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392. Isn't this a coincidence?

Seeing an acquaintance, Lu Tan immediately showed a bright smile.

"Hi, Lao Cui."

Lu Tiao said hello.

For a moment, everyone in the room looked at Drizzt.

This private detective, who seemed to be wearing a long windbreaker, a deerstalker hat, and a heather pipe all year round, was stunned for a moment, and then quickly assumed a serious posture.

"Catch this man quickly."

Several funeral home employees immediately grabbed Lu Tiao's arm.

Lu Tan saw Drizzt blink at him, and he immediately understood what the other person meant.

"Hahaha, you will definitely recall this day in the future because you almost caught the great Captain Jack Sparrow!"

Lu Tiao pretended to smile deeply, and then used the word bullet on himself.


A big hole suddenly appeared in the wall, and Lu Tiao had already rushed out of the house, taking three steps at a time and then disappearing into the smoke.


Drizzt didn't know how to explain it for a moment. When he saw everyone present staring at him, he swallowed and cleared his throat.

"The body must still be here, let's look for it."

He was very fortunate that the body of the old man who died of lung disease was lying in the autopsy room of the funeral parlor. When the family found it, several staff members were preparing to put makeup on the old man.

Drizzt left the funeral parlor, casually found an outdoor seat in a teahouse, sat down, and ordered a cup of black tea.

Soon, a man came to the seat in front of Drizzt and sat down.

"I'd like a glass of milk, if there's any."

Lu Tan said to the waiter, and the two looked at each other.

"...What I just meant was for you to pretend to be caught. I will question you then, and then the two of us can leave safely!"

Drizzt suppressed his inner dissatisfaction and said.

"I was shocked. I thought you meant to let me pretend to like corpses. The gangster was accidentally exposed and was caught by you, a famous detective."

Lu Tan said in surprise.

"You added too many settings."

Drizzt took a sip of black tea.

"So, where is the other person?"

Lu Tan asked. It was obvious that Shia also participated in the mission.

"She should be almost here."

Drizzt glanced at the time in the store.

Immediately, Lu Tan saw Shia wearing heavy armor standing across the road, waiting for the vehicle to pass as if she was a little angry, and then walked towards here.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Just as Lu Tan said hello, the milk the waiter had just put down in front of him was pushed by some invisible force and almost fell off the table.

"Don't be naughty."

Lu Tan reminded him and picked up the milk.


Drizzt saw that Lu Tiao seemed to be talking to an invisible person, and another question mark appeared on his head.

"The funeral home was a mess and our request was delayed until the afternoon."

Shia sat down and said something menacingly.

"What are you doing at the funeral home?"

Lu Tan was curious.

"What are you doing at a funeral home?"

Drizzt asked back angrily.

"I don't know either. I was in the coffin as soon as I arrived."

Lu Jian expressed his innocence.


Drizzt raised another question mark.

"Xia arrived last night. We thought you were already here. We looked for you for a long time, but we didn't expect you to be in the coffin."

"So, maybe I was here last night and just slept in the coffin without realizing it?"

The speed of time in the Land of Silence is very different. Lu Jian feels that the few seconds he perceives may have been half a day in the abandoned capital.

"Anyway, let's go to the funeral parlor in the afternoon and check the body."

Drizzt picked up his pipe, lit the tobacco, and took a puff.


Lu Tan felt that there might be a time difference between himself and the other two people.

"The doctor's body, Doctor House."

Drizzt explained.

"We went to the funeral home just to investigate his body, hoping to find some clues."

"I see."

Lu Tan nodded and saw him eating biscuits again, and the expression on his face softened a little.

However, the biscuits placed on the plate suddenly seemed to have been stolen by some small animal, and one piece was missing without Shia's attention.

"Speaking of which, does Shia have any spells that can make the dead speak, such as reading the memories in his mind, or summoning the undead?"

Lu Tan asked again.

Although this is technically a reasoning task, the Quiet Place does not say that cheating is not allowed. If Shia can directly summon the undead like those necromancers and make the dead speak, then many problems will be solved.

"Spells are not that convenient, didn't I tell you?"

As Sia answered, she reached out to pick up the last cookie, but found that the plate was empty, and she showed a confused expression.

"What about the other two bodies?"

Lu Tan asked again.

"The other two?"

Drizzt didn't quite understand, but he looked at Lu Tiao and quickly understood.

"Did you use [Madman's Knowledge] again?"

"Yes, there should be a gang member and a call girl killed in this case. This is a serial murder case."

Lu Tian's words were concise and to the point.

"But there doesn't seem to be any similar cases recently... I might have to ask the police chief."

Drizzt rubbed his chin in thought.

"Before that, let me briefly talk about the information I currently have."

He took out his small notebook and opened one page.

"The deceased's name was House, and he was a doctor. He opened a clinic in Gray Alley, receiving clients from the urban areas, and also took on some work in the slums. He treated some minor illnesses for the poor for free. He had a good reputation in the neighborhood, regardless of whether

He is a very capable person in both the underworld and the white world."

"He was found dead in his hospital bed two days ago. The circumstances of his death were quite strange. The police opened a case and asked me to participate in the investigation. As you know, I am a detective and I am quite famous in the abandoned city."

He said rather proudly.


Lu Tan nodded and did not answer Drizzt's joke.

"...Because Dr. House has a wide social circle, including Mrs. Martina of the Catania family, she privately issued a commission to me to investigate a medical record of Dr. House.

If my guess is correct, it may be a record related to her lover."

Drizzt lowered his voice again and said.

"So you are still investigating the cheating."

Lu Tan asked subconsciously.

"...I originally stopped accepting these commissions, but Mrs. Martina gave me too much."

Drizzt deserved it.

"I understand, if a roast chicken appeared in front of me now, I would do anything."

Shia nodded in agreement.

"I also want to eat roast chicken."

Lu Tan agreed.

Drizzt looked at his two companions, and he suddenly felt that the difficulty of [Alienation] in this mission was mostly due to the two of them.


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