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747. price

Some knowledge also emerged in Stone's mind, some of which he already knew, and some of which he had not yet encountered.

But miraculously, this knowledge did not come with contamination, and Stone was able to read and absorb this knowledge easily without fear of erosion.

Of course, Stone can also feel that this knowledge is wrapped around his brain like a spider web and may be withdrawn at any time. Once it disappears, then this knowledge will also be withdrawn from his mind.

This is the working mechanism of the Magic Network, which blocks the transmission of pollution by temporarily granting knowledge.

Stone even glimpsed some knowledge that transcended human limits and dealt with great existences.

Seeing this, his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Since he can see it, Drizzt...

Stone couldn't help but look to his side, where Drizzt was recovering his strength due to the use of artificial sun fire.

Drizzt closed his eyes slightly, he could also see those golden threads, and the knowledge brought by the flame of the torch poured into his mind. As a tested God's Chosen One, Drizzt knew very well that he

What is needed is not as curious as those who are exposed to such things for the first time.

Soon, Drizzt discovered what he wanted from this knowledge.

The knowledge that imprisoned the gods.

The wizards of the Kingdom of Night have tried to become gods in the past. Some wizards also learned about the existence of the Old Ones before they died. They have been studying how to suppress that power and compete with it. Although they can

The mages who came into contact with this have become both dead and crazy, but through the spiritual torch and the magic network, those great souls who have fallen can contribute all their knowledge. In the magic network, thoughts that transcend time and space collide, and

Got some answers.

Drizzt quickly grasped that knowledge.

However, this knowledge will disappear when exiting the Demonic Network. After leaving the Kingdom of Night, Drizzt will forget everything.

However, as a chosen one, Drizzt naturally knows how to imprint this knowledge.

At this moment, he felt himself being shaken.

Opening his eyes, Drizzt saw Stone looking at him worriedly.

"I'm fine."

Drizzt responded that he thought Stone was worried that he was weakening from overuse of his strength.

"The swarm has retreated."

At this time, a player suddenly said.

The originally menacing swarm of insects retreated as if they were afraid of the shadow of the sun. They struggled and withered in the pale flames, leaving behind a sea of ​​corpses.

But the brilliance of the Gray Tower was far stronger than the spiritual torches in the fortress that Lu Tuan had ever seen.

The brilliance of that pale sun actually radiated like a real sun.

As far as the eye can see, the sun is shining brightly, and even the blood moon hanging high in the sky has faded.

This light penetrated the black forest, causing the twisted and eroded trees to burn. The large flames did not emit thick smoke. These plants were like melted butter, disintegrating, splitting, and turning into dust.

, dissipated in the sunlight.

Over a thousand miles, the light of the spiritual torch can be seen everywhere.

This ray of light directly opened up a large area of ​​​​black forest and regained a lot of land that humans had lost over the years. It is obvious that from then on, the center of the Kingdom of Darkness will be moved to the vicinity of the Gray Tower, with this as the center.

A new kingdom was established and finally became what Lu Jian saw.

He looked at the small brick in his hand.

gray tower cornerstone

The first brick in the construction of the Gray Tower

In the long struggle against the demonic tide, the establishment of the Gray Tower is a sign that mankind finally has the ability to control the supernatural.

But, what's the cost?

Lu Jian now finally understood the words in the description of this item.

In the past, mages passively endured pollution, were unable to control erosion, and eventually fell into madness and alienation, just like humans harvesting and farming with the help of certain natural weather changes.

After the Gray Tower is established, the mages can actively control this power and use it for their own use.

As for the price.

He looked towards the quietly burning tower.

As Jost once said, saving the entire world with one life in exchange for the continuation of the world is a very cost-effective thing.

Even if the Kingdom of Darkness eventually fails to hold on and is destroyed by the demonic tide, becoming another foreign tombstone, the process of resistance cannot be forgotten.

Moreover, there are many witnesses.

In front of the computer, Zheng Li, who had just watched this scene, remembered to breathe.

He couldn't say a word. The moment the pale flame ignited, he felt as if a piece of his heart had been torn out by something.

It was not that he had never seen such a scene before. In fact, he had witnessed many of them.

The experience of studying medicine made Zheng Li know a lot of rebels. These people are in war-torn places, barren places, desperate places, and places where people are afraid to avoid them, but they go forward to save lives and heal the wounded, and hang pots to help the world.

This is also the reason why he chose medicine in the first place.

And more often than not, in human history, there are similar people who ignited themselves in order to illuminate others.

If Zheng Li felt the fearless spirit of those mages sacrificing themselves when watching the demonic tide, then what he witnessed now was a grand sacrifice.

And all this seems to have been destined.

The blood moon is not over yet, and the spiritual torch still needs to burn more lives. Behind every flame that is lit is a living person. He has his own family, life, and dreams, but everything is threatened by the coming of the demonic tide.

At that moment, it turned into a pale flame, burned briefly, and released a dazzling light that shone brightly in the world.

Zheng Li even began to think about how he would choose if he faced a similar situation.

Even though he can now boast that he can sacrifice himself, in reality, he knows very well that he is not that brave and selfless.

Because of this, Zheng Li admired those mages who sacrificed themselves even more.

It’s hard to imagine that just watching a live broadcast of a game could make Zheng Li think about these things and have such feelings.

But everything in the Kingdom of Night seemed like it really happened, and it was impossible to accept that it was just virtual.

Three days later.

As the blood moon faded, Old Eggplant took off his helmet. Only one day had passed in real time. He also recharged the battery three times and ate and slept at a minimum to replenish his energy.

To him, this period of time seemed like several months had passed.

He had a feeling of loss, and those who fought side by side with him were like real friends.

After getting up, Lao Eggplant didn't have time to go to the public or post on Weibo to show off. He went to the bathroom and washed his face.

The sky was dim and the bathroom was very dark. Old Eggplant looked at himself in the mirror, and suddenly, inspiration burst out.

He did not reach out to turn on the light, but raised his right hand and snapped his fingers.

I saw flames bursting out from his fingertips, rising up, and lighting up the room.


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