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039.【Air Friends】

Before Lu Tiao could decide on his choice, his phone rang again.

After looking at the number, he saw that it was Feng Yu, the old squad leader whom he had not contacted for a long time. Lu Tian hesitated for a moment, but still did not pretend not to see it. As soon as the call was connected, the cheerful voice like the midsummer sunshine came.

"Lu Tan, I saw that video, are you okay?"

Listening to the other party's voice, it seemed like he was really worried about Lu Jian.

"There's no problem, it's just the effect of the show."

Lu Tan responded.

"Haha, I knew it. Why didn't I know you were so good at doing special effects when you were in college? Did you go somewhere to study secretly?"

After hearing Lu Tan's response, the old squad leader laughed again.

"Practice is the best teacher."

Lu Tan answered honestly.

"It's quite similar to that. Are you planning to follow the path of self-media in the future?"

"Making videos is just a means, my goal is to make movies."

Lu Jian spoke bluntly.

"Oh, that's great. Let me do some odd jobs on your crew when the time comes."

"This may be a little difficult..."

In those forbidden areas, Lu Tiao had no problem going there by himself, but he couldn't harm his acquaintances.

"You're just kidding. Let's get together sometime. Looking at your appearance in the video, I was worried that you might be depressed, but you should be fine now. You have 100,000 followers."

"Wait for me to collect materials... No, it's nothing. I'll do it next time, I'll do it next time."

Lu Tan recalled the death flag he almost said, chatted with Feng Yu for a few more words, and then hung up the phone.

It's strange that I didn't have much contact with her when I was in school, but after graduation, we could chat on the phone like friends.

Lu Tan put down his cell phone. The discomfort caused by [Madman's Knowledge] had been eliminated a lot, and he just got a little nosebleed and felt a little weak. It seemed that talking to people was an important way to stay sane.

Oh, wait a minute, my sanity is at zero, so that’s okay.

Lu Tan now finally knew why this thing was called a "madman".

These heads probably record the history, culture, current situation, etc. of the foreign world, and sometimes there are some weird pictures that ordinary people can't imagine.

Moreover, this knowledge is forcibly poured into the brain and is indelible.

If you really smoke one round a day, it won't take long before your mind will be filled with these illusory nonsense from foreign lands, and then it will be completely damaged.

Lu Jian did not draw the second shot, mainly because there is no discount for the second shot and requires 100 silence points.

He currently has 4106 Silence Points, and he can't afford even one [fine] quality product.

As for [Excellent] and [Ordinary] products, the side effects are a bit large, their uses are unclear, and they lack consumer value.

"It's better to save it. If I follow the current progress and complete one or two missions, I can refine my repeater."

Lu Tan thought so.

When something says it can be upgraded, people will want to upgrade it. This is an instinctive desire.

It's like I'm told that if you press this button, nuclear bombs all over the world will fly into the sky instantly. We are holding hands and joining our hearts to step into the era of picking up bottle caps. So you must not press it, but you are just a bitch and want to press it and give it a try.

Can't help it.

Despite this, Lu Jian still had curious thoughts and bought a product to prepare for later use.

【Air Friends】.

It only requires 70 Silence Points, which is a little more expensive and cheaper than a single draw every day.

Lu Jian purchased it.

He felt as if a gust of wind was blowing by his ears.

Nothing happened.

Lu Jian looked around the room, but there was no change. There was no change in smell, temperature, or space.

"Hey, are you there?"

he asked.

No response.

If something cannot be seen, touched, or smelled, and it does not respond when you call it, then it probably does not exist.

Have you been defrauded?

The emperor's new clothes? Lu Jian's new friend?

Lu Tan closed his eyes and minimized all his senses, as if falling into a deep sleep.

At this time, he clearly felt that there was someone next to him.

He was not cold and indifferent like those weird ones. Instead, he had a closeness like a friend. His mere presence was enough to make Lu Tuan feel at ease.

"Is this air friend?"

Lu Jian vaguely grasped the purpose of this product.

After chatting one-sidedly with his friend in the air for a while, Lu Tian felt much more relaxed.

He looked at the computer screen and peered through one of the three small holes.

【One night carnival】

[Abandonment is where all hope lies, where all despair lies, where all stories begin, and where all stories end.]

[There are many ways to get to the abandoned city, and the car is definitely the most uncomfortable one. It is not only long, narrow, dirty, but also easy to get into trouble. I am talking about the ones that come from non-humans]

[Compared to these monsters, even the typewriters of the gangsters in the abandoned city will become amiable]

[Be happy, at least you will be full of expectations when you see the sun the next day, right? 】

[Task Difficulty: Optional]

[Task requirement: Complete the journey to the abandoned city]

【"Pack your things and get ready to go!"】

[Attention, this task involves the change of the Quiet Land area, please ensure that the surrounding area is clear in advance and pay attention to personal safety]

"Choose the difficulty level?"

Lu Tiao noticed the difference between this time and before.

Is this what self-selected mode means?

He clicked on the task difficulty column and found that there were three options to choose from.


[The choice of ordinary people is the best choice for casual Gods who just want to experience the adventure of the abandoned city and are not good at dealing with unexpected situations]

[Of course, if you choose to close your eyes, you will naturally not be able to see the reality behind it]

[Basic reward: 1000 Silence Points]

[Difficulty reward*1]

The text for this option is as cold and emotionless as ever.

The text next to it shows a sense of desolation and dilapidation, which can make people feel disheartened just by looking at it.


[If you want to seek excitement, no problem, but I have to tell you in advance, some things are far crazier than you can imagine]

[Every risk comes with a reward, right?]

[Basic reward: 1200 Silence Points]

[Difficulty reward*2]

The last option, the font was almost written in blood, winding on Lu Jian's computer screen, outlining the horrific text.


[Only the boldest, stupidest, and craziest chosen ones would want to experience this damn experience]

【You can see everything, and everything can see you】

[Basic reward: 1500 Silence Points]

[Difficulty reward*3]

"The difference is a bit big..."

The most common [Mortal] difficulty can only obtain 1,000 Silence Points as a reward, and according to the description, the exploration level cannot be very high, and the upper limit is fixed.

As for the most difficult [Erosion] difficulty, the basic reward alone is 4,500 points, and it will also increase due to the bonus of exploration, which is very rich when you think about it.

As an ordinary person who is cautious and cautious, Lu Jian did not hesitate after reading the three options.

I chose [Erosion] directly.


It’s the weekend, please vote!

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