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318. Cap

Eleven o'clock, Jiangcheng Cinema.

The largest screening room is already full of spectators, who are waiting for the release of "The Devil", a Chinese film that has been announced for several months.

After the cinema manager and the president of Jiangcheng Film Association made speeches, it was time for Lu Tian to speak.

He didn't wear any purple suit, only a long trench coat, and took the microphone.

"Good evening, audience. I am Lu Jian, the director of "The Demonic Tide". In fact, I think what many people may be thinking now is, 'Hurry up and start showing the movie,' so I will keep it short."

Lu Tan's words aroused good-natured laughter from the audience, and he continued.

"The plot of this movie is very simple. It's just about people in a world trying to save themselves when faced with disasters. Although there are fancy special effects and various settings, the ideas embodied in the movie are actually the same as those we have seen in daily life.


He took two steps forward and saw the young people sitting in the front row. These young people were probably about the same age as Birmingham. They were happy to be able to grow up in a peaceful and safe environment without worrying about being attacked by monsters.

But maybe in the future, when alien monsters invade the world, they will also take up arms and fight just like in the movies.

"That is, human will will not succumb to natural disasters, wild beasts, floods and earthquakes. When these disasters occur, we will help each other and tide over the difficulties together. Anything that tries to threaten civilization will be stopped by us. Maybe one day,

The scenes in the movie will appear in reality. At that time, I hope that the ideas presented in this movie can support you to persevere. This is my little wish."

After hearing Lu Jian's words, many people did not think deeply about it. They all thought it was Lu Jian who said it for everyone's sake. After all, although there are natural disasters in this world, the things shown in the movie will definitely not happen.

It's all just fantasy.

"Finally, I hope everyone can enjoy the movie. If you feel satisfied, you can watch it a few more times. I don't mind."

Amid the laughter of the audience, Lu Jian returned the microphone and walked off the stage.

"People always feel that danger is far away from them."

In the darkness, Feng Yu smiled.

"Death will not come when you are ready."

Lu Tan replied.

"Things in the Western Pacific are at a higher level for the time being, but maybe this world is now visited by the Chosen Ones from other foreign lands. Maybe some of them have been to the Abandoned City, the Wasteland, the Kingdom of Darkness and the Island of Peace. Then as long as they see me

If you watch the movie, you can recognize my identity and find me directly."

Lu Jian cannot find all the hostile Chosen Ones who have come to this world by himself. So, as long as his works become a household name, anyone who comes to this world can see them anywhere, then,

They will soon know Lu Jian's identity and find Lu Jian.

Although there is no theory that the Chosen Ones will attract each other, Lu Jian's actions will make the Chosen Ones move closer to his position, thereby protecting other people.

The movie has started, and in the familiar black forest, the music is playing.

Lu Tan did not leave, but went to the box upstairs with Feng Yu and watched the movie carefully.

When the cast list was played, Lu Jian saw tears streaming down Feng Yu's face.

Passing the tissue to her, Lu Kan didn't ask any questions.

Feng Yu will become a traveler and travel in endless time and space, and he must have certain difficulties.

After Feng Yu finished wiping his tears, the two put on masks and left the box.

At this time, the audience who had just watched the premiere had not yet dispersed, and the second wave of moviegoers gathered in the lobby. It was clearly after one in the morning, but it was like the most bustling and lively prime time, and the crowds were surging.

Audiences who had finished watching the movie gathered together, whether they knew each other or not, and were discussing the plot enthusiastically.

"The quality of this movie is so high. I even had the illusion that I was watching a movie for the first time. The scenes of the forest and the wolves were simply invincible."

"Those scenes of mages burning themselves and lighting up the flames are so powerful. I don't know how to describe it. I feel like I saw the true spirit of selfless dedication of human beings. In comparison, the plot of one person saving the world with his coolness seems like It’s not that fun anymore!”

"I think it's like what Director Lu said before. Although this movie looks like a multi-cultural exchange, in fact it is still the spiritual core of our country. We are not afraid of hardships and dangers, and we are pioneering. This is my first time in this kind of movie. Seeing such spiritual expression here, I feel a strong sense of resonance.”

"I made a lot of money watching the premiere today. When I close my eyes now, I can still feel the fortress surrounded by the storm and the swaying torches. Don't tell me, it's a bit cold."

"Is this movie really a special effect? ​​Those pictures are too real. If people hadn't died, I would have thought they were real shots. No, no, those wolves must be special effects. I feel like these pictures alone are... It’s worth the price of admission.”

"Wow, my Birmingham, such a cute little boy..."

"Am I the only one who noticed the acting skills of the actors in this movie? Especially the scenes in the fortress and the small town where dozens of people appear on the screen at the same time. Those actors are too dedicated. It feels like they are real. It’s like living in a movie world.”

"I don't think there's much to spoil about this movie, but there are a lot of details worth noting. I think I'll have to watch it a second time."

"Looking at such a difficult environment in the movie, think about us now and cherish what we have in front of us!"

"This movie should have the same world view as the previous interactive video, as well as the female mage who appeared before. In this way, what is the composition of the Kingdom of Darkness, how does the magic come from, and what are these demonic tides? How it came about, I feel like I can study it..."

Many people are discussing this movie, and at the same time, these viewers have not forgotten to rate "Magic Tide". It can be seen that in just ten minutes after the premiere, in the ticket purchase APP, "Magic Tide" "The number of people who rated it quickly exceeded 10,000, and the rating turned out to be 9.9!

The ratings in the ticket purchase APP are not like some websites where you can rate at will. Only those who have purchased the tickets are eligible to rate. This is a genuine user evaluation.

Usually a good movie will score between 8 and 9, which is slightly higher than the rating website, but a score like 9.9 is rare.

What’s even more exaggerated is that there are no 10-point works in this APP by default. In other words, even if everyone gives 10 points, the score will still show 9.9!

For many movies, the reason why they get 9.9 points is because the quality reaches 9.9 points, but for Lu Jian's "Magic Tide", it gets 9.9 points because the upper limit is only 9.9 points!!!


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