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492. Cradle

Back at the ecological park, Lu Jian saw Shuang Xin and the others sitting on the lawn.

Although it is an artificial plant, to them who have rarely seen real plants, this is already a "real" plant.

Lin stood in the center of the ecological garden. Around her, those mechanical animals surrounded her, like a forest goddess descending into the world.

In this desolate world, she is like an independent fairy who has traveled through time.

Lu Jian also sat next to Shuang Xin. The dome of the ecological park was a huge screen, reflecting the starlight. For thousands of years, perhaps these are the only things that have remained unchanged.

The surroundings suddenly dimmed, accompanied by Lin's voice.

"Everyone, next is Ecological Park's special program "Cradle", which I will present to you."

Her voice was given more emotion. She must have made a lot of subtle adjustments for this show. The emotions of shyness, expectation, and longing echoed under the dome with the voice of the robot girl.

"Please look."

Lin pointed to the sky. The stars on the screen were shining brightly, making people feel nostalgic and melancholy.

"In the long past, when the universe was first born and the galaxies were still in chaos, in this small corner of the starry sky, a planet was being born."

The perspective of the dome is zoomed in, passing through the bright and magnificent stars, and the camera is fixed on a hot and crimson planet that has not yet cooled down.

"This was just an inconspicuous one among the billions of planets in the universe at that time. As the stars cooled, land was formed, and the elements reacted under the sunlight, condensing into the first water droplets."

Seeing this, Lu Jian already roughly knew the content of this program.

Just like those popular science videos in science and technology museums, they tell the story of the planet from its emergence to the present.

He glanced at Shuang Xin. The researcher's eyes were full of brilliance. To her, this was the history of this foreign land that she had never understood.

The protagonist at this moment is undoubtedly the robot girl standing in the center of the ecological park.

"In the original sea, thunder and lightning, the materials carried by meteorites, and the inorganic matter floating in the sea finally triggered a wonderful reaction after thousands of thunders, generating organic matter. It took no telling how long it took for these organic matter to form.

Finally, they came together to form the first life, and from then on, this planet was no longer silent."

The scene on the dome changed, and Lu Jian discovered that the surrounding vegetation had also turned into things like seaweed. It was as if they were in the sea, experiencing the environment of this planet hundreds of millions of years ago.

"... Ancient creatures that are familiar to us or unfamiliar to us have since then begun to appear. For life, even this wide sea is not enough to carry their prosperity, so the first to leave the water and enter the land

Life appeared."

Footprints stumbling forward on the beach.

Wings fluttering in the sun.

Cold blood, behemoths dominating the earth and climate changes caused by natural disasters, the history of extinction and rebirth begins again and again.

In the midst of this, the small creatures hiding among the gravel and caves grew and grew.

The hands stretched out to reach the fruits on the branches and the legs gradually strengthened.

The surrounding scenery turned into a prairie.

"The ancestors of mankind were born in this way. They hunted and lived in groups on the grasslands, and moved toward the future step by step."

Lu Tiao was not very familiar with the next development. The human history here was different from what he knew.

But the theme is the same.

War, progress, and barbarism trample civilization, but civilization tolerates barbarism, ideological emancipation, scientific and technological development, and greater wars and natural disasters.

The history of hatred repeats itself over and over again, and the lesson that mankind has learned from history is that mankind can never learn from history.

Of course, with development, peace, cooperation, and win-win have also become mainstream.

What finally appeared in front of Lu Jian, Shuang Xin and others was a city with bright lights.

"This is the future city, a city built for the future. Although the living conditions are not that good, we still try our best to provide everyone with green plants, blue skies, and clear water sources. According to the designer's intention, this

This city can continue to operate for six hundred years without relying on external energy. As a pilot, it will provide data and samples for future space navigation."

"People working here will also seek breakthroughs and solve the current situation in research in biology, aerospace, energy, materials, etc."

Lin said as if these things were bound to happen.

"Although there are still many problems in the world, I believe that relying on human efforts, we can always solve these problems and lead people into a new era."

"I'm just a robot. I don't know what the future is like that is not shown in the database, but I have a good memory. I believe that just like in hundreds of millions of years of evolution, living things have suffered hardships and extinction, and finally regained their strength.

Just like a new life, no matter what kind of suffering human beings suffer, they can eventually get out of the predicament and usher in a new future."

"I will remember all this, imprint it in the database, and never forget it."

"When that time comes, please remember that no matter how far mankind has traveled, this is still our eternal home and the eternal cradle of life."

The robot girl's narration is like a bedside story told by her mother when she was a child, full of hope and without any gloom.

Maybe it's the robot without emotions that can still persist in such thoughts under such circumstances.

Lu Jian knew that this special program might be produced to encourage the people living here.

Perhaps when the future city was built, something was wrong with this foreign land. The environment was damaged, crystallized diseases spread, and the living space of human beings became narrow. They could only hope to save themselves by leaving this planet.

It's a pity that they failed. Humanity has entered the countdown to destruction. The entire planet has been reduced to a desert, with only a few people left to survive. Those people have long forgotten history and are struggling among the raging insect swarms.

This place is like a street frozen in time, everything is frozen before destruction.

Only the increasingly damaged solar panels and the robot unable to move due to lack of power slowly advance time.

All four people were silent.

Shuang Xin and others were shocked by the glorious and magnificent history of the past. They never thought that this world was once so prosperous. Compared with the loneliness now, it seems even more cruel.

Lu Tan, on the other hand, noticed something else.

In the image of the future city, there is an industrial park not far from here.

It is a place where the most advanced technologies are studied.

Judging from the power outage here, there must be no normal operation there either.

Should they go there and explore?

This chapter has been completed!
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