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668. Investor Lu Bian

The reason why Lu Tran chose to make it a VR game is because the mission scene of Heavy Rain Villa is relatively simple. Most of the time takes place in the mansion, and the scenes outside are also very simple. In most cases, players will not leave the house.

Go outside.

Compared with games that open the world at every turn, small, beautiful and exquisite scenes are more suitable for this first VR game.

Moreover, in a closed and depressing environment, it is easier to stimulate players' fear.

If you look at those horror movies, they usually confine the characters to an area, a house, or even a room. The occlusion gives people a sense of restraint and a sense of powerlessness that cannot be escaped. Compared with the open plains, a small dark room is obviously more scary.


As for the core technology of this game

After Li Zijian left, Lu Tian put his hand on the helmet.

Countless information is spread out like pages in a book.

[A sturdy helmet is likely to save your life in the event of a traffic accident]

[Blocks all vision, unable to see things outside clearly]

[Lightweight, easy to use, almost no weight felt]

Words like this describe this helmet.

In addition, under these words, there are words written in Lu Jian's handwriting.

[The crystallization of cross-generational virtual reality technology, allowing people to experience the virtual world immersively]

[Can take over all the user’s perceptions, completely immersive technology]

[Absolutely safe, no accidents will happen]

Once these words are added, this helmet changes from an ordinary safety helmet to a VR technology helmet that transcends the times.

Of course, Lu Jian doesn't know the specific mechanism of action.

He neither understands the implementation of VR technology nor game production.

The descriptive words written down are not very rigorous.

But in short, Lu Jian was almost done with Xunsi, and the helmet would be able to function normally.

This helmet was just Lu Jian's test work. He was testing whether he could obtain extraordinary items beyond his knowledge by describing them without knowing the specific principles.

In fact, Lu Jian was more or less aware of this when he learned to turn pens with a rollerball pen.

He himself does not know the skills of pen-turning, but as long as he adds those words to the information on the rollerball pen, he can easily complete many difficult operations even if he does not know how to turn pens.

This is easy to understand. After all, Lu Jian is not an omniscient and omnipotent god. He only knows what he knows. In this case, if Lu Jian can only give objects the knowledge he possesses, then his ability will be very limited.

Similarly, Lu Jian can also use this ability to gain knowledge beyond his own knowledge.

For example, Lu Jian can write in the information of a book, "This book records the true names and sealing locations of all the old rulers." Then in theory, the information of all the old rulers will appear in this book.


Unfortunately, this does not mean that Lu Tiao can obtain that knowledge, because this knowledge has a very high degree of pollution. When Lu Tiao writes, the pollution will corrode the paper of the book. In an instant, this book

The book will transform into a terrifying monster, rolling around on Lu Jian's table.

If the pollution limit of an object is exceeded, alienation will inevitably occur.

Lu Jian would not write "omniscient and omnipotent" on his forehead, because that would either not take effect, or Lu Jian would immediately turn into a big mass of unconscious flesh, spreading towards the outside world and swallowing everything.

However, Lu Tiaobiao can gain knowledge about VR through this.

Lu Jian couldn't write these words on every helmet. If he wrote millions of them, Lu Jian would die of exhaustion before he could complete the task.

As the saying goes, teaching a man to fish is worse than teaching him to fish. After Lu Jian confirmed that virtual reality technology could be applied, he decided to build a batch of assembly lines capable of producing such equipment.

This is the fundamental reason why he is looking for a game console company.

Fortunately, Lu Tan was famous enough, and it didn't take long for Li Zijian to help him contact a game console development company.

Shi Ming was a little nervous.

He sat on the sofa in the reception room, waiting for the other party's arrival. At the same time, he constantly checked the company materials in his hand to ensure that everything was perfect.

He thought a lot, including his wife and daughter at home, his business partners, and his passionate employees.

This negotiation can only succeed, not fail.

He is the founder of a game console development company. Shi Ming, who was born in the southeastern coastal area, has been exposed to various game consoles since he was a child. When others were still fighting on horseback with sticks and running around in the yard, he

Already traveling in the continent of another world, playing the role of a brave man and fighting against evil dragons.

After growing up, Shi Ming naturally joined the game industry. With his good talent and creativity, he made two independent games with good reputation and sales.

After receiving the investment, Shi Ming developed a game about cultivating immortals, which was a huge success. The company expanded and became a hit.

Then, with the encouragement of investors, Shi Ming began multi-line development. At most, he had four teams developing different games.

He also started a game console production line and prepared to become the domestic Nintendo.

It is a pity that he is not a rich second generation from a big family, and the harsh competitive environment has taught him a lesson very quickly.

Among the four teams, one team fell apart due to game concept issues, another team made slow progress because the plan was too large, and another team encountered huge difficulties during the development process and was unable to solve them. Although the last team made good progress

, but a work with similar themes was released some time ago and failed miserably, which greatly affected the confidence of the team members.

As for the game console production line, the game consoles they produce have a very good design, but there are huge problems with quality control. Under the impact of mobile games, sales are also not good.

The most important thing is that investors suddenly decided not to inject capital. The break in the capital chain caused Shi Ming to suffer internal and external troubles. He even began to consider packaging the company and selling it at a low price.

At this time, Shi Ming heard the news that Lu Jian was seeking cooperation from game console manufacturers.

Most people in the industry maintain a wait-and-see attitude towards Lu Tian's cooperation, because Lu Tian's requirements are very strict. It is a direct wholly-owned acquisition, which is equivalent to kicking out previous investors. In the financial background of most game manufacturers,

Under such complicated circumstances, those game console manufacturers that are running well have no intention of selling them.

Only companies like Shi Ming that have encountered difficulties or are preparing to withdraw from the industry would agree.

This is actually a very classic dilemma in investment. When a company is prosperous, it is very difficult to acquire it, but companies that are deteriorating have no acquisition value.

Shi Ming was not sure whether he could win Lu Tan's favor. He heard footsteps outside the door and stood up.

This chapter has been completed!
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