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534. Facing the sea, spring flowers bloom

"Dark? Is the picture too dark?"

Mo Guangyuan thought, looking at the trailer, the movie should not be dark, but should be bright scenes such as lightning, thunder, and volcanic eruptions.

Is there something wrong with the sample?

He was puzzled.

Seeing that the leader didn't respond, Mo Guangyuan plucked up the courage and came to the leader's table.

"Minister, have you finished writing this review opinion?"

He secretly glanced at the leader's computer screen, which showed the scene where the player had finished playing. There was only the final copyright statement and nothing else could be seen.


Lao Qian murmured.

"It's not dark, Minister. It's broad daylight and the curtains are open. How about I turn on another light?"

Mo Guangyuan said enthusiastically...


Lao Qian waved his hand, indicating that Mo Guangyuan did not need to be attentive.

"Minister, is the movie good?"

When Mo Guangyuan heard this, he asked curiously.

Lao Qian glanced at Mo Guangyuan.

It was the look in the eyes of an elder who had seen all the ups and downs when looking at a young person who was just starting out. This is the look you get when you see young people making the same mistakes you also made when you were young.

Lao Qian turned off the player.

"Go out and hold the door for me."

He drove Mo Guangyuan out.

When the office became quiet, Lao Qian breathed a sigh of relief.

"This movie may not have the slightest impact on the public."

he commented.

It wasn't until this moment that Lao Qian broke free from the emotions brought about by the movie.

Desperate, desperate, fucking desperate.

If other disaster films reflect the positive attitude and courage and will of mankind in fighting against natural disasters, then what this disaster film "Doomsday" shows is all mankind's efforts in the face of the real doomsday.

It's all in vain.

The more calculating you are and the more you want to save yourself, the deeper you will fall into the quagmire.

All behaviors that seem to be struggling will lead to falling into the abyss.

No matter what method you use, no matter what kind of civilization you have, you will inevitably die in the end.

What is the meaning of the universe and what is the meaning of the birth of civilization?

As a staunch materialist, Lao Qian has always believed that life must have appeared in this world for a reason. These civilizations that have established order must exist to make the world a better place.

However, this movie tells Lao Qian that life and civilization may be just accidental errors in the operation of the universe. Whether they exist or not has no impact on the universe.

This completely shattered his view of human civilization that he had been proud of so far.

It was obviously just a movie, but Lao Qian felt like he had experienced the demise of an entire civilization.

At the same time, he began to fear the world.

If the world were in a similar crisis...

Old money doesn't dare to think about it.

In the evening, the dusk turned the clouds golden, and Lao Qian walked out of the office.

In his eyes, everything has become different.

Some inexplicable sense of crisis enveloped Lao Qian's heart.

The feeling of losing something is like a dark cloud that makes everything fade.

At this time, Lao Qian saw a woman with a child. She was holding her own child. It was probably a child who had just finished school in kindergarten and showed a bright smile.

This smile healed Lao Qian's heart.

He looked at his colleagues after work, the passers-by on the road, the deep green leaves of early autumn, and the distant sky, and he felt the joy of life.

At least everything happened in the movie, and my own world still exists.

Thinking of this, Lao Qian unconsciously raised the corner of his mouth.

At least take advantage of now to cherish these beautiful things.

Don't wait until you lose it before regretting it.

Thinking that there was once a sincere world in front of me, but I didn't cherish it.

Lao Qian came to the parking lot to drive. On the way home, a car drove very aggressively and almost hit Lao Qian's car.

The other driver rolled down his window and cursed.

"Do you know how to drive, you *********?"

The scolding was very unpleasant. Under normal circumstances, Lao Qian would have raised his blood pressure and stopped the car to squirt at him.

But today's old money is not like that.

Because he thought that even such a bad person would be precious when the end comes.

Maybe the other person also has his own wife, children, parents and family.

Anyway, nothing happened, take a step back and the sky will be brighter.

Lao Qian glanced at the other party and asked kindly.

"Is your car okay? No damage?"


This makes the other party a little confused.

You almost scratched yourself, but people came to care if you were okay?

"...You, you are not young anymore, please be careful next time you drive!"

The driver only said one word and drove away in a hurry.

Lao Qian watched the other party leave and then started slowly.

If I had also exchanged nasty words just now, the two of them might have quarreled in the middle of the road, blocking traffic, or even getting into a fight. In the end, the loser would be hospitalized and the winner would be jailed.

But now, after you have reconciled with the other party, you can go home after calming down. The other party may also drive more calmly and avoid traffic accidents because of your actions.

It's probably a beautiful thing.

Lao Qian turned on the car stereo, and beautiful singing flowed from it.

"As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a beautiful world..."


On the other side, Lao Zhao has also returned home.

I had been quarreling all the time before, and my wife, who was clamoring for a divorce, was nagging me. She asked him to eat while nagging me. The children clamored to watch animations, and they quarreled with my wife again.

Normally, when faced with this kind of situation, Lao Zhao would have been furious, scolding his children first, and then quarreling with his wife.

But today's Lao Zhao is different.

He touched the child's head and pressed the remote control to the animation channel that the child usually liked to watch. Before his wife could say anything, Lao Zhao spoke.

"How much does the dress you wanted to buy last time cost? Let's find a time to buy it."


My wife was stunned for a moment and then spoke again.

"Is there someone outside?"

"No, I just think I should be nicer to you and don't need to be so particular."

Lao Zhao explained.

Compared with the desperate end of the world in the movie, life now is so beautiful, but he has been entangled in trivial matters, making himself and his family uncomfortable.

This is so sad.

Fortunately, he still has a chance.

"Oh... Actually, after I thought about it, the clothes seemed not cost-effective. They were so expensive. It would be better for us to go to the restaurant we mentioned before and eat something good."

My wife lost some of her anger and sat down.

"Is that the one where you have morning tea?"

Lao Zhao asked.

After hearing what Lao Zhao said, my wife's eyes lit up again.

"Yes, yes, you will have to queue up then. You can drive there and we can go shopping after eating..."

Looking at his harmonious family, Lao Zhao suddenly felt that it was a good thing that he could watch the movie "The End of the World".

He decided to be a happy person from today on.


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