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740. The Wall of Sighs

As Jost said, the greatest characteristic of the demonic tide of Qianzu is quantity.

However, all demonic tides are the result of the gathering and impact of a large number of monsters. There are a lot of monsters, so why can Qianzu get such an evaluation?

The answer is that there are simply too many.

Old Eggplant has experienced two attacks caused by the migration of monsters before. The first time was like a locust plague in the real world, with countless bugs emerging from the forest and constantly attacking humans. The second time was even more spectacular, with swarms of bugs.

Blocking the sky, like a black surge.

He originally thought that the demon tide was slightly stronger than this, perhaps more visually shocking.

However, when Lao Eggplant really saw the true form of the demonic tide, he realized that he was wrong, and how wrong he was.

The dense insects are like a thick wall. This wall is infinitely high and thick. It not only blocks the sky, but also brings despair.

These bugs don't simply attack humans, but replace everything they see.

Old Eggplant raised his head and tried to find the top of the wall of insects, but he soon discovered that he could not see the end at all.

It was like a tsunami that touched the sky and rolled over from the deep sea. Wherever the naked eye could see, there was nothing but insects. The endless torrent swallowed up the forest, vegetation, air, and even time and space.

They all seem to have been eaten away by the swarm of insects.

That wall of despair can only make the old eggplant sigh.

This feeling of the whole world coming towards him shattered Old Eggplant's original ambitions.

There is no way humans can compete with such monsters, ever.

The fear before death occupied his heart, and it was not until a player made a sound that he suddenly came back to his senses.

It's time to fight.

Do you really want to fight these things?

Even if we can resist for one hour, two hours, one day, or two days, can we really defeat these monsters?

Even if you can barely resist this time, there are still more than a dozen such demonic tides, and they will continue for thousands of years. If you can survive by chance now, death will follow you like a shadow, like a big sword hanging above your head, making you unable to survive for the rest of your life.


Many veterans who have been on the battlefield will develop PTSD, which is post-traumatic stress disorder. In the dead of night, when everyone else is sleeping, they will recall the tragic situations they have seen on the battlefield, unable to sleep, and some will also express their feelings to the outside world.

Ordinary stimuli produce excessive reactions, and a person spends his entire life in fear.

A huge sense of despair enveloped Old Eggplant, and he saw some players taking action.

"Three days. As long as we persist for three days, we will complete the task. Keep your spirits up."

One optimistic player said.

His words made many people take action. As for games, sometimes players have to keep playing when faced with those horrific scenes.

You can't just not advance the plot just because you're afraid of death.

Three days in the game is only one day in the real world, and you may have to recharge it two or three times in the middle.

We have worked hard for so long, we can’t let things slip now.

The audience watching the live broadcast couldn't help but hold their breath because of this scene.

When Zheng Li saw the picture on the screen, he felt that Lu Jian was already very gentle back then.

Obviously the scenes in the movie did not fully show the horror of the demon tide due to technical reasons, or maybe according to the setting, the demon tide thousands of years later is not as dangerous as the original one, or it may be the influence of the spiritual torch. In short, now

The atmosphere of the live broadcast was quite depressing and made people feel hopeless.

Fuck, how can we fight this? There is absolutely no need to fight?

This number is too exaggerated, and it cannot be filled with human life.

How can we fight this without magic? Just hit it with a cannon and it will be submerged in no time.

I feel it will be very tragic, I don’t dare to watch it

Come on, test brothers

The occasional barrage was not noticed by Zheng Li. Suddenly, he heard a little noise, and this time he turned his attention entirely.

In the fortress, Wang Hao took the lead and fired the first cannon.

Of course he was also scared and nervous, and wanted to take off his helmet immediately and return to reality to escape the ensuing fight, but he still did not escape, and even directed the firing of the cannon.

Because these are the houses he built, as a construction engineer, there is nothing more heartbreaking than watching the house he built be destroyed. Thinking of the hard work and energy he spent building this house, Wang Hao was overcome.



The cannonballs made of animal excrement flew into the distance and fell into the forest along a parabola, stirring up soil and fallen leaves. However, because the insect tide had not yet approached the range of fire coverage, it failed to cause effective damage to them.

, only ignited some forests and caused small-scale wildfires.

But this shot woke everyone up.

The players don't have any big ambitions or ambitions. For them, this is just a major world event in the game.

For this reason, they should not retreat or give up out of fear.

The worst case scenario is death. If you die, you can be resurrected anyway, and that's it.

After this shot, the players woke up one after another.

They gradually began to take action, lighting beacon fires and beacon smoke, setting up cannons, and preparing to face the first wave of impact.

Old Eggplant saw that wall approaching with a huge sense of oppression. As it approached, the insect swarm came to the forest fire caused by the artillery fire. In just one second, the flames were drowned by the insect swarm, and no trace of it could be found anymore.


In the dark earth, only the crimson moon brings dangerous light.

It was at this time that all the fortresses, watch towers, forts, and artillery fire exploded at the same time.

The artillery that gathered the essence of human civilization weaved a sparse net and fell directly onto the black giant screen that blocked the world.

The explosion was not heard.

Because under the advancement of the insect swarm, those shells fell into the sea of ​​insects before they had time to detonate.

After a while, I saw some ripples in that impenetrable high wall.

Many bugs were blown to pieces, fell from the air, and were knocked away by their own kind, forming a torrential rain of flesh and blood.

The advancement of the high wall did not slow down at all, and the second round of shelling had already followed.

Boom boom boom boom—

The dull sound of artillery shelling sounded in the silent night. This silence was terrifying, and only the roar of artillery fire could make the players feel at ease.

But the high black wall had no impact at all. It still blocked out the sky and pushed everything aside.

"As expected, it still doesn't work?"

Stone was at the fortress, looking at the wall of despair and sighs. He was already thinking about life-saving strategies. If it was just himself and Lu Tiao, Stone could still protect him, but he couldn't do more.


At this moment, Drizzt faced the biting cold wind and the wall of despair. He raised his hand, holding the revolver in his palm.

Suddenly, a light flashed through the darkness.

This chapter has been completed!
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