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627. Have a nightmare?

According to Lily, Browning had needed Lily to serve him at night for a long time recently, but only on the night of his death, he did not let Lily accompany him, but fell asleep in the house by himself.

It was as if he already knew that he would die this night.

Under other circumstances, this may be considered a coincidence, but in a foreign land and Browning has been affected by the power of Heming Taoist, this must be some kind of extraordinary interference.

"Did he say anything else to you that night?"

Shia asked.

"No, he just asked me not to disturb him, and he said it very seriously."

Lily replied, looking confused.

"Are you scared?"

Stone noticed Lily's eyes and asked.

"I don't know that Mr. Gothe is dead too. We can't leave now. Will the person who killed Mr. Gothe kill us? No, other people also want to kill me. You have to save me."

Lily felt the whispering in her ears echoing again. She had a headache and frowned.

"Don't worry, he can't hurt you."

Stone reassured.

"Wait a minute, you said that other people also want to kill you, why do they want to kill you, you are just a lover, you have no title, and no inheritance rights. To them, you don't matter, they can just use money to get rid of you.


Lu Tan said suddenly, leaving Lily confused for a moment.

"I don't know, I"

Her head suddenly started to hurt. She covered her head and huddled up again...

"Stop rushing her."

Stone stood up and brought Lu Tiao and Shia to the door.

"She should have amplified fear. In this case, she may have excessive fear and act excessively."

Stone said in a voice that only the three of them could hear.

"Judging from her testimony, Browning had foreseen his own death, and he seemed to have some other ideas about death. Practicing spiritualism was also part of his will. It is difficult not to think that he had contact with people far better than us.

Learn more about it.”


Lu Jian agreed.

Sia glanced at Lily who was still shivering in the room. She kept staring at the three of them like she was staring at her mother's children in the crowd.

"She has to change rooms. She can't stay here anymore."

The three of them told the maid that by the time Lily finished changing rooms, the midnight bell would already be ringing.

They each returned to their own rooms. Stone did not take a shower, but just lay on the bed.

He closed his eyes, and the sound of wind and rain outside the window continued continuously, but as time passed, it also turned into a stable background sound, just like the rhythmic clang of a train passing by the joint of the rails, which is encouraging.

Fall asleep.

Gu Mu

Stone put the pistol under his pillow, reached in with one hand to hold it, and slept on his side, so that if he encountered any trouble, he could take out his revolver and shoot as soon as possible.

Although as a chosen one who can reach the difficult task of [Sublimation], Stone has his own extraordinary power and can wake up instantly and react while sleeping, but he still retains this habit.

It was his professional habit when he was still a gangster and a mortal.

At that time, the enemy was likely to make a surprise attack in the middle of the night, shooting into the house with a submachine gun that clicked like a typewriter. If I had not been prepared, I would have died countless times.

Before his eyes were completely closed, Stone felt a whisper in his ear.

"They don't believe you. They think you killed Drizzt. You once wanted to kill them, and they won't forgive you."

"Kill them, and you can rely on yourself to obtain the secrets of this villa, the secrets of Taoist Heming, and the secrets of immortality."

"As long as we use that power, everyone here will die. No one will know what happened. You can take the inheritance and return to the abandoned capital. There is no need for you to put yourself in danger for these people."

"Do you really think that you can undo the sins you have committed by doing this? No, you will never be able to wash away your past mistakes. You will be imprisoned in this cage for the rest of your life. In this case, why are you still

Deceive yourself and embrace who you really are, you know you've always been that way."

These illusory words overlapped and echoed in Stone's ears, causing him to frown and struggle slightly, but he could not wake up.

In a daze, Stone felt that he was back in that small room. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, holding a lit cigarette in his hand. There was also a delicate girl sleeping on the bed. The two of them had just met by chance, but inexplicably...

Having some emotions that should not exist in the sewers of the abandoned city, Stone wanted to change the dark underground world and see if there really was a sun behind the hazy sky.

He felt like he was in the godfather's office again. The majestic man used everything around him to create monsters in order to gain immortality. He made calculations, and even his own children could become pawns and bargaining chips. The only thing he made was wrong.

One thing is that he killed people he shouldn't have killed.

Stone returned to the hospital in a daze. At that time, he was covered in bruises and even the most important things had been lost. He stood at the door of Drizzt's ward. His original intention was to take revenge on this man and to do something for him.

Liz took revenge, but when he walked into the ward and the man saw him, he did not take action, but chatted with him like a friend. Stone hesitated, he was shaken, and he decided to observe this man.

This observation continued for a long time until the man passed away and never returned.

All the memories, connected with the illusory ravings, penetrated into his head, making Stone sometimes anxious, sometimes angry, sometimes sad, and sometimes confused.

At this moment, he felt some kind of threat, and with the surge of inspiration, he woke up.

In an instant, Stone took out the revolver under his pillow, raised it without hesitation, and fired.


The bullet hit some soft flesh. Stone wanted to continue to pull the trigger, but his finger could not move.


Stone was stunned. He saw that his hand was grabbed by another hand, and a finger blocked his trigger, making him unable to move.

And the muzzle of his revolver was pointed at his own temple.

The bullet was blocked by the hand holding the muzzle of the gun, and it was bloody and bloody. There seemed to be a few grass growing in the middle.

Stone saw his condition this time.

He just sat on the bed, pointing the revolver at his head. The first bullet fired just now was blocked by this hand and only scratched his skin. If it weren't for the other party, Stone might have just drank the bullet.


He looked ahead and saw the owner of his hand, Lu Jian.

"Having a nightmare?"

A smile appeared on Lu Tan's lips.


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It didn't succeed on time, strange

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