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350. The Son of God

Lu Jian once saw the pure fire from Wajima Taisha Shrine. The pale flame could even ignite the air. In the flames, even eternity would disappear.

But he had never seen pure fire from an ordinary miko.

It is said that only the Son of God of Wajima Taisha Shrine can control the Pure Fire, which is a colorful flame that carries the wishes of the gods. Ordinary shrine maidens can only be burned up in front of this flame.

However, in Amber's hand, a pale flame ignited.

This flame looks cold and indifferent, as ruthless as the sight projected by the gods.

In the pale, there is a rainbow-like colorful sheen, and the pure black is rolling, covering the pale, and then quickly covered by the gray white. Countless colors are brewing in this flame, and no one can identify all the colors.

"Pure fire."

Lu Tiao knew that when he saw the flame, it meant that Amber's will had been decided.

She will give up her ordinary and simple life as an ordinary girl, go to Wajima Grand Shrine, compete for the highest position, and become the chief priestess above ten thousand people. She will serve the gods and protect Wajima all her life.

I will take a step beyond Washima Taisha Shrine.

Moreover, Lu Tan was convinced that Amber could do it if she wanted it.

Because no miko can freely control the pure fire before inheriting the position of the Son of God, they can't even touch it.

But Kohaku, she is really the chosen one. She may be the strongest miko besides the first priest miko.

The pale and colorful flames streaked across Amber's skin, without burning her, but flying towards the sky like a living creature, towards the Yamen's office.

There, trees made of human flesh and bones grew on the edge of the dark green pool. On the trees grew incomplete human heads with painful expressions, and various monsters made of human limbs.

Insects, birds, and wild beasts shuttle through the black mist. No living creature can endure such an environment. Normal people will doubt the authenticity of the world even if they just take a look at it, and eventually choose to commit suicide in madness.

The silent flame blooms in the darkest and thickest place.

Like a ray of light piercing the darkness, the flames spread quickly, swallowing up the green pond, the ground covered with fungi, the twisted trees, and everything from the abyss.

Everything returns to the original flame born from the creation of the world.

Those wails, those angers, those unwillingnesses all disappeared with the flames.

In front of Lu Jian, countless monsters appeared.

Part of them wanted to escape from the pure fire behind them, and part of them wanted to kill all the living creatures they saw. On the empty island, they saw Lu Jian and Amber.

Lu Tan saw that Amber was mumbling words.

It was some kind of song-like words that he seemed familiar with but couldn't understand.

In the myths and legends Lu Jian knew about shrine maidens, the first shrine maidens danced and sang to please the gods. Therefore, the first shrine maidens used singing and dancing as offerings and sacrifices to the gods.

Now, the amber seems to be dancing.

She raised her right hand slightly, as if picking up an invisible folding fan. She waved the fan gently, and a colorful black flame swallowed up the filth that tried to rush over.

A boundary line of flames is created between the two people and the filth.

Lu Tan felt that he had overestimated himself a bit.

Whether he is here or not, Amber will not be harmed in any way.

In fact, because Lu Jian is here, Kohaku cannot directly clean the entire island with pure fire. Instead, he drags down Kohaku's combat effectiveness.

In the center of Changmaple Island, a thorough purification is taking place.

On the outskirts of Changfeng Island, those islanders who were lucky enough to get on boats to leave the island were rowing hard, trying to escape from their hometown.

They saw their native hometown shrouded in black clouds and washed away by pale and black flames. No one could have any emotion.

Between such extraordinary collisions of power, mortals can only look up.

Some people knelt down and worshiped, chanting prayers dedicated to the witches, some fell into madness and burst out laughing like never before, and some were silent, with their faces full of melancholy and sorrow.

On the shore, on the beach where the black mist spreads, Laika prepared to throw the hostess and the little girl into the boat.

However, several filthy things tried their best to extend their tentacles, and they wrapped around the mistress's ankle. The corrosive force quickly caused the foot to fester and fall, and the mistress lost her center of gravity.

Laika was afraid of the black mist, and saw that two people, one big and one small, were about to be swallowed by the black mist.

At this moment, the hostess, whose body had been mostly corrupted by filth and had become neither human nor ghost, suddenly gained strength that she had never experienced in her life.

She tried her best to throw her daughter out of the black mist that made mortals despair.

Laika caught the little girl.

The little girl did not see her mother's last expression. She did not see the eyes that were intertwined with relief and fear, fear and despair, and Laika did not understand this human emotion.

It and the little girl got on the boat, and amid the wails and screams, the boat quickly headed towards the distant sea.

On the beach, colorful black flames engulfed the filth, dust returned to dust, dust returned to dust, and everything was shrouded in silence.

Looking at the crying little girl, Laika transformed back into a Corgi and used his own body to warm the little girl's body temperature, which had become cold due to fear.

It barked twice toward the island, but there was no response.

At this moment, a clear and melodious bell sounded from the sky.

Everyone, no matter what mood or state they were in before, now raised their heads because of the ringtone.

Looking up at the sky, a silver stream of light came from the direction of Hedao and landed in the center of the island.

More majestic and bright flames ignited.

"It's the Son of God!"

"Son of God, please save us!"

"Son of God, please forgive my sins and redeem my soul."

The islanders knelt down and kowtowed to Changfeng Island one after another, offering their piety and faith.

At this moment, someone saw two figures in the flames.

One of them is tall and handsome.

In front of him, stood a petite girl.

The girl's black hair was blowing in the wind, and pale flames condensed in her amber eyes.

"The Son of God has appeared!!!"

"Lord Son of God, Lord Son of God!"

"We can be saved, we can be saved..."

The ignorant islanders thought that this was the priestess of Wajima Taisha Shrine. Their voices became more and more trembling, and they surrendered to this transcendent power.

Only Lu Jian knew that a girl disappeared in this pure fire.

From now on, she is Kohaku, the next chief priestess of Wajima Taisha Shrine.

This chapter has been completed!
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