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075. Praise the sun

Drizzt saw nothing on the empty chair.

But he could feel a little breath, as if there was someone sitting there.

After swallowing, Drizzt looked at Lu Tiao.

Lu Tan sat down, sitting next to the empty chair, staring into the void.

"Are you the Black Queen?"

Lu Tan asked.

The woman in the red wedding dress, with a pale face and red eyes, only glanced at Lu Tan faintly.


Countless knowledge flowed into Lu Jian's brain.

"...I don't want to marry Lord Neptune, and I don't want to think about dying..."

"...Only by presenting your bride to the Sea Prince can you calm the storm and save the entire town..."

"...You are lucky, Ah Li, you were chosen to be the bride this year..."

"...The dance they dance is very strange, giving people a kind of trance-like power. Even the wind and waves seem to be attracted by this dance and settle down..."

"...Ake, the Hai family has taken a fancy to you, and you will become their bride. This is our family's honor..."

"...Every woman who married into the Hai family has disappeared. They have never seen their families again. Do you think they have actually been sacrificed to Prince Hai?"

"...No, it feels so uncomfortable, so uncomfortable, please help me...someone help me..."

"...If you don't want to be like that, just listen to my instructions and I will help you..."

"...Kill me, kill me, please, kill me..."

The crazy and messy sentences finally mixed in the brain, impacted the brain, and burned in every ravine of the cerebral cortex.

Lu Tran felt his nose feel hot, and dark red blood oozed from his nostrils. Soon, his vision became blurred, his ears stung and buzzed, and his throat seemed to be stuck with thick phlegm, making it difficult to breathe.

Fresh blood flowed from his eyes, nose, mouth, and ears, staining his clothes and the ground red.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Drizzt stood up and patted Lu Tiao on the shoulder.

"no problem."

Lu Tan waved his hand, and veins popped up on his arms, and the blue and black blood vessels were clearly visible under the skin.

Compared to [the knowledge of a madman], the information he just received was slightly inferior.

Green grass seemed to grow in his nostrils. Lu Tan rubbed his eyes and saw nothing but blood on the back of his hands, just grass clippings.

Pain seared Lu Tong's brain.

In order to divert attention, he spoke.

"The Sea Prince, that is, the original sea monster is the Black Queen Mother. He is one of the incarnations of a certain god. He was later sealed and suppressed in the black tower in the Hai Family Mansion."

"But the Black Queen Mother's own power has not been completely sealed. As time goes by, her power overflows and she seeks help from others to lift the seal, which also subtly affects the people of the Hai family."

"He bewitched every bride who married into the Hai family, hoping that these outsiders could help him get out of trouble. However, the existence of the Black Queen Mother itself is a kind of pollution. Even the cry for help is enough for those who hear it.

Get crazy."

"The people of the Hai family are on the verge of collapse. They have been most severely polluted by the Black Queen Mother. In other words, they may have all become servants of the Black Queen Mother, just because they all fell into madness when they became servants. Instead,

There is no way to release it."

As he spoke, the wounds on Lu Tan's body were covered with green vegetation.

"...Are you really okay?"

Drizzt has never seen such a situation. If it weren't for Lu Jian in front of him, this guy who seemed abnormal before, he might lose his mind after seeing this scene.

"It's no problem, just soak in the sun and it'll be fine."

When Lu Tan said these words, the woman in the red wedding dress had disappeared.

"The woman in red clothes is a symbol of pollution. Being able to see her means that we have been subtly polluted."

Hearing this, Drizzt's heart sank.

If he and Lu Jian were polluted when they entered the town yesterday, how seriously polluted would the residents living in Hongshui Town and the Hai family have been in such a short distance over such a long period of time?

Can these people still be called human beings?

"Fortunately, as long as we attend the wedding tomorrow, we can escape unscathed. We don't have to forcefully participate in the dispute between the Black Queen Mother and the Hai family."

Drizzt said worriedly.

"It's just that the people in this small town, I'm afraid... The senior who once guided me once said that foreign lands are not false places, and people in foreign lands are not lifeless fakes. To the best of our ability,

Every one I can save is one, but now it seems...anyway, tomorrow will be the end of everything."

He glanced at Lu Jian.

This man with grass growing on his body had fallen asleep at some point, and the flowers on his head were slowly blooming.


The gongs and drums are noisy, the lanterns are decorated.

When Drizzt woke up, he smelled a strong smell of gunpowder.

He heard the sound of firecrackers and festive music.

He sat up and found that he was sleeping on the bed with a blanket covering him.

When he walked out of the house, he saw Lu Tan standing in the courtyard, facing the sun, opening his hands as if to embrace the sun.

"Praise the sun."

Lu Tan sighed, then turned around, turned over and continued to bask in the sun.

"What is this doing..."

Drizzt yawned.

"In photosynthesis."

Lu Tan replied seriously.

"Photosynthesis...what? Forget it, has the wedding already started?"

Drizzt asked.

"Almost, we are cruising around town."

Lu Tan said casually.

Drizzt put on his clothes and walked cautiously through the empty yard to the front yard.

He came to the gate of Haijia and saw the team welcoming the bride.

This is the first time Drizzt has seen so many living people in this world.

No, that's not right.

Drizzt saw that the people carrying the sedan were dark-skinned locals, and escorting the team were maids in red clothes with pale faces and bright red lips.

These maids are just like Mr. Haijia and Mrs. Haijia yesterday, full of the smell of death.

The bustling crowd on the street was even more bizarre.

These people were waving towards the wedding procession. Their movements were dull, repetitive, as if they were mechanical, and completely lifeless. Their movements were also inconsistent, and had a strange feeling of being scattered.

It's like the puppets on the stage will only move according to the original settings.

"This town is hopeless. From the moment we encountered the Black Queen Mother, this town was destined to be destroyed."

A sudden voice came from behind Drizzt. He took a look and saw that there were no more flowers and plants on Lu Jian's body.

He also held a piece of compressed biscuit in his hand and was chewing it while drinking water.

Noticing Drizzt's gaze, Lu Tan hesitated for a moment, then broke open a small half of the compressed biscuit and handed it to Drizzt.

"That's all I have. After eating, it's time to hit the road."


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