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452. Hungry, want to eat

As soon as the movie started, Sia stopped using her chopsticks.

"This is"

She looked at Qin Tiantian.

"This is Lu Tan's movie. Haven't you seen it? I feel like there is some kind of magic, monsters, etc. in this movie. You should like it very much?"

Qin Tiantian took a sip of instant noodles and said casually.

The story of the Black Forest, the Ranger, the Mage and the Demonic Tide is played on the tablet.

Shia was eating and watching, very seriously.

As a proxy, she has experienced the demonic tide. Although she is not on the front line, those monsters that are ready to move under the blood moon can still wipe out an entire village. The proxy sometimes has to clean up the mess. She has seen an entire village being destroyed.

The monster was torn apart, and the internal organs and flesh were hanging upside down from the ceiling, floating in the wind. I had also seen a scene where a child as tall as my own waist was controlled by the monster, killing his parents and family and then eating his own body.

Shia has never seen the triple demonic tide before.

What's more, the frost has become extinct, and the demon tide has never appeared again a hundred years ago.

As the movie continued, Shia saw the overwhelming blizzard, saw the mage who sat on the spiritual torch and burned himself, and saw Lu Jian fighting in it.

She knew very well that this was not fiction, but documentary.

In the legends he had listened to since childhood, the great hero who destroyed the frost and saved his ancestors was right in front of him at this moment.

"He never said any of that."

Shia murmured to herself, even the soup became a little salty and became astringent in her throat after drinking it.

Of course, Shia did not tell Lu Tan or Drizzt about the missions she had experienced.

"I knew he was mysterious and mysterious. He always felt like he was hiding something."

Qin Tiantian smiled.

Xiya looked at Qin Tiantian's smile, and she knew that Qin Tiantian regarded these as fictional things, like novels and dramas.

But Shia knew that these were everything Lu Tan had experienced.

Lu Jian has personally experienced those desperate, painful, and crazy things, recorded them, and even used them to please and bring joy to others.

After watching "Magic Tide", it was almost dawn.

The effect of food came to him and the blood was squeezed into the gastric juice. Qin Tiantian stretched his waist. It was another all-nighter and it was time to touch.

"Are you sleeping?"

Qin Tiantian shrank into the quilt and rolled it up like a frozen crab stick.

"I also want to see other movies."

Shia has probably learned how to use video websites, and she also wants to see Lu Jian's other works.

Qin Tiantian squinted his eyes and soon began to breathe evenly. He was in a very poor sleeping condition and even kicked the quilt.

Shia covered her with the quilt and read "The Mouth of a Madman" again.

It wasn't until 12 noon that Qin Tian woke up. She wiped the corners of her mouth and found that Xiya was still looking.

I took out my phone and found that Lu Jian had sent several messages, but I didn't see them.

[Wangchuan]: Sorry, I stayed up all night and just woke up.

[Moveless]: I thought you were eaten by Shia. That's great. I'll call the funeral home so they don't have to send anyone.


Qin Tiantian sat up and rubbed his eyes. His slippery clothes fell down, revealing half of his collarbone and shoulders.

Xiya noticed Qin Tiantian getting up and said something.

"I see that you don't rest well, so I used a fatigue-relieving spell on you, which can help you regain your energy after a short rest."


Qin Tiantian moved his body and felt really refreshed.

Normally, if she stayed up all night, she might have to sleep until four or five in the afternoon, and then she wouldn't get up until she was extremely hungry.

I woke up naturally at noon today and felt very energetic.

Could it be that Shia really mastered some magic?

Qin Tiantian thought it was better not to ask further questions.

[Wangchuan]: I’m hungry and want to eat.

She sent a message to Lu Tan.

[Moveless]: Feng Yu made lunch, please come over and clean it up.


Qin Tiantian immediately got up, changed clothes with Xiya, and ran to Lu Tan's house.

As soon as I entered the door, I smelled a scent.

On the table in the living room, there are sweet and sour pork ribs, dry pot cabbage, home-made tofu, braised hairtail, and a pot of fish ball soup, all of which taste like home.

Of course, from Qin Tiantian's point of view, it is true that it is not spicy enough.

"Why do you still let me stay up all night? I originally wanted Shia to have a good rest."

Lu Tan served the last plate of assorted cucumbers and said to Qin Tiantian.

"Fuck, you still have the nerve to say that."

Qin Tiantian originally wanted to refute, but when he saw that Xiya was still there, he choked back.

"Eat, eat, I'm starving."

She felt very hungry. She had eaten instant noodles at five o'clock in the morning. Why was she so hungry?

"The Resting Technique can give you three times the effect of sleeping for a period of time, but it also consumes a lot of money on the body. If you don't replenish nutrients in time, you may feel even more tired."

Shia explained.


Qin Tiantian thought for a moment, is this equivalent to sleeping for fifteen hours if he sleeps for five hours? If he sleeps for fifteen hours, he will definitely be hungry when he wakes up!

Is this spell a little strange?

She picked up the bowl and started to devour it. Feng Yu's food was so delicious that Qin Tiantian felt that he could eat three big bowls.

While eating, they watched TV.

"I asked someone to investigate the news related to the amusement park in the past three years last night, and found that there are still some clues."

Lu Tan said at the same time.

"In a small town in Europe, a school found that one of the school's classrooms was vacant during the year-end inventory. No corresponding usage records for the whole year could be found. In the school's financial statements, there was

The first expense was tickets to the amusement park, but no class in the school went to the amusement park that year."

"During the annual inventory of a company in the island country, it was discovered that a cooperative supplier had not settled the payment, but the phone number was empty. After some contact, it was discovered that the supplier had long since disappeared. According to part of the

According to the intermediary’s testimony, the other party seemed to have gone to an amusement park as a team.”

"In North America, there is a mentally ill patient who insists that his family members disappeared in an amusement park. However, medical records and information confirm that he has no family members. This is all made up by his imagination."

These reports were all related to amusement parks, and might involve missing people. Lu Tiao felt that something strange might be causing trouble.

Hearing Lu Tan's words, Xia suddenly put down her chopsticks.

"There's one thing I discovered after watching your movie."

She said, making Lu Tan's eyelids twitch, and he carefully recalled that he should not have shown anything bad about Xia in the movie.

After all, eating everything, talking non-stop, and snoring while sleeping are not slanders by Lu Tan, they are facts.

"What's up?"

Lu Jian asked.

"I may have met Du Danping."

Shia said seriously.


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