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484. Canned cats

Lu Tian put Maomao into a jar and sealed it.

"This cat seems to usurp people's minds, making everyone hopelessly fond of it, wanting to possess it and protect it. If it were used to deal with bugs, all the bugs would probably gather around it.


Lu Jian commented.

If bugs are all individuals with independent will, then it is impossible to capture the hearts of all bugs with just one cat.

But the insect swarm in the wasteland is a whole, so as long as one insect sees the cat, it means that all the insects have seen the cat. They will definitely gather towards the cat, and eventually Lu Tiao will catch them all.

It can be regarded as a bug trap.

The sound of a struggling cat came from the jar. Lu Tran was a little moved, but he still used another jar to cover the jar, completing the nesting doll and isolating the sound.

He closed his eyes, imagined the cat for a moment, and immediately wanted to open the jar and release the cat inside to breathe wildly.

Fortunately, Lu Tan has strong self-control and knows how to postpone enjoyment.

He planned to wait until the task was completed before sucking cats like crazy.

"It seems like this thing has more than just a visual impact."

Lu Jian said.

"This is also a type of cognitive impairment. If the Worm of Time confuses you with the difference between it and a teddy bear, then this cognitive impairment will be spread through images, similar to the image of the Worm of Time.

Things create new insects of time. Normally, once you have seen this cat, it is difficult to escape its influence."

Feng Yu explained.

"Whether you see its appearance, hear its voice, or think of its appearance, you will be fascinated by it."

"No wonder it's so expensive."

Lu Tan sighed.

The price of [Small-Scale Natural Disaster Generator] is about the same as [Cat Poisoning]. One is a large-scale weather change, the other is mind control, both of which are very useful for Lu Tiao.

After spending a few more days making preparations, Lu Jian finally completed the preliminary work for heading to the wasteland.

He carried a backpack, which contained a [small-scale natural disaster generator] and a jar containing [cat poisoning], a suona, a crowbar in his hand, and some water and food.

Most of the wasteland is desert and Gobi. There is a lack of water and food. If you want to use local materials, most of them are bugs. Lu Jian doesn't like the taste of bugs, and it is difficult to ensure that he eats too much bug meat.

Will it turn into a bug?

After completing these tasks, Lu Jian came to the coffee table in the living room. On the coffee table, illusory and distorted dishes appeared. Lu Jian looked at the vegetables that were squirming like worms inside, and frowned slightly.

[Whether to enter a quiet place]


Immediately, he picked up the chopsticks with his hands and took a bite of the food inside.

An indescribable taste spread from the tip of his tongue, making him feel a shiver in his back. Then, a feeling of burning heat and coldness surrounded Lu Jian, as if he was in a polar snowstorm or in the Sahara.

It's like under the scorching sun in the desert.

At the same time, the indifferent and cold words of the system gradually emerged.

[The flow rate of time in the Quiet Place is inconsistent with the outside world]

[The time ratio of this journey is: 2:1]

【Heading to the wasteland】

Countless little people appeared in front of him, dancing around him. A closer look revealed that almost all of these little people were Lu Jian himself. Some of these little people were wearing ethnic clothes, some were in suits and leather shoes, and some were not wearing any clothes.

, these little people danced different dances one by one, happily, like a year-end ceremony.

Lu Tan looked at these little people and felt the urge to dance. At this moment, he saw all the little people suddenly freeze their movements, their heads turning towards him in various reasonable and unreasonable ways, and countless pairs of eyes.

Inside, there was only darkness.

Lu Tiao was suddenly startled and felt something soft sitting under him.

It's sand.

Touching it with his hand, Lu Jian felt something flowing between his fingers.

A burning sensation ensued.

The light occupied Lu Jian's entire field of vision.

"It's time for us to move forward."

There was a voice next to him. It was a woman. Lu Tan looked over and found that she was a woman with dark brown hair, slightly curly hair, and healthy wheat-colored skin. She looked like a mixed race, with the three-dimensional and Western look.

The softness of an Oriental, although she is not beautiful, and she has freckles on her cheeks, but you can feel a vitality in her expression.


Lu Tan took hold of the other person's extended hand and stood up with the crowbar.

"The look of your cane is quite special."

The woman laughed and then moved forward.

The sky ahead was clear, the sun was like fire, the gravel on the ground had already boiled, the high temperature caused the air on the surface to flow, and the distant landscape began to shake like a mirage.

Lu Jian glanced at the camel-like creature beside him and the other two teammates.

A man is like a guide, with darker skin color, which can only be brewed after years of exposure to the sun. This represents rich experience in this desert.

There was a knife on his waist, and there were some crystals on his right forearm, which was a symbol of illness.

This man's name is Setsuna. According to what Lu Jian knows, his ability is probably related to speed.

Another woman has curly brown hair and wears a hat. She seems to be from the same place as the first woman, but her skin is slightly whiter. She looks a little nervous while riding a camel.

This woman is called a singer. There are crystals shining on her neck. Her ability is probably related to her throat or voice.

As for the woman at the beginning, her name is Shuangxin.

Lu Jian looked forward, and in the swaying sun flames, the cold and indifferent words of "Land of Silence" emerged.


[In the ninth year of Pericles, the meteorite did not come]

[Insect swarms destroyed city-states. Compared with scorching deserts and dry oases, insect swarms have become the biggest threat facing mankind]

[People try to study the insect swarm, study the superior insect queen, and try to find the weaknesses of these creatures]

[In other words, find the possibility of finding weaknesses in these creatures]

[Task Difficulty: Sublimation]

[Mission goal: find the insect queen]

[Mission goal: Survive]

[Mission goal: Obtain Du Danping’s melody fragments]

Looking for the Insect Queen seems to take quite a long time in this vast desert.

Thinking of this, Lu Tan suddenly had a sudden inspiration. He looked at the man beside him and suddenly spoke.

"Do you know about Halloween?"


When he heard this unfamiliar word, he tilted his head in confusion.


The brown-haired singer also repeated it, with curiosity in his eyes.

"What kind of festival is that?"

Shuangxin, who was walking at the front, asked.

"It is a festival that can bring happiness."

Lu Tiao glanced at these companions, hoping that they were not transformed by insects.

This chapter has been completed!
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