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767.B-grade film

"You can't go to Miskatok."

The old woman's words echoed in the room, causing the cold sweat that James had just wiped off to break out again.

Like an owl, she turned her head and stared at James and the others. Valerie hid directly behind James, quite wary, and the drunk Thalia suddenly sobered up a little, and she looked at the old woman.

People don't dare to speak out.

"What happened to Miskatok?"

James asked curiously.

"It's not a nice place there. It's exclusive and closed. They don't welcome outsiders."

The old woman muttered and glanced at the camera in Scott's hand again.

"My son also liked movies. His twelfth birthday gift was a camera. He took a lot of videos."

She turned back and continued to slice the bacon with the kitchen knife in her hand.

"In the cabinet under the TV, they were all taken by him. He has also made movies. You may be interested."

After cutting the meat, the old woman turned on the stove, heated the pan, poured a little oil, and seemed to be preparing to fry the bacon and ham.

"Really? He really loves movies."

James said, he came to the TV cabinet. The TV was quite old, almost the oldest color TV he had ever seen.

In the TV cabinet, there are many boxes of video tapes with words such as "birthday", "travel" and "field" marked on them. They look like home videos.

Continuing to read, there are shocking and vicious words such as "curse", "sin" and "zombie party", which are related to what the old woman said. This may be a movie shot by her son.

B-level movies and personal films are the starting point for many directors, especially in these Western countries. Many times young people will receive cameras as their birthday gifts. Those who are interested will use them to record their lives and shoot low-budget personal films.

Movies, such as the famous Spielberg.

The creative styles of many well-known directors in the future also contain many traces of their boyhood. Some directors even get tired of making blockbusters and will turn to making some B-level movies for fun.

In B-level movies, horror and thriller themes are everlasting. Under the constraints of low cost, large-scale science fiction and fantasy productions are obviously not feasible, and bland romance and literary films are not eye-catching enough. Thriller, horror, crime, and violence themes have become

He became the darling of B-level movies and even became synonymous with B-level movies for a time.

It seems that this young man also likes horror themes.

James continued to scan, but found that there was a video tape with interesting notes.

It says "Film Festival".

"It's a pity that he has passed away."

Suddenly, the old woman's cold words came from behind James.

He was startled, turned around quickly, and saw that the old woman had arrived behind him without knowing when, quietly.

James glanced at his girlfriend Valerie not far away, complaining a little about why the other party didn't remind him, but the blond girl looked innocent, and she didn't notice when the old woman came over.


Thalia asked, standing by the window.

"Yes, an accident, an unfortunate accident. He died in Miskatok, at the film festival. The only thing I received in the end was this videotape."

The old woman reached over James and pulled out the box of video tapes from the cabinet.

"Do you want to see it?"

she asked quietly.

James swallowed. To be honest, he really didn't want to see this.

He didn't know whether the old woman's son really died due to an accident or something else. He felt that the old woman had a nervous feeling and might stab him at any time. He didn't want to get involved.

Too deep.

"It's better not to use it..."

James refused.


At this time, Lu Tan suddenly made a sound, which made James shiver.

"We are very interested in the Miskatok Film Festival and are planning to create a film related to the festival. I believe this video can give us some inspiration."

Lu Tan said seriously.

"Director Lu Kan?"

James didn't understand Lu Tan's thoughts and couldn't help but ask.

"That's great, he will definitely be very happy."

The old woman turned around and thrust the box of video tapes into Lu Jian's hands.

"I'll give you this video tape."

"Is it really okay?"

Lu Tian took the videotape and took a look. There were some signs of wear and tear on the plastic casing of the videotape. It didn't look like bumps from daily use, but more like scratches left by some creature's claws on it.

"If there is an audience for what he shoots, he will definitely be happy."

The old woman replied.

Lu Tan nodded.

"Hey, I found the engine oil, James, come help me."

Suddenly, Weiss's voice came from the door, which slightly relieved the weird atmosphere of the scene.

"Oh, okay, okay."

James stood up, glanced at the TV cabinet again, and then hurriedly followed Wes to repair the vehicle.

His girlfriend Valerie followed closely, seemingly not wanting to stay in the house for long.

"Can I take a picture of this place?"

Scott asked, pointing to the TV cabinet.

The old woman didn't stop her and just went back to the kitchen to continue cooking dinner.

The smell of meat soon filled the room.

Scott took pictures of the room carefully, and then turned the camera to the TV cabinet and the video tapes.

He randomly took a box of video tapes labeled "Field", put it into the player, turned on the TV, and after a burst of snowflakes, the picture appeared.

"Hey, this is a field, and there's corn growing in it. I don't really like corn, but they make money."

A sound came from the TV. I don't know if it was due to a problem with the projector or the TV. The sound contained a lot of noise, like a radio that had been severely interfered with, and the picture was choppy. Even though the shooting was during the day, there was no sound.

It feels dark and dense, like before a storm comes.

"I met some friends in the cornfield. They were amazing. I'm going to leave some records for them."

The sound continues, and the camera gradually goes deeper into the cornfield.

The towering corn blocks most of the view, and only paths separate the blocks, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

"Look there they are."

A hand appeared in the picture, pointing forward, but perhaps due to this action, the camera shifted slightly downwards, and it was not possible to capture the position he pointed at the first time.

But the photographer quickly adjusted.

Just when the camera looked up and the curious answer was about to be revealed, a face appeared on the TV.


Thalia couldn't help but scream in surprise. His face was as pale as a dead man. He lay quietly in the cornfield, and the surrounding corn was overwhelmed by unknown things, forming a strange open space.

"Hello, Gehlot?"

The voice appeared again, and the hand gently patted the face of the person lying on the ground, but the other person did not respond at all, as if he was dead.

"It seems that he fell asleep. I have to wake him up first."

The camera began to shake, and Scott caught a glimpse of the lower body of the man lying on the ground reflected in the shaking camera.

The body had no legs, and was missing from the abdomen downwards, as if it had been gnawed by some creature, with internal organs scattered everywhere.

The TV went black with a hiss, and the video tape ended.


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