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471. Congratulations on your birth

"Congratulations on your birth."

Feng Yu looked at Lu Jian, who gradually turned into a ball of gray mist and bandages. Her body gradually healed and became its original appearance. Then a gust of wind and sand blew, wrapping Feng Yu's body into a similar bandage figure.


"The air here contains so much toxin that even cockroaches on Earth cannot survive for more than five seconds."

Feng Yu stretched out his hand and seemed to be stroking the gray mist.

"The structure of the fog is not molecules known to humans, but some kind of flowing, crawling particles. By resonating with the fog, people here can control the fog, absorb these particles, and make them a part of themselves.

The earliest Geramed creatures were primitive insects. These insects continued to devour, evolve, merge and upgrade, and eventually various animals appeared. When the Gerameds were born, civilization really appeared here."

The visibility of the gray fog is very low. You can't see the outside world beyond two meters. It's pitch black in the distance, there is no sunlight, and you can't see the sky. The whole world is in chaos and ambiguity.

"There are two biggest differences between the Jerameids and the ordinary creatures here. One is the bandages on their bodies. This kind of gray mist-condensed tissue not only has a stronger organizational structure than other gray mist creatures, but also makes Jerama

Mede people have become extremely keen and can perceive the world around them."

After hearing Feng Yu's words, Lu Tan calmed down, and soon the surrounding scenery appeared in his mind.

This is a plain. Thick fog covers the entire land. There are no plants visible to the naked eye. Instead, some gray fog gathers near the ground. Along with the changes in density, it forms an appearance similar to animal activity.

Lu Tan could feel the composition of the gray mist, and he quickly came up with an idea.

This is polluted air.

The pollution mentioned here is not carbon emissions, excessive sulfur, etc., but the air has been [polluted]. The air in the foggy city is like a living thing, constantly invading the human body with breathing, gradually eroding the lungs,

various body organs, and ultimately allow biological alienation.

Lu Tiao didn't know what this world was like at the beginning, but it was obvious that pollution came here from the beginning, and subsequently changed the course of the entire world.

If Wajima and the Kingdom of Night fell from the ordinary world bit by bit due to the invasion of pollution, then the Mist City is obviously a flower of mud blooming from the pollution.

This also makes it easy to understand the composition of the creatures here.

The higher the density and the more organisms containing fog, the stronger the pollution.

In foreign lands, only pollution can fight pollution.


Feng Yu suddenly pulled Lu Tan.

Lu Tan listened carefully and could feel the vibrations in the gray mist.

The whole earth trembled.

It was a long roar that was like the song of a whale. In Lu Jian's field of gray fog, he could see something swimming in the sky hundreds of kilometers away from here.

He could only see a huge black shadow slowly stirring the gray fog, setting off a storm that could cover the entire river city. The gray fog became agitated and boiling because of the other party's presence, and countless creatures that were originally flying nearby were directly

Crush it into pieces and turn it into the most basic particles.

Hundreds of kilometers away in the air, a catastrophe unfolded silently.

"What a big fish."

Lu Tan sighed with emotion, but Feng Yu laughed out loud.

"That's not a fish you see."

She pointed into the void.

"That's just its fin."

Only then did Lu Tiao realize that it was dawn at some point.

The thing that can cause the entire city to fall into a catastrophe with a single movement is just the fin of this giant fish, and its body covers the sky and the sun, plunging the entire area into darkness.

As the other party left, Lu Jian felt that the surrounding area became a little brighter, more gray mist creatures came out of dormancy, and the earth was "full of life".

"The strata here are very thin, perhaps not as good as the moon, but the atmosphere is very thick, exceeding eight thousand kilometers by Earth standards. The city of the Jelamids is located above the clouds."

As Feng Yu spoke, his whole body floated up.

"I haven't been in this foreign land for a long time. I only know a few big cities. The one closest to us should be Yunchu Yunhai. This is one of the earliest cities established by the Jelamed people. It's about a thousand kilometers away.

We’ll be there soon.”

Lu Tan followed Feng Yu's footsteps and levitated. He found that he moved effortlessly in the mist, like a fish in water. His speed was extremely fast, and he soon exceeded the speed of sound.

For the bandaged people, their movement is more like a process of devouring, absorbing the fog in front through contact, and at the same time spraying gray mist behind them. The speed of the entire process depends on the speed of devouring. Therefore, the more powerful the bandaged people, the faster they are.

and power faster.

Of course, Lu Jian had no way to determine the physical rules here. In short, he felt that the universal principles were probably no different in this world.

The two flew for a while. Lu Tiao had no reference to the time and did not know how long it was. Finally, he felt a huge barrier appear in front of him.

It's said to be a barrier, but it's actually just a slightly thicker gray fog.

The mist formed a huge city. Outside the city, there were countless bandaged people hovering. Within the city, there were more than hundreds of thousands of bandaged people in the area that Lu Jian could sense.

And that's just the tip of the city iceberg.

If so many bandaged people choose to invade other foreign lands, relying on the poisonous mist and their own fighting power in the mist, it is estimated that the world like Lu Tiao's world will be difficult to resist and will survive, and most of them will survive.

People die unexpectedly.

This is not Lu Jian's persecution paranoia, it is something that has already happened.

Lu Jian thought that he should let them experience the amusement park.

About a few kilometers away from the city, Lu Tan and Feng Yu stopped.

Occasionally there are bandaged people passing by, but no one pays attention here.

Lu Tan took out the [Strange Amusement Park] from his body.

In an instant, the amusement park expanded rapidly, forming a fog-shrouded city in the clouds with a three-dimensional structure in the gray fog.

Lu Tiao entered the amusement park and saw that the staff here had also turned into bandage-like figures. As for the insects of time, they had also become some kind of naive creatures shrouded in gray mist.

Because weirdness is the rule, and rules are not dependent on expression, so when weirdness came to this foreign land, it quickly adapted to the ecology here and became a paradise in the foggy city.

Lu Tan and Feng Yu came out of the amusement park. They did not wait here, because according to the characteristics of the amusement park, it would attract other people to come here and enter the amusement park to play.

They just need to wander around the world and wait for a wave of harvest.

This chapter has been completed!
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