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712. Set fire to the mountain and sit in prison

On the other side, after going offline to calm down, Lao Eggplant came online again, and suddenly found that he seemed to have ignored a problem.

That is, although those flowers can attack humans, they are still plants in nature.

Even if they are a mixture of animals and plants, they are still one kind of living thing.

As long as it is a living thing, it should be afraid of fire.

And that's the Black Forest. Theoretically, the players don't need to protect the forest, they can just burn it down.

Lao Eggplant felt that his idea made sense, and he discussed it with his former friends.

"Damn it, why didn't we think of it just now? Our brains are so messed up."

"Then the question is, where are we going to find fire?"

"What a great idea. Let's borrow a fire from the villagers and burn it clean!"

"This is the charm of the open world. When you can't pass one game method, there will definitely be another way to skip classes and pass the level!"

"Set the mountain on fire and sit in jail."

"Feel free to burn it. This black forest seems to have been caused by the demonic tide. It should be fine to burn a little."

"My hometown used to burn straw. The burned ash fell on the ground and could be used as fertilizer!"

Thinking of this, Old Eggplant immediately knocked on the door of the farmer's house in the town where the lights were still on.

At this time, the Kingdom of Night has entered night, and the bright moon hangs high, seemingly no different from the earth.

But players who have watched "Magic Tide" know very well that the moon will be stained with blood on certain days. The red moon will bring endless monsters and sweep the entire world. Even the mage can only sacrifice himself to reluctantly fight against it.

To contend with it, to survive in the chaotic storm.

Fortunately, the moon is at least silver now, so there is no need to worry about the coming of the evil tide.

The farmer seemed a little confused. Candles are not common in the Kingdom of Darkness. A candle can usually be used for a week in an ordinary farmer's house. Most of them follow the daily routine of working at sunrise and resting at sunset. At this point, they are almost ready to blow out the candles and sleep.


"Brother, can you borrow some fire?"

Old Eggplant was holding a few picked branches. Since they were obtained from rotten leaves, they were still a little damp and exuded a rotten smell.

The farmer hesitated for a moment, looked at the candle again, and finally let Old Eggplant go into the house and light a fire.

By the light of the candle, Old Eggplant could see the situation in the house clearly. The roof of the wooden house was covered with straw. When it rained, it would become very humid and might even leak. There was no distinction between rooms in this house. The doorway was

There was a stove with a fire, a wooden bed in the house, no tables, chairs, cabinets, candles on the stove. It was so simple that Old Eggplant didn't even know how they lived.

He did not speak. This situation cannot be changed overnight. If we want to improve people's living standards, it is necessary to develop productivity.

The current problem of Rigure Town is the lack of productivity, and it is also troubled by attacks from monsters in the black forest. If the monsters can be defeated, the black forest can be opened up, and new farmland can be reclaimed, then the productivity will increase and it will be possible to change the living conditions here.

It took a lot of effort for Old Eggplant to light the branches. The fire lit up, making the room brighter and illuminating the woman and child on the bed.

The fire flickered in their eyes, then disappeared as Old Eggplant left.

Old Eggplant had no time to sigh, the fire was about to go out.

He and other players hurriedly started a fire with tree branches and grabbed some dead leaves. Soon, a bonfire was lit on the edge of the field.

The players cheered one after another, and the expressions on their faces were all excited.

No boy can refuse a straight branch, and no boy can refuse a branch with a fire on it.

But now there is another problem, that is, the burning of branches is very unstable, and it must be at least as violent as a torch to ignite the forest.

It's not autumn when the weather is dry, and the Black Forest itself is quite humid. If you want to have a good burning, you have to think about it.

Lao Eggplant now feels that games that are too real may not necessarily be a good thing.

In other games, just picking up a piece of wood is a nuclear-powered torch, which can burn for hundreds of hours without going out.

But in the [Cage], you even have to make your own torches.

If you defeat the monster later, you will probably...have to take the loot yourself?

Normal torches are usually made of thick wooden sticks wrapped around cloth strips, then poured with gasoline or the like, and then they can continue to burn after drying in the sun.

But where did the cloth come from now?

Old Eggplant scratched his head and quickly turned his attention to other players.

"What do you want to do? It's not fun to burn people."

The person he looked at subconsciously took two steps back.

"No, the clothes on our bodies are just cloth. When we are resurrected after death, the clothes on our bodies are all complete, which means that this is our initial equipment."

Lao Eggplant thought he had discovered Hua Dian.

"If we take off all our clothes and die, will these equipment disappear with us?"

The players looked at each other.

A true capitalist will not even let himself go if he is ruthless.

"I'll try it first."

In line with the spirit of leading by example, Old Eggplant immediately took off his clothes and ran towards the forest naked.

After a while, there was no change in the clothes. Only an old eggplant, wearing the original clothes, ran back quickly and asked excitedly.

"How's it going? Do you still have your clothes?"

When the players saw the clothes in their hands and the old eggplant wearing the clothes, they all started a riot.

They took off their clothes one after another, ran naked in the fields, rushed into the forest one by one, looking for various ways to kill themselves, and then crawled out of the mire, one piece of clothing turned into two or three pieces,

Soon, there was a bumper harvest of clothes in the fields.

Although the quality of these clothes is not much better, it is still better than the clothes of ordinary villagers. Not to mention, when the really cold season comes, it is still good to have an extra layer of clothes.

Old Eggplant did not process these clothes and planned to distribute them to others after dawn tomorrow. He picked up a few pieces of clothes, tore them into strips of cloth, wrapped them around wooden sticks and tied them in knots. Since there was no gasoline, he could only burn them like this.

With a group of players and torches in hand, Old Eggplant quickly returned to the flower bush where he knew the vines would come from even with his eyes closed.

Only this time, Old Eggplant did not walk in rashly, but used firelight to illuminate the wriggling flowers.

"Go to hell!"

He shouted and threw the torch into the flowers.

If you say this is a game, it is indeed just a game, but in virtual reality, these monsters did kill him countless times. This personal hatred became the motivation for him to fight at this moment.

Along with Old Eggplant's cry, countless torches were thrown into the flowers. Even though the black forest was humid, under the burning of so many torches, the flowers were gradually ignited.

The twisted vines tried to struggle, and the flower bones that could swallow human flesh disappeared in the flames.

Seeing the fire spreading, Lao Eggplant felt that his soul had been sublimated, and an unprecedented pleasure rose in his heart.

This is the joy of revenge, the joy of human beings finally defeating nature, and the shock of releasing their own souls.

He grinned a somewhat ferocious smile, which was particularly horrifying under the firelight.

Then, Lao Eggplant discovered that the fire seemed to be burning here.

"Run, run quickly!"

He turned around and ran away.


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