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477. Burn them!

The beholders are entering the "Paradise" one after another.

At the beginning, they were the top leaders of the Sunshine Sect. When the blazing sunshine came, the Sunshine Sect had become the authority among this group of beholders because they discovered the prophecy and confirmed it.

After the high priest of the Sunshine Sect and others entered the paradise, they did not come out for a while. It was not until midnight in the Twilight City that the blazing sunshine did not disappear, and people began to feel uneasy.

Everyone was talking and guessing what happened.

"Did they abandon us and enter the paradise to enjoy alone?"

"I knew these people couldn't believe it. They must have received God's grace and wanted to keep it to themselves!"

"Although the sunshine is good, it is not an option to stay here all the time. The difference between this and the previous appearance is just that it is a little brighter!"

"It's so hot. The sun makes me so hot."

"The water around here is almost gone. I want to leave to find the source of water."

"Are they not letting us enter paradise? Why? We are all believers in God. Why can they go but we can't!!?"

"Is this long sunshine because those guys violated God's taboos, so God sent down divine punishment?"

"Before discussing this issue, I want to talk about other people, first of all, Geer who committed the sin of arrogance."

"We can't go on like this. We must rise up and resist and enter paradise!"

As they talked, the crowd was excited, and everyone came to the gate of the paradise and wanted to enter.

The beholders of the Sunshine Cult stood at the door and stopped these people.

"The high priest has an order not to allow unrelated persons to enter."

These beholders have a vicious look.

"Damn it, he hasn't come back yet. It's been so long. Don't you have any doubts at all?"

The beholder standing at the front cursed.

"Maybe they are enjoying themselves in there and are so happy that they can't come out."

"Yes, yes, you stay here while others enjoy it. Are you stupid?"

"Paradise belongs to everyone, not taught by Sunshine!"

"Eradicate the tyranny of the Sunshine Cult, and paradise belongs to everyone!"

The crowd's chatter made the guards shaken.

In fact, during the time they were guarding the door, these guards had the idea more than once. They wanted to go in and have a look, and they didn't want to just watch at the door, as if this paradise had some kind of wonderful temptation.

All beholders yearn for it.

"Eradicate the tyranny of the Sunshine Cult, and paradise belongs to everyone!"

"Eradicate the tyranny of the Sunshine Cult, and paradise belongs to everyone!"

"Eradicate the tyranny of the Sunshine Cult, and paradise belongs to everyone!"

Everyone's slogans were unified, making the guards afraid.

You know, before it was replaced, where did the beholder come from with so many excuses, and he would have started fighting directly.

Now that I can shout slogans here, I have restrained myself because the miracle is right in front of me.

Under the pressure of so many people, the guards finally couldn't hold on any longer.

They made way for the beholders who wanted to enter the paradise to enter the gate, and then followed them in.

Seeing this, the beholders rushed forward one after another, fearing that the paradise's capacity was limited and that they would not be able to enter the paradise if they arrived late.

But the entrance to the paradise is so big, so there was no doubt that the beholders got into fights and stampedes.

Seeing the beholders pouring into the amusement park, Feng Yu felt a little complicated.

"Are you really not the reincarnation of an evil god?"

Her eyes turned to Lu Jian, who was sitting beside him.

"I'm not a devil."

Lu Tan fiddled with the radio and confirmed that the gear was adjusted to [Scorching Sun].

This natural disaster, which was once used during the demon tide in the Kingdom of Darkness, is now used in the Twilight City at dusk.

Lu Kan asked Feng Yu to disguise himself as a beholder and spread the prophecy that the sun was coming and the gods would resurrect, in order to get more beholders to gather together.

When they gathered together, Lu Jian appeared in the [Strange Amusement Park], causing miracles to appear, which would definitely fool these beholders into being stunned, and willingly enter the amusement park, which became Lu Jian's achievement.

Facts have proved that these beholders are not as stupid as Lu Tian thought, but they are stupider than Lu Tian thought.

For this kind of creature that has not yet formed a complete civilization, abnormal natural phenomena can easily be referred to as miracles, and if they are further induced, beliefs will arise. For various reasons, people who try to gain benefits from beliefs will

Religion will be established.

Next, a civilization dominated by religion will naturally become ignorant, because religion represents unconditional belief and no questioning is allowed.

If the beholder really enters this stage, it would be a good thing.

The more self-contained their civilization is, the better it will be for other foreign lands.

It's just that Lu Tiao didn't expect that these beholders were really impressive and had evolved to this level in a month.

Moreover, the large-scale beholder entering the amusement park also makes the weird load a bit high.

Many rides require queuing, and the souvenir shops almost run out of souvenirs.

Nowadays, the beholders in the amusement park are unaware that they are trapped and unable to escape. They will only be mysteriously eliminated because they violate the rules consciously or unconsciously.

The beholders outside the amusement park are still yearning for a happy life after entering the amusement park.

There were close to 100,000 beholders, which made Lu Tiao wait for another week.

When it was almost done, Lu Tan put away the [Strange Amusement Park] and turned off the [Small Scale Natural Disaster Generator].

In an instant, the scorching sun that lasted for seven days disappeared, the world returned to dusk, and the magnificent paradise also ceased to exist, as if it had never appeared.

All the beholders who had not yet had time to enter the paradise were immediately dumbfounded.

"I haven't had time to go in yet."

Their hearts were full of remorse, for they had known that they should have gone in first no matter what.

If you had known earlier that you would not be able to enter the paradise if you were late, then you should have been one step ahead even if you killed the people in front of you.

At this time, the number of beholders gathered around the area had already exceeded the previous number. Many beholders who were still watching had also come because of the miracle. The crowd gathered outside the holy city had already

Nearly one-fifth of the beholders in the entire Twilight City.

They originally thought about the enjoyment they would have after entering paradise, imagining endless food, plains flowing with milk and honey, where they would no longer have to fight, and could just lie down and enjoy the day with the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers.

No matter what, it must be extremely beautiful in paradise!

Because everyone went in and never came out again!!!

But everything is gone.

Even the sunshine is gone.

God abandoned them.

They are not eligible for salvation

"No, it's not that we are not qualified for salvation, but those people, those who entered Paradise, they offended God and were punished by God. For this reason, God removed Paradise and made it impossible for us to enter. But as long as we are pious enough,

Then one day, God will come again!"

Someone said this.

Hearing this, all the beholders knelt on the ground and worshiped towards the place where the amusement park disappeared.

"We should arrest those Sunshine Sect believers and burn them to death. They have committed unforgivable crimes and offended the gods. We must reform the Sunshine Sect for the sake of God's second coming!"

Someone else said this.

"I know a person who is a follower of the Sunshine Sect!"

"I also know a person who is a follower of the Sunshine Sect. He also advised me not to rush into the paradise, but to polish myself well!"

"Burn them!"

"Burn them to death!!"

"Burn them to death!!!"

This chapter has been completed!
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