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462. Rules

"He's dead???"

Shia was a little surprised for a moment when she looked at Lu Jian who was cut into flesh and blood.

But she didn't know why, but she didn't feel worried, as if she knew Lu Tiao was fine.

"He won't die that easily. At least if I'm still standing here well, then he will definitely be fine."

More eyeballs spread out from Feng Yu's body, and these eyeballs stared at the Worm of Time, making it unable to attack Feng Yu and Shia.

"Won't it run away?"

Shia was a little uneasy.

"This is a bit difficult to explain. The Time Insect is extremely hostile to things that know its existence. If they are not able to hide themselves and clean up, they will continue to attack the target."

Feng Yu explained, and she watched the trolley go to the restaurant.

"The ultimate goal of these creatures is probably to disappear from all memories of all foreign lands, to achieve the effect of completely erasing their own existence. In this case, even pollution and those great beings will ignore them, so that their race can survive."

"But the foreign land is very big, and their stories are still passed down."

Shia sighed and saw the staff member in red pushing Lu Tan into the souvenir shop next to the restaurant.

"Should we go over there and see what's going on?"

She was still a little worried.

"It's not a big problem."

Lu Tan's voice suddenly came from behind Xia, making the girl startled.

"How did you..."

She clearly saw Lu Tan being torn to pieces and had just pushed him into the restaurant. Why did he suddenly appear here again?

"Although it can't completely prevent death, this thing can still prevent me from dying suddenly in a short period of time."

Lu Jian opened his collar, and you could see that the flesh and blood on his body was still in a state of being stitched together. The green vegetation was constantly entangled, sewing the flesh together, and the words on the skin were gradually fading away. For humans,

, the influence of [last words] is not that strong, even if it is written on Lu Jian's body, it will fade away within a period of time.

"How about it?"

Feng Yu seemed to have known that Lu Tan was fine, so she asked.

"I just tried to leave, and a staff member said I didn't play all the activities, so he took action."

Lu Tan explained and thought about it again.

"Xia, you stay at the door and don't let any tourists leave, even if you use force."


Shia nodded.

Lu Tiao then walked towards the haunted house.

"It seems that we have to play all the projects before we can leave. The mission also requires this. I don't know if we have played these projects after encountering the Worm of Time, but depending on the situation, 'I' should be in

I’m not in a position to play those projects.”

As Lu Tan walked, he wrote a line on the note with an ordinary pen.

[Rule ①, you must play all the items before leaving the amusement park]

Writing this, Lu Tiao thought of the Worm of Time again. Perhaps it was because of this rule that it could not leave the amusement park. And if other tourists who entered the amusement park by mistake left rashly, it would only lead to the loss of the amusement park.

A living person or tourist leaves after playing all the activities.

Therefore, in order to continue itself, the Time Worm steals time, so when every tourist is about to leave the amusement park, it steals their time and lets them stay in the amusement park.

Because the Time Worm cannot understand the strange rules, it cannot prevent the strange killings. It does not know under what circumstances the tourists will leave normally and how they will die.

But whether it is a normal departure or death, it is not good for the Time Worm.

So now the Worm of Time and the rules of the amusement park have formed an endless loop.

Visitors cannot break the rules of the amusement park and leave, nor will they die. They will only continue to play in this amusement park forever.

The weirdness of the amusement park continues to attract outsiders. Once these people come in, they will be bound here and unable to escape.

Of course, now that the insects are under control, it is inevitable that tourists will try to leave. In order to prevent them from having accidents, Lu Tuan asked Shia to block everyone.

After playing the haunted house with an expressionless face, Lu Jian went through other Ferris wheels and other projects. Then according to the content in the manual, only the night parade was left.

He decided to go back to the entrance of the amusement park first.


However, when he came to the door, Lu Tiao found something wrong.

In front of Xia, there were more than a dozen tourists lying in a coma. They were all asleep and unable to move.

"These were tourists who were ready to leave. I persuaded them hard."

Shia clenched her fists.

I hope she uses magic rather than physical persuasion.

There has been some commotion in the amusement park. At first, the tourists thought that Xia's performance was some kind of performance. But as more and more people were lying down, the tourists also fell into panic. Someone called the staff and Xia.

Ya confrontation.

"Miss, please don't disturb other guests..."

The staff member wearing yellow clothes was knocked unconscious by Shia's punch and fell to the ground.

"It turns out we can fight."

Shia curled her lips. Being able to fight means it has a health bar. If there is a health bar, it will be easy to handle.

"Wait a moment."

Lu Tan dissuaded Xia and slapped the staff member in yellow clothes awake.

"Hello, I'm actually a fan of your amusement park. I really, really want to see the parade. Can you arrange to start it right away?"

Lu Tan said in a kind tone.

At the same time, Shia behind him clenched her fists.

"No, no problem...I'll make arrangements right away!"

The staff member rolled and crawled through the crowd of onlookers and ran into the distance.

Not long after, I heard the announcement on the radio that the parade was about to start.

The onlookers were afraid of Xia's fist, so they left one after another to watch the grand parade.

Lu Tan was standing on the street watching, and saw that except for the teddy bear, the other performers were working very hard.

He didn't know if these staff members were part of the mystery.

The grand parade was over, and Lu Tiao came to the entrance of the amusement park again.

He took two steps forward and saw staff members in red uniforms stopping him.

"Hello, guest, do you want to go back?"

The staff member asked with a signature smile.

"Yes, I have played all the activities and am ready to leave here."

Lu Tan replied and took another step forward.

At this moment, the staff member in red clothes suddenly grabbed Lu Jian's shoulders.

"This guest, you haven't played all the projects yet. It's best to play all the projects before leaving?"

"...I've played all my projects."

Lu Jian took a look at the tourist brochure and saw that he had been to all the items marked on it.

"Please play all the items before leaving and enjoy the fun of the amusement park."

The staff in red clothes showed a business smile and tried to dissuade him.

This chapter has been completed!
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