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058. Breakthrough material

"Black Forest? Is it the Kingdom of Darkness?"

Lu Tan recalled that this was indeed an exotic area called the Kingdom of Darkness.

Judging from the item description, this statue is more like a token of an evil religion. In other words, there is such a religion in the Kingdom of Darkness, and you must either follow it or participate in tasks related to this religion to obtain the statue.

He looked at the [Silent Department Store] and tried to find this item inside, but after turning over and over, Lu Jian only saw "No such item found".

Out of politeness, he also searched for the other two materials, but naturally couldn't find them either.

In other words, Lu Jian must look for these three materials when doing tasks and collect them all before he can refine the next stage.

"If you calculate carefully, you may have enough time to save 50,000 silence points, and these three materials will have been collected long ago."

Lu Tan pondered.

He looked at the descriptions of the other two materials.

【Remains of Saint】

【There are always saints in the wilderness】

[The remains of dead saints are believed to possess extraordinary powers]

[In fact, the remains of some saints do still walk on the earth today]

"The wasteland doesn't look like the ruins of an abandoned city. It's a new and foreign land that I've never seen before."

Lu Tian remembered that some of the products in [Silent Department Store] also described the wasteland, which looked like an apocalyptic wasteland.

【The Sigh of the Uncertain Mist】

[The uncertain fog that pervades the sea]

[Inhaling too much can cause hallucinations and see things that do not belong to this world]

[But there are also sayings that that is the real world]

"The uncertain fog should be the fog on the Wajima Sea. Does that mean you need to take a boat to go deep into these fogs?"

Lu Jian connected it with Hedao.

For the three materials, Lu Tan needs to go to at least three foreign lands: the Kingdom of Darkness, the Wasteland and the Island of Japan.

Originally, he had planned to go to the Abandoned City if he continued to visit foreign lands. After all, he had been there once and was relatively familiar with it. Now it seemed that he could either stay in the Abandoned City and arm himself to the teeth with high-quality props before going to seek the essence of materials.

Or just run through each exotic area and complete the extraction first.

To be honest, according to the strength of Lu Jian's current [Last Words], he felt that when faced with the situation of the previous mission to destroy the city again, except for the wild grass growing in it, the rat people and the fish flying in the sky could be avoided by themselves.


"Perhaps we can also change our thinking and go to the easiest difficulty missions to specifically farm materials?"

He thought of some settings in the game.

"Anyway, let's take a look at the next mission options."

Lu Tan has completed the career development task and can choose a new task next.

"Countdown...this time it's five days."

Lu Tiao saw the countdown on the system task interface, which showed more than one hundred and ten hours. Obviously, he had almost five days to prepare this time.

Looking down, he saw three tattered pieces of cloth appearing on the computer screen.

The cloths looked like they had been torn from clothes, rough, dirty, and filled with unknown dirt.

On the cloth, mission information is written in twisted and slanted characters.

【Big day】

【Auspicious day, happy time】

[There is a tradition in the Kingdom of Darkness that whenever a couple gets married, they need to invite relatives and friends to gather together for a while]

[You come to Kurshui Town, located on the edge of the Black Forest, to attend your friend’s wedding. This is a pleasant trip]

[It’s just that there seems to be some kind of uneasiness and restlessness hidden in that festive music]

【"Anyway, congratulations on the wedding!!!"】

The cloth was red, and the fabric was relatively delicate, but it was also torn, as if it had been torn from some red clothes. The text was thick black, and the red and black were distinct, which made people feel palpitated.

"The Country of Darkness also wears red clothes to get married?"

Lu Tan thought for a while and felt that this task was not as simple as described. Maybe it was a blood wedding, dyeing the wedding dress red.

Lu Kan looked at the second piece of cloth.

The cloth was made of hard material, like canvas, water-resistant cloth, etc., and it was also camouflaged. The words on it were messy and scrawled, as if they were written in some crisis situation.

【Shelter Talk】

[Contrary to people’s impressions, the wasteland is not desolate]

[As long as some monsters, most traps, all natural disasters, and a few wasteland wanderers are eliminated, this will be a beautiful land]

[You are lucky to have found a shelter in the wilderness]

[It’s just the dust rising in the distance and the roar shaking the earth that make this place seem a little unsafe]

[But at least you have one bullet left, right? 】

"There is a shelter in the wasteland. It seems like it is really a wasteland. This mission may be a survival type. If you are a man, just go down to the 100th floor?"

Lu Tan found it interesting and looked at the last piece of cloth.

【April Story】

[In April, cherry blossoms fall and everything grows]

【Wajima’s annual festival is about to begin】

[Only the best shrine maidens can enter the main shrine of Wajima Taisha Shrine, become Saio, and serve the gods]

[You are escorting a candidate to Hedao. The poor girl is more beautiful than the scenery along the way]

[It’s just that conspiracy and calculation have darkened the sea, and under the cherry blossom trees, corpses are nourishing]

This piece of cloth is pure white, like the sleeves of a coat. It has a damp and decayed texture, which reminds people of moldy clothes.

"Wajima is originally Japanese style? I thought it was a Pirates of the Caribbean type... No, these exotic paintings are inherently weird."

Lu Tan thought of the Abandoned City. The information he got from [Madman’s Knowledge] looked like Europe and America in the 1920s and 1930s, but in fact it was more like the Magic City of the Republic of China. Maybe the picture of Hejima was a group of editors.

Uncle Black with dreadlocks is dancing in a red and white miko costume.

"Then a few black uncles lifted the coffin and played the BGM..."

Lu Tiao was distracted and went somewhere else.

"Any tips for the three tasks?"

When he came to his senses, these three tasks corresponded to the three foreign lands that Lu Jian needed for [Last Words]. It was hard not to think of them.

Lu Tan's eyes naturally fell on [Madman's Knowledge].

"I still have five days to prepare. Tomorrow I can go to the zoo to chat with the elephants and whales. During these five days, I can come here every day to get more information. I must be well prepared this time!


He felt that he was simply too smart.

"As expected of me."

Thinking of this, Lu Tan stood up, took off his clothes and walked to the bathroom.

After all, the last time he smoked [Madman’s Knowledge], he shed a lot of blood and stained his clothes, which had to be washed and dried. This time Lu Tan learned the lesson and took off his clothes directly and went to the bathroom. No matter how much blood he shed, it wouldn’t matter.

Difficult to clean.

He got a plastic low stool and sat on the bathroom floor. Lu Jian's eyes in the mirror seemed to be wandering.

Pressing purchase, Lu Jian spent 50 Silence Points to redeem [Madman’s Knowledge].


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