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062. In the mist

Although the Jiangcheng where Lu Tian lives is close to the river, heavy fog rarely occurs. Most of the time, it is half-covered by the misty mist on the river, like a veil on a woman's face, covering the landscape.

But now, what he saw was thick fog that obscured his vision.

A vast white mist filled the air. Less than a meter away from the carriage, the view was blurry. When looking up, one could not see the night sky. When looking down, one could only vaguely see the gravel road. The rolling fog gave people an uneasy feeling.

The only comforting thing is probably the few lights shining in the distance. The artificial light penetrates the fog, guides the direction, and exudes a warm feeling.

The coachman was a man with dark brown hair and dark skin. He put down the riding crop in his hand and looked back.

"I need to pee."

Lu Tiao's companion nodded, and the two of them watched the coachman get out of the car and walk into the thick fog.

He hadn't gone too far, and Lu Tan could vaguely see the coachman's back through the thick fog.

"My name is Drizzt. You can also call me Lao Cui. As you can see, I am a detective."

The traveler struck a match and lit the tobacco in his pipe.


Lu Jian had some questions.

Shouldn't a name like Drizzt belong to a foreigner? Or should this person's surname be Drizzt?

How strange.

"But having said that, the first time you met a fellow traveler, you should have just completed the guidance mission, probably within four missions. Under such circumstances, you dare to choose [Erosion] difficulty. You are very brave.


Drizzt took a sip of his pipe and looked away from the coachman who was lifting his trousers, looking towards the dim lights in the distance.

"Fortunately, you met me and followed me. In the final analysis, the difficulty of [Erosion] is prone to accidents. As long as you are cautious, make decisions before taking action, and don't trigger too many events, you will be fine..."

When he turned his gaze back, there was suddenly nothing more to say.

"Huh? Did you see it?"

Drizzt asked Lu Jian.

Lu Tan nodded.

Before his eyes, the coachman had disappeared.

The coachman had just shaken himself and lifted up his trousers. The moment he turned around, the mist became thicker, covering him slightly, and then surged and floated away.

Then the coachman disappeared.

Quietly, without any warning, without any struggle.

Drizzt reached into his coat and pulled out a revolver from the holster under his arm.

He slowly came to where the coachman was sitting, not daring to go down to investigate. He only raised the lantern placed on one side and shined a light on the location where the coachman disappeared.

There are no traces of gravel paths or weeds.

The mist seemed to be afraid of the light and retreated a little, revealing something gray and twisted.


Suddenly, a voice came from behind Drizzt. He was startled, quickly retracted the hand holding the lantern, and turned his head to look.

Lu Tiao held the crowbar in his hand and sat near the door.

"Don't speak suddenly..."

Drizzt broke into a cold sweat.


Lu Tan nodded and continued.

"My name is Lu Jian."


Drizzt was stunned for a moment, unable to realize what Lu Tan meant.

"My name is Lu Jian. I would like to introduce myself. This is polite."

Lu Tiao repeated it.


Drizzt felt that there was something wrong with the man in front of him?

If his companions hadn't been hostile, he might have had to use his pistol to keep an eye on Lu Jian.

"In [Erosion] difficulty, in addition to not taking the initiative to cause trouble, trouble often comes to us. It seems that this is the first test."

He sat in the coachman's seat and hung up the lantern.

"Our mission goals are the same. We must at least successfully reach Hongshui Town first."

Lu Tiao did not express any objection.

He didn't know how to ride a horse or drive a carriage, so he just sat behind and guarded.

In the thick fog, only one or two lights in front supported hope.

"This is not just a wild road... it's some abandoned villages."

Drizzt looked around while driving the carriage.

The fog is not static. With the movement of the carriage and the subtle night wind, the dense fog will rise and fall. When it subsides slightly, you can see the weeds on the roadside and the things hidden in the weeds.


Those are the remains of buildings. I don’t know what kind of impact they received to make the walls collapse like this. Some of them are still standing, but they are looming in the fog, like some kind of huge beasts, ready to attack.

There was no sound in the fog, not the chirping of insects, the chirping of birds, the commotion of nocturnal animals, nothing.

The cold fog carries a slightly damp and decaying smell, which penetrates deep into the heart, making the body feel chilly and making one unable to help but shiver.

A world of silence is like death.

Only the sound of horses' hooves and wheels running over the gravel road filled my eardrums.

"I had a mission to the Kingdom of the Night before, but it was a very simple survival mission. I stayed in a wine cellar for six hours until dawn and it ended. As long as I have guns and bullets, it is not a problem to deal with ordinary monsters.


Drizzt might be really instructing the newcomers, or he might be speaking to ease his own fears.

"I have never encountered this situation before. Are we really close to those lights?"

When he was a little doubtful, he found that there was no sound around him.

Yes, even the sound of horse hooves and wheels disappeared.

Drizzt looked back at the carriage, where Lu Tan was sitting on a chair, silent.

The disappearance of the sound of horse hooves and wheels means that the car has stopped.


Drizzt flicked his whip, but the horse didn't move at all.

"There seems to be something in front of me."

Lu Tan raised the finger that wasn't holding the crowbar and pointed.

Drizzt picked up the lantern and stretched his hand forward.

He saw that in front of the horse, where the thick fog was dispersed by the light, there was a stone statue.

The stone statue was shrouded in mist, making it difficult to see its exact appearance.

Light emerged from behind Drizzt.

Lu Tan held a strong flashlight and penetrated the fog, and the light hit the stone statue.

This is a human-shaped stone statue, with slightly broken limbs in a kneeling posture, saluting in a certain direction, facing the carriage sideways.

But the head of the stone statue is not human.

It's fish.

It's like cutting off a fish's head forcefully and inserting it into a person's neck.

The shape of the fish's head is also quite strange. It is sharper and more slender. The fish's mouth is half-open, revealing the jagged teeth inside. The gills are slightly open, and the delicately carved internal structure can be seen.

"Normal stone statues wouldn't be like this."

Drizzt's voice was very soft, as if he was worried about disturbing something sleeping in the fog.

"This kind of stone statue is obviously used to worship certain gods. It will not be deliberately carved with defects, but the teeth of this fish and the connection between the head and neck are very unnatural, just like..."

"It's like a real living thing."

Lu Trip said the second half of Drizzt's words. He stretched out his crowbar, knocked on the stone statue, and chipped off a small piece, which was indeed stone.

"Let's go around it. At least there are lights pointing..."

Drizzt raised his riding crop and pointed forward, but he could not finish his words.

Because in the mist, even those lights with warmth and hope disappeared.


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