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744. A little flame

The Kingdom of Night, a fortress somewhere.

The swarm of insects has covered the entire sky. They rise from the twisted vegetation of the black forest. Wherever they see, even stones are trying to gnaw.

The armors on the remaining knights in the fortress were in tatters. They had resisted the attacks of two waves of insects, and most of them had been damaged. The only ones left had empty eyes and numb expressions. Obviously, in this desperate battle,

During this time, not only the body, but also the mind was tortured. Even if you managed to survive, your understanding of the world would have undergone earth-shaking changes, and you would never be able to go back to the past.

A knight looked at the swarms of insects all over the mountains and plains outside the fortress. His eyes moved. He lowered his head and looked at the long sword in his hand that was full of gaps due to constantly killing insects. He felt a little tired.

Why are you staying here?

What is the reason why you keep fighting?

This world will eventually be devoured and destroyed by monsters, and the torture I endure here is meaningless.

He felt a soft whisper ringing in his ears, persuading him.

The knight raised his sword and placed it across his neck.

People around him noticed his actions, and some stood up to stop him, but there was hesitation in his actions.

Desperation spread, and the knight slashed the sword across his neck. The rough and chipped blade still caused the flesh to spread out and blood to flow.

The knight was speechless. The blood foam had already blocked his throat. A hint of final regret flashed in his eyes. He grabbed the wound in his throat with both hands, trying to stop the blood from overflowing. He kicked his legs wildly, but finally failed.

Gradually losing strength, the whole person became limp, ushering in the end of life.

The others looked at each other in confusion, it was impossible to say that they did not have similar thoughts.


At this moment, a burst of impact hit, and the wall in front finally collapsed due to the gnawing of the insect swarm. The black insect swarm poured into the fortress. The knights suddenly felt regretful and wanted to pursue the man who committed suicide.


But time has given them no more opportunities.

After a while, the fortress was completely razed, not even the corpses of those knights were left behind, only the howling cold wind was left.

Situations like this can be seen everywhere in the Kingdom of Darkness today.

This situation will continue for several days in the Kingdom of Darkness.

In this world that is more torturous than hell, even a normal death is a luxury.

In a village near the Black Forest, two old men who could not walk sat on a bench and looked at the swarm of insects in the sky. The two held each other's hands tightly and closed their eyes as the swarm of insects swooped down.


In a big town a little further away, a mother held her child in her arms and looked at the insects flying in the air, her eyes full of despair.

Even the nobles, seeing the sky gradually being eroded in the distance, had no choice but to flee.

In the face of the demonic tide, all differences in power, status, strength, and identity are smoothed out at the speed of light. Only death is the only equality.

Riduo Town.

The appearance of the Pale Knights excited all the players present.

The attack of the insect swarm seems to have weakened a lot. Some insects find it difficult to bite down here and go to other areas to cause harm.

The bugs that are attacking the fortress are blocked by the players' various weird and extraordinary props, making it difficult to break through the building.

A ray of light burst out from the flag of the Pale Knight, piercing through the blocking swarm of insects like a sharp knife. The light bloomed and forcibly separated a path from the ocean of insects.

The knights marched towards the fortress. Their speed was very fast. Although they were only walking, they seemed to be riding horses. This must also be the effect of magic.

In a matter of moments, those knights arrived at the town. They opened up the barriers and continuously released fire and ice to attack the swarms of insects hovering in the sky to protect the people in the town.

Time passed minute by minute.

Even if the defense line of Ridu Town can temporarily resist the insect swarm, death and mourning are everywhere in other parts of the Kingdom of Night.

Jost was on top of the tower, and in front of him were scattered parchments on which the final ritual process of the Demonic Network was written.

In a flash of inspiration, Jost finally completed what may be the greatest spell in the Kingdom of Darkness from ancient times to the present, in the past, present, and future, at any time and in any place.

Now, all that remains is to light it up.

However, Jost hesitated.

Is such a decision really arbitrary for him?

He looked into the distance.

The fortress was crumbling in the storm of the insect swarm, and the undead players rushed forward one after another, constantly reborn from the quagmire, and gathered to rush to the battlefield.

The mages in the town held high their flags. Facing the surging insect tide, they were not afraid of death. Even if they were tainted, they still continued to use magic to protect the townspeople.

On the fortress watchtower that mirrored the gray tower, Lu Jian and others who helped him were also doing their best to defeat the insect swarm.

In such a world, I feel out of place.

Jost heard a booming sound.

