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078. Standing on the ground

In the darkness, stench, and disgusting mud, Lu Jian could feel that those turbid foreign things were trying to penetrate him.

From his nose, mouth, eyes, ears, and every pore, the sludge tried its best to penetrate into his body, transforming Lu Jian's physiological structure and turning him into a half-fish, half-human monster.

As the silt gradually eroded Lu Jian, the green vegetation inside Lu Jian also slowly grew, using the silt as nutrients to resist alienation.

In Lu Tan's mind, countless voices came through the mud.

"...I just want to be a human being, an ordinary human being..."

"...I wonder if Pisces will be happy if she marries..."

"...I don't want to stay here, I don't want to be like you..."

"...I don't want to die yet, I still want to live, yes, as long as I can live, no matter what I am asked to do..."

"...Distorted wishes will inevitably bring distorted results. It turns out that everything is true, and it turns out that everything is destined..."

"...Poor kid, I only had time to take one last look at him..."

"...Destroy everything, destroy everything, hahahaha..."

Countless voices, men, women, old and young, different languages, intertwined and woven together, these words are like independent wills, gathering in this filthy mud, trying to get into Lu Tiao's mind, trying to make Lu Tiao

His consciousness also became that chaotic state.

From ancient times to the present, the consciousnesses of all the people who died in this mud are now integrated into it, and they constitute the will of this mud.

Countless wishes merge into everything, and in the end they will only reverse everything and bring everything to destruction.

Mental pollution that far exceeded the limit of human endurance spread in Lu Jian's mind.

Around his body, the lush green vegetation blocked the mud and formed a cocoon-like object, but the mud still continued to pour in from the gaps.

Outside the mud, in the Hai family mansion that was already riddled with holes, Drizzt watched helplessly as Lu Tiao got the statue, and then saw him being swallowed by the mud.

The tall tower had turned into a monster of mud. From the monster's body, countless tentacles made of mud spread. In the blackened pool, the huge mud stretched out its dark hooves and slowly stood up.

It was like the giant beast that destroyed the city in ancient legends. With its majestic appearance, there was no doubt that it was an extraordinary creature that towered over humans.

Drizzt felt that his reason was burning. In fact, from the moment he saw the tower turning into mud, Drizzt had already been hit by the impact of his reason. Fortunately, he was mentally prepared, so he did not suffer too much.

Temporary madness.

But even so, Drizzt still felt instinctive trembling when he saw that magnificent, inhuman, and terrifying creature.

He raised his revolver.

Then pulled the trigger.

This is the first time Drizzt fires a weapon in this mission.

This picture looks a bit ridiculous.

A small, insignificant mortal, shooting at the incarnation of a god, a gigantic mythical creature.

Anyone who sees it will find it funny.

But Drizzt did it anyway.

He believed that he did not have as strong willpower as Lu Jian, and his fighting skills were only slightly better than others, and he did not have the amazing ability to fight against ghosts or control extraordinary things.

He was able to survive in the Silent Land for so long, and even dared to challenge the [Erosion] difficulty, relying on this revolver.

[Intended to create Yangyan]

This is the reward item that Drizzt received after completing his professional mission of [Detective].

As its name suggests, the effect of this revolver is to create a sun of hypocrisy.


A shock wave spread from Drizzt's gun muzzle, and the boiling heat wave created a golden sun, even brighter than the pale sun.

Before the behemoth came into contact with the golden sun, it had already begun to evaporate and dissolve. Countless wails resounded, and it seemed that the soul could be seen being separated from the mud.

The warm and bright sunshine shines on the earth, bringing daylight to Dry Water Town that may not have happened in hundreds of years.

The people outside Dry Water Town, those who were affected by the Black Queen Mother but were spared because they lived a little further away, could only hide in their homes when the zombies of the Hai family passed by. At this moment, they saw the sunshine outside the window.

, couldn't help but walked out, and they saw the bright sun rising above Dry Water Town. It was a scene beyond myth.

They prostrate, kneel, and pray, as if a new god is rising.

As for the silt, it was completely evaporated by the blazing sun, and even the soul was saved.

The revolver in Drizzt's hand was so hot that it burned a layer of skin off his palm. The scalded blisters were hideous and painful, but they did not make Drizzt let go of his hand.

It wasn't until the sunlight disappeared that Drizzt felt the trembling and bone-piercing pain in his right hand.

Although he possesses the powerful firepower of [Fake Sun Flame], it is a pity that this ability of this revolver can only be used once in a mission, and after using it, [Fake Sun Flame] will be damaged for at least a week.

It's just an ordinary revolver in time.

The price is quite high.

But it is precisely because of this that Drizzt's strategy for doing missions in the Quiet Land is very simple. First, conduct a steady investigation to find the mastermind or target, and finally bring all the guys who want to be solved together and try to give them a shot.


This was how Drizzt solved the problem before in the Kingdom of Darkness when faced with the monsters attacking from the Black Forest.

Originally, before entering this mission, Drizzt's plan was to attend the wedding step by step, and then if something unexpected happened at the wedding, he would just break away with one blow. Anyway, it would be shattered, and there shouldn't be any monsters left.

It's a pity that this mission encountered a road trip and triggered a lot of strange things.

"It should be...still alive, right?"

Drizzt walked towards the center of the explosion of [Fake Sun Flame].

This thing is very lethal to evil and filthy things, but not very powerful to humans. Moreover, Drizzt felt that with Lu Jian's tenacious vitality, it would be no problem to take two hits from the front.

The sunlight and even the stench of the metal evaporated away, and Drizzt saw a gray-green cocoon at the very center of the explosion.

He knelt down and poked the callus with his good left hand.

The gray vegetation suddenly withered and turned into ashes.

Lu Tan was curled up in it, holding the white jade-like statue in his hands.

"Is it still too late?"

Drizzt looked at Lu Jian with his eyes closed, thinking that he had been killed, so he couldn't help but squat down.

"What a shame, you were a good man and I will remember you."

He wanted to take out the statue in Lu Tiao's hand, but suddenly he found that Lu Tiao opened his eyes.

"What are you doing?"

Lu Tan asked, sat up and hugged the statue tightly.

"...As long as you're fine."

Drizzt was speechless.

At the same time, in Lu Jian's field of vision, the fallen ashes of the vegetation were twisted into indifferent and cold system text.

[Survive until the end of the wedding 1/1]

[The task has been completed]


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