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615. Destiny closed loop

The house exuded the smell of dampness and decay, and even the curtains looked wet. Lu Jian looked out the window. He didn't know when the sky was filled with haze, as if a heavy rain might fall at any time. The forest in the distance was blown by the wind, and it was blowing again and again.

A wave of waves spread from the tree crown, causing people to feel uneasy.

Yes, this is Storm Mountain Villa, which should be covered by never-ending storms. Sunshine is a cherished thing, and night and storm are the main themes here.


A bolt of thunder fell from the dark clouds and exploded in the swaying sea of ​​trees. The thunder and lightning seemed to have caused a fire, causing the lush woods to light up with a dazzling red light, but soon, raindrops fell.

It started at one o'clock at two o'clock, and then the torrential rain poured down as if it was going to wash away all the pollution in the world. Soon, the fire caused by the thunder was extinguished, and a little bit of gray-black smoke rose up, but there was no

After a while, even the smoke was no longer visible, and the whole world was cut off by the rain curtain. Stormy Rain Villa stood alone on the cliff, like an old man who had been abandoned by the world.

The cold rain beat against the glass windows, making a noisy sound.

In the restaurant separated by a wall, bright yellow lights reflected the profiles of the three chosen ones, but there was no warmth at all.

"Legend has it that Taoist Heming was just an unknown wanderer at first. Later, he obtained the secret skills taught by the immortals and practiced in stealth. Then he appeared in front of others and completed several miracles. He became so famous that even the owner of the ruined capital

Knowing his name, Taoist Heming recruited many disciples and continued to grow his sect, eventually becoming a powerful organization in the abandoned capital."

Stone explained that it seemed to allow people to see the Taoist step by step into glory and wealth, and gradually reach the top of power.

"This includes the art of resurrection from the dead."

"A certain wealthy businessman in an abandoned capital died of illness. His family spent a lot of money to invite Taoist Heming to come and perform rituals in an attempt to resurrect their master. Taoist Heming finally went and spent nine days arranging the ceremony.

Finally, on the night of the ninth day, Taoist Heming succeeded in summoning the soul. He successfully brought the rich businessman back from the dead. The wealthy businessman rewarded Taoist Heming with a lot of money and presented the Rainstorm Villa to Taoist Heming.

, the wealthy businessman still died of illness and could not escape his fate, but Taoist Heming's reputation was completely established after that incident."

Listening to the story told by Stone, Lu Tan quickly thought of the content mentioned in the "Xuanjun Seven Chapters Secret Scripture" that he had read.

The sludge monster has the power to resurrect the dead. Of course, what it resurrects is not the real deceased, but a monster that reads the other party's memory and disguises itself as a human.

Stone must be very aware of this...

"Yes, Taoist Heming must have summoned the monster and used it to replace the dead wealthy businessman, creating the illusion of resurrection from the dead."

Stone nodded.

"Xuanjun Seven Chapters Secret Scripture", or "Heming Nine Chapters Secret Scripture", a lot of content in it describes how to summon these monsters, how to control these monsters, and use these monsters to achieve immortality, cure and other methods


But Lu Jian knew very well that it was just an illusion.

"So, Taoist Heming picked up a book about summoning exotic monsters, learned how to summon them, and then made profit from it?"

Shia asked.

"No, it might be more than that."

Lu Tan briefly told the two of them what he had seen and heard in the previous mission.

After listening to Lu Tan's words, Stone frowned.

"Did Mr. Xuanjun create Taoist Heming, or Taoist Heming created Mr. Xuanjun? Mr. Trist has indeed been collecting information about Taoist Heming. He has also investigated the descendants of the Heming Sect and has learned a lot about Heming." It is very possible that he compiled a complete set of summoning rituals based on the information in Taoist treatises."

The not-too-young detective took a deep breath of smoke from his pipe. The rain outside the window became heavier and heavier, and lightning and thunder seemed to engulf the mansion completely.

"The knowledge Drizzt possesses is not only the summoning and control methods of sludge monsters, but also how to seal these monsters, as well as some information about the Old Ones. If he had not collected these, then the world I live in may have been destroyed long ago. "

Lu Jian said that he tended to think that the source of this knowledge was given by the dark-skinned man. As for whether it was given to Drizzt or Taoist Heming first, it was unclear.

The two have formed a closed loop of fate, entangled like ouroboros.

"No, that's not the case."

Shia suddenly spoke at this time, denying Lu Tan's words.

"The fact that you exist here and meet Drizzt and me shows that your world will inevitably continue to exist after that. Even if Drizzt does not choose to sacrifice himself, the Silent Land will definitely send other chosen ones there. Accomplish this task, for your existence is a given."

She analyzed it using simple cause and effect logic.

"In other words, in the foreign lands we have observed, your world has existed until now. Therefore, the existence of Xuanjun and the rise of Taoist Heming are inevitable. Just like, if you did not stop Hanshuang at that time, the night of The country will definitely be able to resist the demonic tide in other ways, and my ancestors will survive because I have already met you."

Speaking of this, Sia's eyes flickered a little.

"It's a little complicated, my friend."

Stone rubbed his temples. He had never met a traveler before, so he had no clear understanding of the turbulent flow of time in foreign lands. At most, he could only feel the speed of time in different foreign lands.

"The closed loop of fate is something that can only happen in a foreign land."

Siya seemed to have thought of something, her eyes widened slightly, she found a napkin in the restaurant, and used magic to draw on it.

"This is the mission where Lu Tran and I first met. At this point in my past, the Kingdom of Darkness was attacked by frost. In the end, humans resisted the demonic tide. At the same time, in Lu Tran's future, he will When he went to the Kingdom of Darkness and was attacked by Hanshuang, he defeated Hanshuang. It seemed that he had changed the past, but in fact, because Lu Jian saw me first, Hanshuang's defeat was an established event, even if he did not succeed. , other chosen ones will also succeed, which is the fundamental meaning of the existence of the Quiet Place."

"Similarly, based on the time point when we last saw Drizzt, in this future, Drizzt will go to Lu Jian's world, sacrifice himself, and seal the evil god. At the same time, in Lu Jian's past, the world will be destroyed. Lord Xuan saves the evil god and seals it. Since Drizzt has already met Lu Jian before, it is an established event that Lu Jian’s world will be saved. Even if Drizzt fails, there will be other chosen ones who will take the initiative. In this position, become Xuanjun."

She raised her head and looked at Lu Jian and Stone.

"So, do you understand?"

"Understand what?"

Lu Tan asked bluntly.

"As long as you have not personally observed Drizzt's death, then for you, the events that led to his death are uncertain, or in other words, Drizzt is still alive in a certain period of time and space in a foreign land.

, as long as we find this period of time and space and make him give up going to your world, we can save him."


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