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573. Temple

Lu Jian stood at the door of the temple. The temple was full of twisted and weird feelings. He looked carefully and found that it was because the angles of the walls were very strange. They were not traditional right angles. They did not look like acute or obtuse angles. In fact,

, this is not the perspective from which the human world exists.

Staring at such an angle for a long time can easily cause dizziness and confusion.

The temple was definitely not made by humans, at least not by humans in this world.

Lu Tan has no control over what kind of aesthetics the exotic aborigines have.

He glanced to the side.

There is endless darkness outside, which is pure, absolute, and eternal. Even Lu Jian's [True Vision] can only see silence.

Not even "information" is left at all, absolute nothingness...

This temple is suspended in mid-air, and there is no end to the darkness above, below, left, and right.

Lu Jian knew that this was the "seal".

Although this temple is only the size of a three-story building, it is definitely not able to accommodate the original size of the Old Dominator.

And what can do all this is the power that surpasses the gods.

Perhaps it was the death of hundreds of millions of extraordinary beings from foreign races, or the chaotic battle between several old rulers, or perhaps a glimpse of a higher-level being.

Lu Tiao thought of the Old Dominator whom he had seen in the outer realm of the wasteland before. Just a glance could destroy the world, wipe out civilization, and dim the stars. It seemed that the Old Dominator's standards were a bit high.

But now, the temple that bound Fang Geng in front of him no longer looked so grand.

Is it because Fang Geng is too good?

Or is the great existence that suppresses Him too strong?

Lu Tan walked into the temple.

The hall was empty, and the three-story building was only built to accommodate one thing, which was a huge mass of meat.

The piece of meat was surrounded by spine-like bones, sticky flesh and blood, and organs of different colors. The piece of meat was constantly beating, contracting, and expanding. It was bound by several chains from every corner of the temple.


When Lu Jian saw this scene, blood flowed from his eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. His brain boiled in an instant, and his whole body melted into a puddle of flesh.

Fortunately, Lu Tan would have melted in the first place.

He was smoking, smelled the aroma of cooked meat, and felt a little hungry.

Oh, it's me, that's okay.

"He Ming Nine Chapters Secret Sutra" fell to the ground, but it was not damaged at all, but Lu Tan couldn't care about it for the time being.

At this time, Lu Tan noticed that there were two people in the temple. One of them had brown hair. His eyes were already blind. He had dug them out by himself. The two eyeballs fell to the ground and had tentacles growing out.

It started to struggle and crawl a little bit.

The brown-haired foreigner could no longer scream. He maintained his kneeling posture and could only breathe lightly.

Another person is different.

The blond man's hair was disheveled, his eyes were bloodshot, and his skin was chapped, as if he had been burned by high temperatures. He fell to the ground, mumbling something.

"It's true, it's true."

Gordon muttered.

Lu Tiao noticed that one of the chains that bound Fang Geng had broken. It was this broken chain that caused the earth to tremble.

There are some tiny ropes around Fang Geng. The ropes are bright yellow and appear to be non-existent. They extend from infinite heights, binding and strengthening the chains.

This seems to be Xuanjun's handiwork.

To be honest, Lu Jian felt that the original Xuan Lord was already a great God's Chosen One with his human body and knowledge.

However, those ropes are constantly breaking, and the steel chains are also shaking slightly.

The strongest seal is actually the blind and foolish power attached to the Old Ones.

Lu Tiao glanced at it casually. This power transcended all things and could calm even the craziest gods. It took away all will, purpose, knowledge, and even life and death.

It is not the dead who sleep forever. In the strange eternity, even death will disappear.

Lu Jian finally understood why the Old Ones were usually sealed rather than killed.

Just like himself, if he is destroyed by some force now, he may not necessarily die. The strength of himself and Feng Yu is enough to resurrect him.

For some Old Ones, death may be a relief. If you defeat them here and kill them, they will resurrect somewhere else and then wait for the opportunity to backstab you.

Therefore, sealing is the best way.

Putting these gods in the gap between life and death, unable to seek life but unable to seek death, forever confused, blind and stupid, this is the real way to deal with the rulers of the old days.

Of course, it is very difficult to learn this method.

Lu Tan saw Gordon stand up.

He was like a puppet on strings, as if controlled by something. His whole body made a creaking sound as he walked towards the huge piece of meat.

"No, no, no, no..."

Gordon howled hysterically, but his body couldn't help it.

On his neck, the irregular polyhedral-shaped ornament was shining, and Lu Tian felt it looked a bit familiar.

"Is he going to try to break the seal?"

Lu Tan thought.

This man's will has collapsed, but his body is still moving. He has obviously been affected by something. Someone wants to use his exploration to unlock the seal here?

Lu Jian did not return to his human form, because in this case, the human form might not necessarily have a puddle of flesh that would be useful.

He saw Gordon begin to collapse, and his whole body's wails echoed on the stone walls of the temple. He was about to touch the blind and foolish old ruler.

At this time, Gordon couldn't walk.

His legs were entangled by Lu Tan and he could not take another step forward.

Then, Gordon looked at Lu Tiao in disbelief.

"No, no...Correa...it's you...Correa..."

Gordon let out an unexplained sob from his mouth, and within his body, among the shining irregular polyhedrons, a bit of colorful color overflowed.

As the thing flowed out, Gordon's eyes lost their luster.

He collapsed to the ground next to the "He Ming Nine Chapters Secret Scripture" that had not yet been burned.

And the colorful colors form a human shape.

Lu Jian noticed that the human figure had dark skin, a thin figure, and a handsome appearance. It looked like a dark god or a fallen archangel. That was not an appearance that humans could have. Anyone who saw this look would be upset.

An urge to get close to him, to please him, to please him.

He was wearing a well-made and gorgeous black suit. He looked serious and indifferent, as if he had lost interest in everything in the world.

The man stood in front of the blind and foolish rulers of the old days, but he still maintained his human form and sanity.

He glanced at the huge piece of meat, and then turned to look at Lu Tan as if he noticed something.

"Huh? There's another one here."

This chapter has been completed!
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