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660. Iron mouth straight off


"Comrade police, we are so familiar with each other, is it necessary?"

"Follow the rules, name."

"Lu trip."


"Let me think about it..."


He Youwu raised his head from the transcript and looked at the director in front of him.

On the other side, his colleague Chen Danshen frowned slightly and then said.

"Director Lu, we know that you worked hard for your movie experimental props, but this is a residential area after all. It will be difficult for us to handle it if you create an explosion like this."

"I'm sorry."

Lu Tan sincerely apologized.

Chen Danshen looked at the investigation report on the scene.

What exploded was a coffee table, which was mainly made of a piece of glass and a metal stand. There was also a glass cup.

Reminiscent of the special effects that often appear in Lu Jian's movies, the police believed that Lu Jian was performing some new special effects.

After taking the notes for Lu Tian, ​​he asked him to leave. The two policemen checked the room again to make sure that nothing belonging to Lu Tian was missing before they sat down side by side.

"Is this really a special effect?"

He Youwu carefully read Lu Jian's testimony. He said that he made an exploding cup and threw it at the coffee table, which caused the coffee table to explode.

Judging from these statements alone, Lu Jian must indeed be researching props.

After all, neither the cup nor the coffee table is explosive.

"We found no smoke reaction at the scene, and there were no traces of explosives such as gunpowder. Do you want to say that the cup exploded on its own and there was an explosion sound?"

Chen Salvia asked funnyly.

"I don't know, but..."

He Youwu still felt that it didn't make sense.

"I've heard that some directors will carefully shoot even explosion scenes, studying what angles and what process to better present the picture effect, and even repeat the explosion several times. Some directors strive to be real and must make it real.

Use real objects to shoot, and if you say you want to blow up a car, blow up the real car. It seems that Director Lu is like this too."

Chen Salvia explained with great insight.

"Besides, I have reminded him anyway, and he will definitely not do it again. We have to trust Director Lu."


He Youwu seemed to be convinced and nodded.

Suddenly, He Youwu felt something behind him.

He turned around quickly and saw Lu Tan standing there.

"You, when did you come?"

He Youwu asked hurriedly. He didn't notice Lu Tiao entering the interrogation room at all, and he didn't know where he heard what he said now.

For a moment, He Youwu was a little scared. Fortunately, he and his colleagues didn't say anything bad about Lu Tian or doubt Lu Tian, ​​otherwise...

"I'm always here, comrade policeman."

Lu Tan said and put another pen on the table.

"I accidentally took your pen away just now, and I just wanted to give it back."

Chen Danshen looked at the pen. It was indeed used to sign Lu Jian's signature before. Why didn't he find it?

"Thank you."

He could only say thanks.

"Speaking of which, I learned some palm reading techniques when I was making a movie. How about I show them to you two?"

Lu Tan said again.

Gu Zhi

He Youwu and Chen Salvia looked at each other and then replied.

"We don't believe this."

"It's okay, just let me practice."

Lu Tiao insisted.

He Youwu thought it would be better to let Lu Tan take a look, so he stretched out his hand with his palm upward.

Lu Tan took his hand and looked at it carefully.

At the same time, countless messages jumped out of He Youwu's palm.

Of course, Lu Tan didn't know anything about geomantic omen, so he revealed a silver pen in his other hand and erased the words he had just quietly written.

[Can’t see Lu Kan behind him]

Then, I briefly reviewed some of He Youwu’s recent experiences and thoughts.

[My date has not replied to my messages for three days, should I stop sending messages?]

[When I ate fried noodles today, the owner of the fried noodles shop added three more chunks of meat to me. It was so delicious]

[My mother asks me to go on blind dates every day. Do you understand free love? She doesn’t understand! 】

It seems that this comrade policeman has been worrying about his blind date recently.

Lu Tan thought for a while and then said.

"Some things cannot be forced, so let it go. Maybe you can discover the beauty that has always existed around you. If you pay attention to your surroundings recently, you may have new opportunities."

Hearing Lu Tian's words, Chen Salvia didn't take it seriously. This kind of statement is nothing more than snake oil. The listeners will make their own predictions about the things around them. In the end, they feel that the fortune teller is like a god. It seems that Lu Tian's skills are not very good.

"It seems to make sense."

Why Wu nodded repeatedly and thought to himself.

Chen Salvia sneered.

However, he did not refuse Lu Tan and still extended his hand.

Lu Tan followed the same pattern, first erasing what he had written, and then looking through Chen Salvia's recent daily life.

[When will the decoration next door be completed? I start knocking at seven o'clock every morning, it's so noisy!]

[I told you I don’t like eating chicken wings, but my wife keeps buying them, even though I told her not to tell her]

[Guawazi’s test scores were bad again, and he came to me for fear of being scolded by his mother. This... makes it sound like I’m not afraid of being scolded by her]

It seems that although these two people usually work together, they encounter completely different troubles.

Some people say that marriage is like besieging a city. People outside want to get in and people inside want to get out.

It seems that happy people are all similar, and troubled people have different problems.

Lu Tan thought about it and felt that it was difficult for an upright official to deal with household affairs.

"You can try to communicate more with the people around you and express your thoughts. Sometimes straightforward expression may be the easiest way. If you keep waiting for others to understand, the process may be long and painful."

After hearing Lu Tan's words, Chen Salvia, who was initially disapproving, also became serious.

He looked at Lu Tiao with a serious expression.

"Then I'll leave first."

Lu Tiao stood up and really left the interrogation room this time.

Chen Danshen and He Youwu sat on their chairs as if they had just been interrogated, unable to say a word.

After leaving the police station, Lu Tiao first went to a nearby furniture store.

He had to buy a new coffee table and cups.

And his test has almost come to a conclusion.

The properties of the object itself cannot be changed, and when there are irreconcilable conflicts between its own description and the description of the object itself, it will operate according to its own properties.

For example, if a stone is originally a solid, and Lu Jian writes "This is a liquid", then the stone will still appear as a solid and will not suddenly flow all over the floor.

Unless Lu Jian takes advantage of the language relationship in these descriptions and naturally inserts some descriptions that do not violate the rules.

Thinking of this, Lu Tan had some ideas. He walked back to the community, but instead of going home, he knocked on the door of Qin Tiantian's house.

This chapter has been completed!
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