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584. Paper figures and real people


Hearing the conversation between the two, the most shocked person was Cao Manwen on the side.

What is this?

The old man Professor Hu met with his father forty years ago is still alive now?

Is this a little too outrageous?

If Cao Manwen hadn't known that Lu Tan and Professor Hu didn't know each other before, he would have thought that these two people were playing tricks on him.

"Wait, you two, this old gentleman..."

Cao Man's words are incoherent.

But Lu Jian has obviously seen strong winds and waves.

"Mr. Zhang, are you in good health?"

"It's not that bad."

The blind man Zhang Youyou said something.

"How many years have passed since then?"

"Almost ninety years."

Lu Tan replied.

"It's been so long."

Blind man Zhang seems to be reminiscing...

"We all thought you had stayed there forever. Later, the war spread, and we were all far apart, and gradually lost contact. I stayed here to set up a stall to see if I could meet someone who was destined to be with me. I even met Master Qi last time."

"That was forty years ago."

Lu Tan replied.

"It's bad, my memory has been blurred since the battle between Xuanjun and Lord Xuan disappeared."

Blind Zhang sighed with emotion.

He seemed to be frozen in time, surviving in that period of time for a long time, even time could not leave deep marks on his body.

Watching people you know well die one by one, things change and people change. Is this happiness or misfortune?

Lu Jian didn't know.

"Mr. Zhang, are you the only one who is the paper cutter?"

Lu Tan suddenly asked.

Blind Zhang was silent for a moment.

"That's not true. Before me, our lineage was considered a normal inheritance. Life, old age, illness and death cannot escape reincarnation."

"But then I participated in two Xuanjun battles, gained some knowledge, discovered some things, and it became what it is now."

"We can give life to paper-cutting. The more similar it is to the paper-cut, the more vital it will be."

"Then, I cut out what I looked like."

“When the paper-cut looks exactly like me, what’s the difference between me and the paper-cut?”

"My real physical body may have ceased to exist long ago. It has only survived until now through constant cutting of paper. What you have in front of you is just a paper man."

Blind Zhang said calmly.

"In addition, my relatives are in the Northeast and have long since disappeared during the war. I am left alone in this lineage. If the battle for Xuanjun starts again one day, the paper cutter lineage cannot be left alone."

"The colleagues who fought side by side at that time have passed away one by one. There must be someone who remembers them."

After hearing what blind man Zhang said, Lu Tan quickly understood.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm going to make a film about Jiuliu so that everyone will remember you."

he said.

The blind man Zhang was stunned.

"If you say these things, others will only treat it as a joke and won't believe it. Besides, we are not doing these things just for the sake of fame."

"Mr. Zhang, this world is not just Jiangcheng Mountain, there are more existences like the monsters suppressed at the bottom of the mountain. What I want to do is to make everyone aware of this matter."

Lu Tan said seriously.


The blind man Zhang seemed to have heard such words for the first time.

"Yes, you saw the heavy snowfall at the beginning of this year, right? It was the result of those guys' commotion. Times have changed, and we need more attention."

Lu Tan replied.

"......I see."

Blind Zhang replied.

"Whatever you want, I can cooperate with you."

The two continued to chat, leaving only Cao Manwen, who felt that his three views had been subverted.

What what what?

Heavy snowfall at the beginning of this year?

The monster suppressed under the mountain?

Are there really monsters in this world?

When Lu Jian said that everything should be made public, he was not referring to movie promotion, but that he really wanted to talk about this in front of everyone?

Is there something wrong with me listening to this here?

After Lu Tian communicated with the blind man, Cao Manwen sent Lu Tian back to the hotel.

Along the way, Cao Manwen felt incredible.

"Is what you are talking about true?"

Traffic jams were common in Yan Nan at night. When he stopped in a traffic jam, he asked tentatively.

"Of course it's true."

Lu Jian replied matter-of-factly.

"Aren't you filming some prank show? Several cameras will come out and take pictures of my face later, telling me that I have been fooled, right?"

Cao Manwen looked around and asked guiltily.


Lu Tan answered honestly.

"So, does this world really have special powers? It's not the qigong kind, it's the kind..."

Cao Manwen didn't know how to describe it.

Lu Kan saw the lighter placed in the car, and a silver pen [last words] appeared in his right hand, and he wrote a word on it.


The next moment, Cao Manwen's lighter suddenly jumped out of Lu Tiao's hand, jumped in front of the steering wheel, and rubbed Cao Manwen's hand like a cat.

The young doctoral student was shocked.

Immediately, the lighter quickly lost its mobility, returned to the appearance of an ordinary lighter, and fell into Lu Tiao's palm.

"Is this what you're talking about?"

Lu Jian asked.


Cao Manwen felt that his materialistic values ​​were about to collapse.

After sending Lu Tan back to the hotel, Cao Manwen returned to his dormitory, turned on his computer, and immediately started searching for keywords such as Jiangcheng Mountain and Jiuliu.

Then, Cao Manwen only found an online article called "I Created the Myth of the Old Dominators". He glanced at it twice and found that the writing was pretty good. He didn't wake up until twelve o'clock.

"Fuck, what am I doing?"

He voted for this book twice and read about supernatural powers.

But the Internet basically only has book recommendations that are deceptive at first glance, such as "Qigong Quick Master", "Three Sentences to Make the Opposite Sex Fall for You", "This Is Magic", and some of them combine the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics.

, civilian scientific research on string theory.

There is no trace at all of what Lu Jian and the others mentioned.

But what Cao Manwen saw tonight was genuine, and he looked at the lighter he brought upstairs.

"Change it!"

He said to the lighter, but the lighter didn't move, as if mocking his stupidity.

The other side.

Lu Tan quickly contacted Du Danping's family through Song Yunyan, and through Tang Que's letters he found the Baili Xingxing family who ran a multinational trading company, and obtained precious interview video materials.

As for Dai Yuanyang, Lu Tiao checked and found out that it seemed that the remaining members of the Dai family were invited by Dai Yuanyang and went abroad during the war, and there was no news after that.

Lu Tiao didn't know what the final outcome of these people would be, but if they were introduced by Dai Yuanyang, they probably had connections with foreign institutions that researched supernatural pollution, and the outcome probably wouldn't be too good.

After collecting the materials, Lu Jian could finally start making the movie.

A month later, in June, before the summer solstice arrived, Lu Jian posted a message on the account of Jingjing Media, announcing the basic information about the next movie he was about to produce, "Nine Streams."


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584. Paper figures and real people

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