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503. Bugs are coming

The swarm is coming.

When she realized this fact, Shuang Xin felt much calmer.

After witnessing how humans in the old era entered destruction, how they became these insect swarms, and witnessed the bridge connecting to another world, Frostheart didn't know why, but her fear of the insect swarms had even dissipated a lot.

As a researcher, she may be able to use some philosophical thinking methods to explain these problems, but in the final analysis, she has understood the characteristics, origin, and purpose of these insect swarms.

When something changes from unknown to known, or from unknown to knowable, the sense of oppression and fear it brings will become much smaller.

When a disaster with absolute power, devastation, and no one can stop it sweeps across, but humans have no way to analyze, understand, or explain it, then that is the real horror.

These disasters were called gods by humans in ancient times when technological civilization was backward.

But with the development of human civilization, the unknown has become knowable, and the knowable has become known. Humans can even predict these disasters and thoroughly analyze their causes, processes, and endings.

Then these disasters will lose their divinity and become ordinary natural disasters.

The same is true for insect swarms.

Although the overwhelming sea of ​​​​insect swarms still makes every wasteland person feel trembling and fear from the bottom of their hearts, in Frostheart's view, these swarms of insects are actually just poor people like himself who have suffered when the doomsday comes.

"The swarm of insects may be heading towards the wormhole. We must leave here immediately."

Frostheart said.

Being found by the scouts of the swarm means that the army of the swarm will follow. The swarm usually covers more than several kilometers of desert. They burrow into the ground, soar in the sky, and meander in the sand, looking for anything that can

things to devour.

Once found by a bug, it means that the entire bug swarm is watching. The core of the bug swarm will guide the bugs to surround the prey and devour it.

Although these bugs may not damage the wormholes and buildings here, for the humans inside, their passage is a disaster.

She and the singer immediately ran towards the house where Lu Tiao was.

But just after running two steps, the wall beside the road suddenly collapsed.

Shuangxin saw an insect stumbling and crawling up from the rubble of the collapsed wall.

This insect has eight slender legs, and its body is only about the size of a human head. Its surface is covered with a layer of fine hairs, just like a giant spider. Only the mouthparts are covered with tentacles. Those tentacles extend, trying to catch

Things in the air.

The surface of the insect's body is pitted with many wounds, and some have even completely torn the insect's shell, revealing the dark flesh underneath.

Obviously, this insect was swept here by the sandstorm just now.

In addition to this bug, Shuangxin also saw the corpses of some bugs nearby. Those corpses were hit by sandstorms exceeding the speed of sound, leaving some broken remains scattered among the ruins of the industrial park.

Those bugs must have encountered sandstorms during their movement, and many of their kind were damaged by natural disasters.

Even so, in such a storm, these bugs can still preserve relatively intact corpses, and some even survive, which makes people lament their strong vitality.

For Frostheart, this meant something else.

"The bugs have discovered us."

Without hesitation, Shuang Xin reached out and grabbed one of the insect's legs before the insect could fully react.

Countless tentacles in the mouthparts immediately twitched, trying to wrap around Shuang Xin.

But its movements were quickly frozen.

White frost appears on the surface of the insect's body, as if seeping from underneath the skin.

The next moment, the entire insect froze into an ice sculpture, which was very conspicuous on the dark yellow desert.

In the distance, the pitch-black swarm of insects suddenly stopped for a moment.

Immediately, the swarms of insects became fanatical, like hunters who had discovered a treasure. There were insects with more than a dozen legs, insects with three pairs of wings, and insects hiding under the gravel like long snakes.

All the bugs moved towards the ruins of the industrial park, rustling and leaving messy traces.

Shuangxin and the singer came to the house where Lu Trip was and called them.

"What's wrong?"

Setsuna poked his head out of the house with a gray face. It was obvious that the sandstorm just now had affected this place.

"The swarm is coming."

Shuang Xin's simple words made Setsuna's expression suddenly serious.

"Insect Swarm."

In an instant, he said something to Lu Jian in the room.

Lu Tan was still printing information at this time, and he nodded.

Although he didn't know how the insect swarm discovered this place, Lu Tiao expected that he would definitely encounter those insects somewhere.

After all, this mission must be a mission to get in touch with the insect swarm, but the fact that the insect swarm has not been found after so long made him wonder if those insects had already been hiding there.

He put the information into Setsuna's luggage and patted the young man on the shoulder.

The two of them climbed down the stairs that were destroyed by the sandstorm. Lu Tiao glanced at the direction where the insect swarm came from.

Small black dots visible to the naked eye have been scattered on the desert in the distance.

According to Lu Tiao's idea, he still wanted to get in touch with the insect swarm. After all, he carried [Cat Poison] in his bag, which could control the insect swarm to a certain extent, and Lu Tiao also needed to get the heart of the insect swarm.

We must go deep into the center of the insect swarm to find the queen.

But if you continue to stay here, others will definitely suffer.

"We discovered a wormhole."

While walking towards the camel bug on the edge of the ruins, Shuangxin told what he had discovered.


Lu Tiao quickly understood what this discovery meant.

He stopped.

"The wormhole must be destroyed. If the wormhole is not destroyed, then the swarms of worms will come to this world endlessly. We can run now, but our mounts cannot travel for a long time, and the future city is nearby, and those robots may

They will also be attacked by insect swarms.”

What he said is indeed true. The insect swarm passed through and no grass grew. It may have been due to good luck that the future city was not discovered before, because the outside of the future city was made of concrete structures, and the insect swarm was not interested in stones. But now, after being swept by the sandstorm,

The solar panels in the future city must have been damaged. Maybe when the robots come out to repair and inspect, they may attract the attention of the insect swarm.

Not to mention, when the solar panels are damaged, the fate that awaits those robots is to run out of energy and never be able to turn on again.

"What can you do?"

Shuang Xin obviously disagreed with Lu Jian's statement. At this time, what she wanted to do was to protect everyone as much as possible.

"I have something that I once found in the ruins that can attract swarms of insects. I try to attract them to the vicinity of the wormhole and then destroy them all at once."

Lu Tan explained that when he saw Shuang Xin and others still wanting to object, he did not hesitate and took out the silver pen [Last Words].

In Lu Jian's hands, [Last Word] changed shape and became a long-barreled revolver.

Bang bang

Lu Tiao hit two teammates with two shots. They immediately flew out of the ruins and landed on the ground in the blink of an eye.

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Shuang Xin wanted to say something else, but Lu Tan had already smiled at her.

"Don't worry, I have to attend the New Year's Eve bonfire party in the evening."


Shuangxin felt like the world was spinning, and she was pushed out of the ruins by a huge force.

This chapter has been completed!
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