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746. No one knows

The moment the magic network was successfully constructed, everyone in the Kingdom of Darkness heard a roar.

The mages noticed that substantial threads appeared in the air. These threads made of light spread from their chests and extended toward the infinitely high sky. They became entangled together halfway, forming a huge network.

In their consciousness, a ball of flame appeared in the gloomy and dark night, like a pale sun, bringing weak light to the earth.

Some knowledge emerged in their consciousness, which was a contract.

This contract promised untainted knowledge and power, but it also required sacrifice and sacrifice.

Some mages hesitated, some were pleased, and some were at a loss.

But some people still chose to accept it.

They may be poor people suffering from pollution and dying soon, or they may be idealists with high aspirations and determination to save the world, or maybe they just want to seize the last glimmer of hope in this dark and desperate world.


So the fire was lit.

In a certain fortress, a dying mage's body ignited with pale flames. The glimmer of light did not burn the surrounding things, but made the fortress suddenly light up.

The soldiers who fought hard suddenly discovered that in the dim light, these insect swarms were actually ignited.

Those ferocious, seemingly invincible insects struggled to retreat in the light of the flames, fleeing, trying to leave the scope of the light.

The soldiers felt incredible. They thought it was a gift from the gods at first, but when they looked for the source of the fire, they only saw their companions who had fought alongside them, wailing in pain, rolling and twisting in the pale flames.


Only then did they know who saved them.

As more and more mages are connected to the Magic Network, the entire network gradually grows and grows, forming a shelter that covers the entire Kingdom of Darkness.

Looking down at the earth, at one point, two o'clock, three o'clock, more flames ignited. These mages used themselves as firewood, lit their spiritual torches, and illuminated the world with the dim but enough light to dispel despair.

At this time, ordinary people also saw the catkins-like threads filling the air.

Simple knowledge flows into their minds along these threads, and a world unfolds in front of these people.

In this barren and backward world, in this age of ignorance, many people only live in their own towns throughout their lives. They have never seen the vast land, nor the majestic mountains, rivers, and oceans. They live in a state of confusion and sleep.

However, now, an opportunity appeared in front of them.

As long as you sign a contract and agree to connect to the magic network, you will have endless knowledge to gain, and you can rely on your own hands to change your destiny.

Knowledge is no longer a frightening pollution, but a benefit that everyone can enjoy. The price of all this is to dedicate one's life when the evil tide comes and when needed.

Some people refused and wanted to settle down in a corner and spend their lives in their own homes. Others hesitated because they yearned for knowledge and power but were daunted by sacrifice and dedication. Some people responded directly to the handshake. For them,

The current situation is bad enough; nothing could be more desperate.

Dots of firelight continued to pour out, illuminating the sky of the Kingdom of Night.

In this long and painful battle against the demonic tide, mankind has for the first time a light of hope.

It was not a case of two heroes turning the tide in a desperate situation, but a small-scale miracle composed of ordinary people like you and me.

For the Kingdom of Night, the age of heroes is over, and history is no longer driven by one or two talented geniuses and great men.

For the Kingdom of Night, the age of mortals has begun.

From now on, the fate of fighting against the demonic tide will be engraved in everyone's heart. There will be no ancient heroes in this world, because everyone living here is a hero.

Similarly, in Rimu Town, as the first group of players to come into contact with the Magic Network, some complex agreements emerged in Lao Eggplant's mind.

He raised his right hand, and the silver thread was wrapped around his fingertips. Old Eggplant now understood very well that this was the cornerstone of this world, the law of this world.

At this moment, he only needs to move his fingers slightly to pluck these silver threads, thereby mobilizing the underlying laws of the entire world and rewriting reality. This is the essence of magic.

He closed his eyes, but he did not feel the darkness. The stars in the sky were shining brightly, and each one opened its arms to him. In front of Old Eggplant's eyes, countless knowledge overflowed, and the torrent containing the entire world's heritage made him dizzy.

Old Eggplant recalled how amazing he was when he first came into contact with the Internet.

In that monotonous and somewhat simple era, the Internet brought Lao Eggplant a subversive cognition. For the first time, he felt the vastness of the world. His originally calm life was like a black and white photo, and that

The richness and variety on the Internet is what it really is.

For the current Lao Eggplant, the influx of this knowledge has also given him a completely different view of the world.

It's hard to imagine that there is such a wealth of knowledge in a game.

For Lao Eggplant, the Kingdom of Darkness is a real world.

Similarly, in Shia's consciousness, she was standing on the high tower.

She recalled the pale and warm light she felt when she first came into contact with magic and connected with the magic network. She stood in front of this light.

"It turns out that you have been burning yourself for so many years."

Shia knew very well that it was quite difficult to find gods as sacrifices, let alone the Old Ones whose true form was sealed above the moon.

If he wants to build a magic network and change the world, Jost uses his own power.

Shia didn't know if Jost had been planning this from the beginning, or if he had a sudden flash of inspiration at this critical moment.

She only knew that Jost himself turned into a god, ignited his soul, and kept watch for thousands of years.

The Gray Tower and the Magic Network will become Jost's mark. What he has worked hard to build for so many days is his own prison.

The will of all the mages from the past to the present was combined to create a vast constellation of stars, and each of those stars was the deified mages.

What made all of this possible was the knowledge brought by the Chosen Gods. It was the method of becoming a god that inspired Jost, and he finally designed such a genius and cruel structure.

One hour is the time it takes for a mage from the Kingdom of Darkness to sit on a spiritual torch and burn himself to exhaustion.

And Jost, he sat on the top of this gray tower, burning himself for who knows how many years.

Even most people in the Kingdom of Darkness don't know his existence or their existence.

No one knows the names of these people, but their achievements will last forever.

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