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490. Coupon

"Can that robot really run for so long?"

After leaving the ecological park, Shuang Xin glanced behind her and asked.

"If there is energy supply, it should be about the same?"

Lu Tian felt that the service life of electronic products was not very long. A mobile phone would break after four or five years of use. But then he thought about it, if these consumer electronic products were very durable, then the merchants would not be able to make any money.

, so maybe these things are deliberately made to have such a short service life.

Because things like space telescopes and artificial satellites can operate for decades in such a harsh environment in the universe, Lu Jian felt that it was not that people couldn't build such durable things, they just didn't want to.

Not to mention, the technological level here in the future city should have surpassed his time, and maybe the robots here can repair themselves automatically.

Arriving at Building A3, Lu Tiao swiped his card to open the door.

This place is more like a snack street or a commercial street than a restaurant.

The shops inside were so dazzling that it made Lu Tiao really feel like he was at home.

However, there are some robots in the store. These robots are not as exquisite as Lin, and have a more machine-like texture. They sit quietly in the store, like tombstones.

Lu Tian came to the door of a store that sold noodles, and he swiped his card.

"What kind of noodles does the guest want?"

Lu Tian ordered two bowls of the same beef ramen, and was a little curious about what would be served.

After a moment, the robot turned around and came to the two of them.

"I'm very sorry, we can't make beef ramen due to insufficient preparation of ingredients."


Lu Tuan tried to order some more, but found that they all lacked raw materials.

It is estimated that these robots themselves have settings to identify whether the food has spoiled, so they detected that the ingredients in the warehouse were spoiled and were unable to make food.

"I'm very sorry, this is a discount coupon provided by our store, which can be used at any store in Future City Commercial Street."

The robot handed over two coupons.


Lu Tan took the coupon, thinking that it would probably be of no use.

He looked at the clothing store. The aesthetics of people in this world were similar to those of his time, but the clothes were all limp and could no longer be worn.


Shuang Xin quickly saw a store that interested her.

She walked into the store, excited to find books from the old era.

However, the scene in front of her stunned her.

In the bookstore, there were only screens one by one. The tablet was locked on the table, and the screen had turned dark.

"It seems they no longer use paper to make books."

Lu Tan thought of the previous newspapers. This store was probably some kind of cutting-edge Metaverse bookstore, and everything was in electronic format.

"I thought I could find some books from that era."

Shuangxin felt a little regretful.


At this time, the sound of mechanical operation came from outside the store.

Lu Tiao poked his head out and saw a sweeping robot cleaning the house. The cylindrical robot passed by each store, and the robots in the store just looked at it quietly, forming a rather weird picture.

"It seems there is nothing to eat here. Let's call the singer and Setsuna over first."

Lu Tiao suggested.

The two rode the camel bug back to the hiding place, explained the general situation, and the four returned to the ecological park.

"Welcome to the Future City Ecological Park. I am Lin, the guardian of the ecological park. I am very happy to guide you to visit this park. Please come with me into the natural world."

As soon as I walked into the park, I heard the clear voice of the robot girl.

"Ah, there are two guests, and there are new guests. Welcome you."

She seemed very happy, although Lu Jian didn't know whether this "happiness" was a false expression of emotion given to her by a mechanical code.

"Is this human?"

Even after listening to Shuang Xin's explanation on the road, the singer still found it incredible.

"Hello, I am a display robot, you can call me Lin."

The robot girl said cheerfully, seemingly proud of her status as a robot.

"There will be a free special program at the Ecological Park at 7 p.m. You are welcome to come and watch it."

Then he promoted again.

It seems that she is very interested in that special program.

"Let's go to the residential area and have a look."

Lu Tiao suggested.

Lin saluted the four people again, as if this was her mission.

According to Lin, A4 to A10 are all residential buildings.

Lu Tan came to the door of A4.

After swiping his card to enter, he saw the elevator and a row of densely packed doors.

Because this is the universal card of the sales office, he can open the door at will. He opened a room and found that the room was only about six or seven square meters, with a bed and a narrow walkway, and nothing else.

It's difficult to set up a table.

Lu Tian thought of the small dwellings or group rentals mentioned before.

He was originally curious about how these buildings could house thousands of people, but now it seems that they can accommodate tens of thousands of people, not to mention thousands.

These houses can only be used for sleeping, playing games or watching TV on the screen in the room. There are no windows. To take a bath and use the toilet, you need to go to the public bathroom on each floor and pay by swiping your card.

It's more like a honeycomb than a house for people to live in.

Lu Jian could almost imagine what kind of living conditions these people living here lived on.

In the morning, along with the alarm clock for work, they came out like a swarm of bees, and the whole city fell into silence. In the evening, these people returned to the future city, had dinner in the commercial street, went for a walk in the ecological park, and finally lay down in their own beds.

Another day passed in the small room.

The ecological park and commercial street were probably built to prevent the living conditions here from being too oppressive.

There seemed to be signs of someone living in the room, but it was already stained, with only the messy bed refusing to be taken care of.

The four people investigated dozens of rooms in a row. Some of these rooms were dirty, and some had rotten clothes, damaged electronic equipment, etc. It could be seen that the people who lived there left in a hurry, but also very decisively.

"Maybe the people here got information about the coming disaster, so they left early for the shelter."

Lu Jian’s preliminary inference.

The houses here are all the same, with no difference in house type. According to Lu Jian's speculation, there should be an industrial park nearby.

If there really is a swarm of insects, maybe they are entrenched there.

The four of them investigated the place again. It was getting late and they returned to the ecological park, ready to get something to eat.

"Is it because the food in the commercial street is not good?"

Seeing this, Lin asked worriedly.

"All the ingredients over there are gone."

Lu Tan replied.

“What a pity. The noodle shops in the commercial street are quite delicious and can make noodles from all over the world. Among them, the beef ramen is my most recommended. It is made up of delicate and flexible noodles with large pieces of beef. The soup is rich in flavor, spicy and delicious.


Lin introduced it as if introducing her own child.

"Have you eaten?"

Lu Tan asked subconsciously.

"Although I haven't tried it, the beef ramen has a favorable rating of 97%, which I think is a pretty high rating."

Lin said quite firmly.

For machines, 1 is 1 and 0 is 0, and there is no room for ambiguous evaluation.

"But don't worry, the current situation is only temporary. In a while, supply personnel will arrive, and by that time, the commercial street will be reopened."

She said with the same certainty, as if it was an established fact.


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