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456. Amusement parks don’t need philosophy

Looking at the teddy bear distributing balloons, Shia made a suggestion.

"Let's try to leave this amusement park and see if it's impossible to get out."

The three people and the dog immediately moved in the direction of leaving the amusement park.

Lu Tiao even saw the conductor recognizing him and preparing to stand up and hit him.

“Want to try the carousel?”

Feng Yu pointed to the carousel in front and said to Lu Tan and Xia.

"Try it?"

Shia walked into the ticket office and got on the Unicorn.

Feng Yu walked behind Xia and found a carriage to sit in the back.

Lu Tan followed and subconsciously looked back at Laika sitting on the ground.

The dog sat obediently, sticking out his tongue, waiting for them.

He sat on a bear and played a merry-go-round happily.

After leaving the carousel, the three of them looked back.

"This carousel doesn't seem to have anything special or dangerous. Do we need to ride it again?"

Shia suggested.

"You can try it."

Feng Yu nodded.

The three of them rode the carousel again. This time, Lu Tan sat on the unicorn, Shia sat in the carriage, and Feng Yu found a big bear to ride on.

The music stopped, and the three people got off the carousel and looked back at the equipment that was filled with joy.

“It’s strange, there is obviously nothing wrong with the gaming equipment here”

Lu Tan felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell where it was.

He took Lycra in his hand and the dog circled around the landing strip and rubbed his trouser legs.

"Is there anything wrong around here?"

Lu Tan asked Laika.


Corgi barked and waggled his tail, seemingly fine.

"We can choose to leave and see what happens?"

Shia thought for a moment and said.

"Or we could try something else."

Lu Tan took Laika and walked towards the roller coaster.

"Yeah, that's okay."

Xia nodded and walked behind Lu Tan with Feng Yu.

The three of them passed through the ticket check-in area of ​​the roller coaster and got on the roller coaster that simulated a mine car.

"Speaking of which, Shia, have you ever sat on something similar?"

Lu Tan had a sudden idea and asked Xia beside him.

"When I was in the mountains, I once slid from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain while sitting on a pot lid to avoid a mutated monster bear."

Shia thought carefully and replied.

"That must be quite exciting"

Before Lu Tian could finish his words, the roller coaster started.

The speed was so fast that the roller coaster rushed out with almost no time for reaction.

Most amusement park roller coasters are not entirely driven by machinery. Instead, they use power to reach a high point and then use the conversion of gravitational potential energy to accelerate. Therefore, the design needs to take into account the mutual conversion of mechanical energy and gravitational potential energy.

Achieve the effect of running the entire distance with minimal power.

Moreover, in the process of moving to the highest point little by little, tourists' psychology will be infected by the surrounding scenery, and they will become nervous little by little. Sometimes, the most frightening thing is not the moment of rushing down, but the moment of reaching the highest point.

, the moment about to sprint.

But this roller coaster obviously does not comply with the basic rules. It is extremely fast from the beginning, with almost no pauses, just like a ghost cart.


Lu Jian exclaimed along with the crowd, rising and falling as the roller coaster spun and jumped.

Shia looked calm and sat next to Lu Tan.

Fortunately, this roller coaster did not have a rope to cut off people's heads, and Lu Jian did not see the tragic scene of a wire cutting off people's heads in front. After the roller coaster stopped, the three of them stepped off the roller coaster.

“It’s quite exciting.”

Lu Tiao concluded.

"Are you scared?"

Shia was puzzled.

"It's okay, but how can you ride a roller coaster without screaming!"

It's natural for Lu to stumble.

"It's really weird. It's obviously an amusement park, but you have to ride something like this that makes people scream. Where is the fun in this?"

Shia was confused.

"Maybe it's because people in this world are too comfortable, so they seek this kind of excitement that they don't encounter in ordinary life. If the people here were tortured by war every day and had to guard against attacks from monsters, I'm afraid there wouldn't be any

There’s no such thing as an amusement park.”

Feng Yu explained.

"Amusement parks don't need to talk about so many philosophical principles."

Lu Tan stopped Feng Yu's speech.

He saw that the next group of tourists on the roller coaster had already sat on it, and his eyes were full of anticipation. The teddy bear stood next to the last row, patting the head of the crying child, trying to comfort him.

The roller coaster left the strings and the screams started to boil again.

The three of them walked out of the roller coaster's canopy, but still couldn't find anything unusual about the amusement park.

Except that the tourists here may all be people who have disappeared before, it seems to be no different from an ordinary amusement park.

Lu Jian decided to randomly select a lucky tourist.

He stopped a European girl next to him.

"What's your name, please?"

Facing Lu Tiao's approach, the girl was a little panicked at first, but immediately calmed down after seeing Lu Tiao's face, and she spoke.

"My name is Jenny, from Uptown No. 3 High School."

The girl answered.

"When are you going back?"

Lu Jian asked.

"Go back? Where?"

Jenny was a little puzzled, she seemed to have thought of something else and blushed with embarrassment.

"Get out of this amusement park."

Land trip tips.

"Oh, yes, it's true. It's still early now. We're here for an autumn outing. We'll go back in the evening."

Jenny replied as if she remembered something.

"Perhaps you can leave early. The traffic here is not good and it will be difficult to drive at night."

Lu Tan advised.

At the same time, the right hand materialized into a silver pen and wrote a line of text on Jenny.

【Want to go home】.

Jenny hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"I'll go back right now."

Watching her leave, Lu Tan held his chin in his hands and thought.

"It doesn't seem to have any impact on consciousness, making people not want to leave."

The words he just wrote are not very powerful in commanding people. Except for a fool like Qin Tiantian who can become smarter, if it is a clause that goes against other people's subjective will, or if there is some kind of extraordinary power controlling human beings,

consciousness, then it is difficult for this text to take effect.

However, the girl named Jenny was able to listen to Lu Tan's advice. At least when it came to leaving the amusement park, her consciousness was not greatly affected, and there was no cognitive change. She believed that the amusement park was hers.

The situation of the home.

"We can also try to see if we can leave."

Feng Yu thought for a while, then saw the teddy bear distributing balloons to the side, and she continued.

Three people and one dog arrived at the gate. The staff at the ticket office saw Lu Jian from a distance and were about to pick up the things at hand and blow Lu Jian's dog's head off.

"Should we find someone to ask about the situation first?"

Feng Yu looked at the bustling amusement park. Near noon, the sun penetrated the mist and fell on the Ferris wheel, shining brightly.

With people coming and going, this place is like a paradise of joy.

This chapter has been completed!
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