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433. Hey, I got hit!

Lin Xiaohao is an outdoor anchor. He is a veteran and a former special forces soldier. He has excellent physical fitness and has mastered a lot of knowledge about survival in the wild.

The content of his current live broadcast is that a person takes survival equipment and goes to the wild wilderness to survive. It is similar to Bear Gries abroad, except that Lin Xiaohao goes to some scenic spots, which is relatively safe, and can also promote the development of the tourism industry. Just right


Because the style of the live broadcast is relatively down-to-earth, the number of fans is quite large. Within half a year of the live broadcast, it had one million fans on the Tomorrow Online platform.

Lin Xiaohao has watched Lu Jian's movies. He feels that Lu Jian is a very powerful director who can arouse people's emotions, whether it is fear or sadness.

As a special forces soldier who returned to the city, Lin Xiaohao knows very well that in modern games, psychological warfare is very important. If you can mobilize the opponent's emotions and let the opponent imagine and fall into a trap, you can take the initiative.

This time, Lin Xiaohao also applied to participate in Lu Tan’s real-life game.

He has never played any secret rooms or scripted games, but from the introduction, it seems that this project is just to go to a small town, and then investigate the case in the town to find the truth.

You know, the world's attention is now on Lu Jian's new project. If you can participate in it, then no matter good or bad, you will get a lot of traffic. For Internet celebrities and anchors like them, traffic is the code of wealth.

What's more, Lu Jian actually announced that he wanted to broadcast it live around the world!

Lin Xiaohao didn't feel much at first, until the anchor group he was in exploded.

[Holy shit, global live broadcast, what is Lu Jian doing? 】

[I remember this kind of script killing. The script is very important. If it is broadcast live, who will play it in the future? 】

[Then the traffic of this live broadcast will explode? 】

[If I can get it, I estimate that I will gain at least two million fans]

[Brothers, if anyone wins the qualification, I can spend 500,000 to buy this qualification]

[Don’t think about it, Lu Jian is selected directly based on his ID card in China. It doesn’t matter that you are an ordinary person. Can you still forge your ID card when you are a host? 】

[I would like to know what the logic of this selection is. Will it be possible that all of them will be Lu Tan’s own people, just for show? 】

[It makes sense. If Lu Tan wants to praise someone, just let him go in and broadcast it. It is conservatively estimated that there will be at least five million fans on one platform]

[Indeed, the college student last time became a top-notch person after chatting with the CEO of a big company for a while. It was so cool]

"How can this be broadcast live?"

Lin Xiaohao looked at the lively discussions among the anchors in the group, and then went to the Internet to find the video.

Indeed, there are also those who go to a secret room to negotiate with the boss and shoot on the spot, but this kind of thing definitely doesn't look as fun as going there by yourself. Lin Xiaohao doesn't understand why Lu Tian wants to live broadcast.

At this moment, Lin Xiaohao's cell phone vibrated.

He looked at it and saw that it was an unknown caller.

After answering the phone, Lin Xiaohao was still wondering if this was a store promotion or a scam, when he heard a clear female voice.

"Hello, is this Mr. Lin Xiaohao?"

"Yes, I don't want it"

"I am honored to inform you that you have been selected to participate in the first play event of our large-scale immersive real-life game [Glass Flower]. Do you want to give up your participation?"


Lin Xiaohao once thought he had encountered a new type of online fraud.

"Wait, what did you say?"

"It is an honor to inform you that you have been selected to participate in our large-scale immersive event"

"Stop, am I drawn?"

Lin Xiaohao asked back.


The other party replied.

"If you agree to participate, we will send you tickets, relevant documents, etc. according to the address you left on the website. Please arrive in Jiangcheng before December 26th."

She said a bunch of things to note, as if they were true.

Lin Xiaohao hung up the phone, opened his work email, and found that he had just received an email from Silent Media, inviting him to participate in the first show of "Flowers of Glass" and noting many things that needed attention.

"Is it true?"

The number of people who signed up is conservatively estimated to be in the millions. Gu

This one in a million chance is almost the same as a small or medium lottery.

Shouldn't the next step be for the other party to ask Lin Xiaohao to give money as a deposit, and then proceed to defraud him step by step?

He didn't say anything because Lin Xiaohao still felt that he might have been deceived.

What if he brags loudly in the group or live broadcast room, and turns out that the person opposite him is a liar, wouldn't he be so embarrassed that he has to leave the entire room?

After the courier delivered the ticket and participation documents, Lin Xiaohao went to the airline's official website to check and found that the ticket was genuine.

"Is it really true???"

Lin Xiaohao couldn't restrain himself.

He ran to the group and said something.

【Everyone, I seem to have been hit】

【Did you win? What did you win? Mountain bike or another bottle?】

[Lu Tan’s project, I won! [Picture]]


[This is a lie, how come you were chosen? 】

[You are too fake, I will turn around and give you a PS]

[Brother, beware of new online scams!]

[If you get hit, I’ll stand on my head and wash my hair right there]

[Damn, what a card!]

[Brother, I will offer you 200,000 yuan to buy your qualifications. I am interested in chatting privately]

[Are you a related household? How come you were chosen? Are you a distant relative of Lu Jian? 】

[Go away, you grew up in Lu Tan Orphanage, where are your relatives from? 】

The group immediately exploded.

Lin Xiaohao checked online again and found that several people who had been selected had already announced the matter on social platforms.

Among them are European modern art painters, high school detectives from island countries, and ordinary sand sculpture netizens.

Among those who already know their identity, the ratio between domestic and foreign residents is about 2:1.

There is no connection between these people. Several of them are ordinary citizens without any prominent status.

Lin Xiaohao seems to be the only anchor.

"What rules does Lu Tan follow for selection?"

Lin Xiaohao was puzzled.

He could only quickly pack his luggage and board the plane to Jiangcheng.

On the other side, in Jiangcheng, Lu Jian looked at the list in his hand after confirming whether all the winners were participating.

His principle for selecting participants is simple.

It's not Lu Tan who chooses who will participate, but the completed script chooses its readers. All fifteen people were selected only if they fit the script.

In this small town on the outskirts of Jiangcheng, these people will enter the script of "Flower of Glass" and stage this drama again.

Lu Jian is just helping to send invitations.

The global live broadcast is the way for Lu Jian to gain tens of millions of praises.

It is too difficult for participants who rely solely on scripts to get tens of millions of positive reviews. Even if a movie is watched by tens of millions of people, it will cost hundreds of millions in box office.

Since the task talks about a different form of expression, it is of course no problem for Lu Jian to use the live broadcast form.

Now, the stage has been set, everything is ready, just wait for the participants to arrive, throw them into this small town, and let the story begin by itself.

To this end, Lu Tian also hired the most professional live broadcast team, which had been responsible for the live broadcast of the Olympic Games, and set up various extensions throughout the town.

This is not only a secret room script killing, but also a large-scale reality show!

This chapter has been completed!
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