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341. 【The Tinder of Hope】

Lu Tan quickly realized that the figure was himself.

He was sitting in a movie theater, holding a large cup of Coke and popcorn in his hand, and there were some familiar people sitting next to him.

There seemed to be some kind of movie playing on the big screen. Lu Jian couldn't understand it, but he could only feel that it was quite exciting.

However, when the movie reached the most exciting part, everyone around Lu Jian stood up and left their seats.

First there were the familiar employees of Jingjing Media, then the people from the theater chain, the two policemen, and finally Qin Tiantian and Feng Yu.

These people left one after another, and in the end, Lu Jian was the only one sitting in the movie, watching the movie that would never end.

As the fire dimmed, some impulse pulled Lu Jian, causing him to take out another match and light it.

The movie started again, and those who left returned to Lu Jian. He relaxed and watched the movie intently.

At this time, Lu Tan suddenly felt something was wrong.

He felt the warmth coming from his hand, which was a match.

"here it is......"

Lu Tan suddenly woke up.

The match in his hand was almost burnt out and the bonfire had not yet been lit. He looked across the way. Amber was also staring at the dim light of the match, her eyes showing yearning and expectation, reluctance and sadness that were appropriate for her age.

As the light of the match faded, Amber seemed to have lost her energy, and her expression darkened.

Suddenly, Amber's whole body tensed up. She looked at the match in Lu Tan's hand and stretched out her hand.

"Give me! Give me!! Give me!!!"

She screamed heartbreakingly, trying to fight for the matches. Her whole face became ferocious. She didn't know where the huge strength came from from her weak body, and she grabbed Lu Tiao's wrist tightly, leaving a deep impression on her.

claw marks.

New green grass overflowed from the wound. Lu Tan pressed the back of Amber Destiny's neck, pulled her by the collar, and lifted her up.

"Sober up."

Lu Tan patted Amber's face.

Amber struggled for a while, and then finally relaxed and returned to his original weak state.

"I just..."

She looked at Lu Tiao blankly.

Amber had seen a cherry blossom tree in full bloom from the flames. She was under the tree, having a picnic with her parents whom she had never met before. Some friends came to play with her, and they were running and playing on the green grass. There was no dirt.

Without the shrine, everything is so beautiful, as if it never happened.

After recovering from such hallucinations, Amber suddenly realized that her collar had loosened due to the turmoil just now, and immediately tightened her clothes.

"It may be some kind of illusion. Don't watch me light the fire."

Lu Jian asked Amber to turn around and continued to light the fire with matches.

Every time he lights a fire, Lu Jian can see some pictures that make him relax and enjoy himself. These pictures will disappear as the match burns out. At the same time, it will inspire those who see these pictures to continue lighting the match.

In the end, these people may be immersed in the illusion created by the matches and cannot extricate themselves, so they starve to death, die of thirst, or encounter accidents.

"Fortunately, I am content with what I have and don't have any strong desires."

Lu Jian feels that in life, one still needs to learn to be satisfied.

Some people are dissatisfied with their desires every day, and will eventually fall into the whirlpool of desire.

And like Lu Tan, although he has billions of dollars, Lu Tan himself has very low material desires and has no lofty ambitions. He only wants to live a peaceful life, so that he can break free from this illusion.

It took several matches before Lu Jian finally lit the wood.

It is said that the wood used on the ship has been treated and is difficult to burn under normal circumstances. However, after experiencing the baptism of gunfire, the scattered wood seems to have returned to its original intention, burning brightly under the envelope of flames.

Lu Jian now needs to worry about the ship planks under his feet not being set on fire.

The flames brought warmth and light. Lu Jian could see some fish approaching under the water nearby, seemingly following the light.

He whistled.

Laika immediately jumped into the sea and after a while caught two fish.

These fish are spindle-shaped and covered with fine scales. Through their tight muscles, you can feel the speed of their swimming in the sea.

Lu Jian decisively slaughtered the two fish and grilled them next to the campfire.

Even for these fish, Lu Jian must prepare them in a proper way.

After roasting for a while, until the surface became fragrant, Lu Jian picked it up.

The fish was very hot, but Lu Tan was not afraid because of his thick fur and flesh. He picked up the fish with ruthless iron hands and took a bite.

The meat is firm and has a bit of the taste of the sea. Since it is sea fish, it is salty without seasoning, so it tastes quite good.

Three times five times two times, Lu Jian ate all the fish.

He glanced at Amber.

She looked at the fish in her hand, a little confused.

"Fish should be served with white rice, pickles and soup...and, no chopsticks..."

It seems that Amber has only received a serious education. She must have all the necessary equipment and tableware to eat. I heard before that this kind of lady can use chopsticks to pick out all the dense thorns on a fish. It seems that she has not eaten fish with her bare hands.


"Eat, replenish water and energy."

Lu Tan advised.

Amber didn't hesitate for too long, picked up the grilled fish and took a bite.

One bite, two bites, three bites, Amber's original small bite gradually became intense. She ate the grilled fish like a child who had been hungry for several days.

"Is it tasty?"

Lu Kan saw the normally dignified miko lady looking so embarrassed and asked with a smile.

“…the taste is okay.”

Amber wiped her mouth and turned away.

When Laika heard this, she jumped again, got into the sea, and caught several fish.

"Enough, enough, I can't hold it anymore."

Looking at the attentive Laika, Lu Jian stopped him.

This dog behaves so well in front of girls. It seems that the weakness of the hound race is women.

Thinking of the other hound that was eaten up by Feng Yu, Lu Tiao came to this conclusion.

The clothes have been dried, and Amber is gradually becoming sleepy next to the warm campfire.

After a tense night, she finally relaxed. Once she relaxed, fatigue came over her.

Looking at the flame, Amber tried to imagine the beautiful illusion she had seen in the match before, but soon she found that she could not even imagine that scene.

Her eyelids were heavy, and as the small half of the ship's hull fragments swayed beneath her, Amber soon fell into sleep looking at Lu Tiao's back.

Lu Tan glanced at Amber, who was sleeping, and Laika slipped into her arms, serving as a warm pillow.

Until dawn, when the first ray of morning light bloomed from the sea level and cast a golden glow, Lu Jian finally saw the shadow of the land.

This chapter has been completed!
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