Perhaps because the advancement here is too slow, or perhaps because the presence of the Chosen One attracted the attention of the monsters, huge insects appeared on the other side of the horizon.

Under the chitinous shell of the insect is a soft body covered with mucus. It is huge and bloated, like a diseased tumor. The insect floats in mid-air, with countless wriggling tentacles hanging down. It is like a ball of decayed

The flesh exudes a terrifying and ferocious aura, and the sixteen eyes look in different directions, making people feel creepy.

There are many more such insects.

Just like balloons floating in, the insect swarm also made way for these insects, forming roads with gaps.

Seeing this scene, Xiya's expression changed slightly.

"Get rid of those bugs first."

She pointed to the one at the front.

Immediately, the magic in his hand crossed a distance of a hundred meters and flew towards the insect.

But before the magic could hit, the insect exploded.


A flash of light that could cause temporary blindness erupted, followed by a huge roar. The insect exploded like a balloon, causing a shock wave accompanied by flames, swallowing up its kin. The explosive air flow headed towards the fortress, causing

Shia's hair was messy.

In Shia's era, there was such a mutated insect in [Thousand Legs]. Although it moved relatively slowly, its destructive power was amazing. If there was no spiritual torch to block it, these insect swarms could enter the vicinity of the fortress, detonate themselves, and destroy the defenses.


More importantly, with the numerical advantage, this explosion is endless.

Mages can use various means to snipe these bugs from a distance, but as long as one fish slips through the net, all efforts will be wasted.

In addition, there are bugs that move faster, like rolling balls, but with slightly less destructive power, as well as bugs that devour magic, bugs that specialize in cutting steel, bugs that can hide their bodies, and other special features.

Transformed insects.

These bugs usually appear on the second or third day of the blood moon, and that's when it becomes really difficult.

But now, just half a day after the demonic tide started, these alienated bugs appeared on the battlefield.


Shia saw that a sentry tower near the front was hit by the exploding insect, and a small mushroom cloud rose up. After the smoke disappeared, only ruins were left there.

More exploding bugs appeared on the battlefield. Shia didn't know if this was a ripple in history caused by the arrival of the Chosen One. She only knew that if this continued, the losses caused by this wave of demons would be greater than

The history is much larger, there will be more territories lost, and the butterfly effect may affect more history.

This is the struggle of the Kingdom of Darkness.

Even if humans have been victorious for thousands of years, monsters only need to win once to decide the outcome.


From the exploding bug, several smaller, shuttle-like bugs fell down. They were extremely fast and numerous. In the blink of an eye, they had passed the swarm of bugs, crossed the fortress, and hit the magic barrier in the town.

The standing gray tower.

Boom boom boom boom——

A series of explosions sounded, and Drizzt saw that under the smoke, although the magic barrier still existed, it was also damaged a lot and had cracks. The mages inside struggled to hold on, and the frequency of attacks changed as the erosion of pollution accelerated.


As for the towering gray tower, the explosion damaged its body, and the entire tower was like a candle in the wind, crumbling.

Jost was shocked and fell. He fell to the ground, and blood left his arm. Jost kept coughing, and blood spattered onto the parchments, which was shocking.

He knew it was time.

Jost stood up and stood on the top of the gray tower.

Whoosh whoosh——

There are hundreds of similar bugs, and those bugs are heading towards the gray tower in messy trajectories.

They seemed to be afraid of something, in awe of something, afraid of something, and eager to destroy this tall tower that had not yet played any role.

Shia tried her best to intercept these bugs.

But there are too many.

These hundreds of insects, even if only one fish slips through the net, can cause huge trauma.

Under the absolute suppression of firepower, even magic seemed pale and powerless.


A hundred meters away, a bug hit the gray tower.

In the explosion, the debris of countless buildings flew out.

Shia's heart thumped, and a bad premonition arose.

She saw that among the smoke and dust, the gray tower was riddled with holes, as if it would collapse in the next moment.

However, the Gray Tower is still there.

At this moment, everyone's attention was attracted by this dilapidated tower.

At the top of the tower, there is a man standing.

He was wearing a red robe, his face was haggard, and there was still blood on the corner of his mouth that had not been wiped dry.

Jost laughed unconsciously.

He smiled because he finally found the answer.

In this dark, despairing, night-shrouded world, we really need a little fire.

This flame is not the god who abandoned humanity, nor is it the Old One who created the monsters.

Jost finally understands this flame.

It's himself.

This chapter has been completed!
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