in the world, although we have formed a film genre of our own market, although our film box office has reached billions, although due to the positive domestic box office competition, our own films are no longer

It lags behind foreign countries, but it is still not comparable to Europe and the United States."

His words silenced everyone present.

Indeed, this is what everyone thinks.

When it comes to movies, it must be the Oscar, Palme d'Or, Golden Bear, etc. If it doesn't win these awards, then this movie is just for the Chinese people to enjoy themselves.

On some movie websites, foreign movies generally have high scores, while domestic movies generally have low scores. Foreigners change the original heroine to a black man because of political correctness for racial equality, while domestic reasonable adaptations of the background become random fabrication, the same plot.

, what foreign directors film is a wonderful reversal, and what domestic films produce is plagiarism and reference.

After all, many people, whether they are ordinary viewers or film and television practitioners, feel that they are inferior to others.

Even if movies from other countries feature Chinese people, there will still be people who come to clean up the film, because to them, foreign movies are good and correct.

"When our movie is a hit at the box office, some people say that it needs to win awards at international film festivals to show that the movie is well-made. High box office is just a commercial film, and it means that the audience's aesthetic level is low. But when our movie wins awards internationally,

, and some people say that this is a purely artistic film, specially made for the judges, and has no commercial value."

Lu Tiao paused and looked at the others.

"So, can we make a movie that can win awards at international film festivals and be a blockbuster, and make money right away?"

The crowd was silent.

Normal people would not dare to say this.

Only a madman would think he could do it.

Technology, talent, funds, and various conditions are all lagging behind others. The most important thing is that the relevant right to speak in the review is still in the hands of others.

Only those movies that show the backwardness, ignorance, and feudalism of their own country, and only those movies that depict pastoral poetry, simplicity and conservatism can win the favor of judges and audiences.

But Lu Jian didn't think so. Having seen countless movies in both worlds, he felt that the domestic movies in this world had developed quite well. Even without him, one day in the future, he would definitely be able to make movies that were no less than any other.

Works of National Cinema.

"I will protect everything about domestic films."

Lu Jian clenched his fists in front of the audience.

Of course, he is not an ordinary man.

If "Magic Tide" can be a hit both at home and abroad, then ordinary people's enthusiasm for watching movies will definitely increase greatly. In the future, his movies will definitely set higher box office records. Who knows what conditions will be required for future career development tasks?

If it had a box office of 5 billion US dollars, Lu Tan would have no choice but to point a gun at the heads of these audiences and make them buy tickets one by one.

In addition, if the box office revenue of "Devil Tide" is less than 5 billion, then Lu Tian may have to ask Song Yunyan to help him and subsidize it.

Song Yunyan, who doesn't even blink an eye at transactions worth billions, shouldn't have a big problem supporting herself with over a billion!

I'm not just making a movie, I'm saving the world!

Lu Jian is reasonable and well-founded.

Seeing Lu Jian's confidence and determination to subvert the past, these students at Yannan University of Communication were all excited and clenched their fists, eager to try.

Young people are the most easily excited. What's more, many of these people have not experienced the era when domestic movies and TV series were completely suppressed. They do not have the kind of thoughts that are engraved in their bones to worship foreigners. Therefore, they were even more excited when they heard Lu Jian's words.


"So, the release of "Magic Tide" this time is not just a movie, but a challenge for domestic films to overseas films. Perhaps in the past, domestic films have not been as good as foreign films, but now, we have the opportunity to compete with them.

In this battle, dear students, it is our duty to defend the glory of domestic films."

Lu Tiao also stood up and issued a call.

The host Cao Song was a little confused for a while.

Isn't this a light-hearted talk show? Why did it suddenly involve a showdown between domestic and foreign movies?

However, Cao Song also feels that Lu Jian is right. They need some works to enhance the self-confidence of young people, so that more people will devote themselves to the film and television industry.

Although the process took a long way, unexpectedly, Lu Jian's words allowed the program to take a shortcut and reach its destination.

Lu Jian's interview was quickly recorded and edited in various ways and then circulated on the Internet.

Some highlight the key points and express Lu Kan's expectations for new movies and his views on the development of domestic films, while others cut out three sentences and one sentence to portray Lu Kan as an arrogant and arrogant director.

For example, in many forums and chat groups, screenshots of Lu Jian's live broadcast were combined with what he said into a long picture.

Lines such as "This means that we are the number one film power", "I will protect everything about domestic films", "It is our duty to defend the glory of domestic films" are all above, and finally, "Get one hundred and thirty."

Even if it’s 100 million, it’s a success.” It really seems that Lu Jian is extremely arrogant.

Soon, Lu Tiao got another nickname on the Internet.

Crazy Xiaolu!

This chapter has been completed!
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