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811. Propeller

In the end, curiosity defeated the fear of danger, and Axiang agreed to explore the island where the treasure map was located.

Of course, not all sailors agreed to explore the unknown. Most of them just followed Nagamasa to make money. They got a lot of pirate treasures during this trip, which was enough for many people to spend a few years on the shore before going to sea.

When people's needs are met, they become salty.

It is also commonly known as making enough money.

Nagamasa did not embarrass them either.

The sailors who were willing to go with him boarded the ship, while the rest stayed on the island, waiting for their return.

At the same time, Nagamasa also made an agreement with the sailors who stayed behind. If he did not come back after a month, then the ships and treasures would be left to the remaining people.

After all, if you don't hear anything for a month, it's probably sent.

Of course, it is possible that these sailors waited until Nagamasa and the others set off, ran away, and returned with the treasure, so Nagamasa took the chart, and the crew responsible for navigation also followed him. Without these two things, the remaining crew members wanted to

It's not easy to cross the ocean and go home.

The most they can do is wait for a merchant ship to pass by for help once a month before they can find their way home. Therefore, no matter what, they have to stay on this island for two or three weeks.

Not to mention that if Nagamasa comes back after finding the treasure and finds that all these sailors have betrayed him, after returning to the mainland, these traitorous sailors will definitely be caught and hanged as pirates.

The best thing for the sailors left behind is to fish on the island for a month and then make plans, unless there is a temporary typhoon at sea or other pirates visit.

Nagamasa seems to be a brainless and passionate adventurer, but he is actually very calculated.

After allocating personnel, one-third of the people on the ship were missing, and the sailors' work became busy.

Riding the wind and waves, following the marks on the treasure map, the ship began to move towards its destination.

"Speaking of which, how are you going to sail in the windless zone?"

While eating, Lu Tan asked Axiang.

The dinner on the boat is fish soup. The taste of the soup made from the caught fish, bacon and dried vegetables can only be said to be edible.

On the sea, fresh water and vegetables are precious resources. As we all know, if fresh water is not supplemented with vitamins from vegetables, sailors can easily develop septicemia. Therefore, most ships sailing on ocean voyages now reserve some dried vegetables and a large amount of wine.

As an inexpensive vitamin supplement.

"We got a device that can be powered by burning wine and rotate in the water to propel the ship forward."

Nagamasa took a sip of fish soup, frowned, and explained.

"That's really awesome."

Lu Tan admired.

This sounds a bit familiar.

"This is made by the best craftsmen in the city. It is said that it was provided to the government. I only got this one through some connections."

Nagamasa said showily.

"Can we take a look later?"

Lu Tan asked again.


Thinking of showing off his baby, Changzheng drank the fish soup a little faster.

After having enough wine and food, he took Lu Tiao and others to the depths of the cabin. There was a rather huge machine covered with cloth, which was quite mysterious.

"This is the device. When we assemble it at the back of the ship, we can sail smoothly in the windless zone!"

Nagamasa said while lifting up the piece of cloth.

A rather weird machine appeared in front of people's eyes.

It is somewhat different from the propeller machine in Lu Jian's impression. Most of the structure of this device is exposed and is composed of a large number of gears and bearings. It is more like a work of art than a durable engine, with a very steampunk style.

Lu Tiao came to the device and put his hand on it, and countless words appeared.

[A masterpiece brought about by a great craftsman’s flash of inspiration, a small step for mankind to enter the steam age]

[As long as there is enough alcohol to drive, make sure the user is not an alcoholic]

[Some designs that are beyond the times may cause a little trouble, but as long as you suppress your curiosity, you don’t have to worry]

[Suggested retail price: None]

What I didn't expect was that this thing actually worked.

Lu Tian thought for a while. There was no such equipment in Hedao he knew. Does this mean that the manufacturing technology of this thing may have been lost in the future?

Moreover, judging from the description of the item, it is not entirely the result of the technological development of this foreign land. The craftsmen who designed and manufactured it more or less drew inspiration from other foreign lands and were tainted to a certain extent.

There may even be some contamination in this piece of equipment that cannot be spied on. You can only use it and don't try to analyze it.

In fact, even if this device was just a scam and poor Nagamasa was fooled again, Lu Kian could still make the ship sail in the windless zone. It was not a big problem, but seeing this device still made him doubt Wajima's future.

I have developed a little more curiosity.

Back on the deck, the moonlight was dim but the stars were extremely dazzling.

They formed different shapes and were arranged into constellations by the magnificent imagination of ancient people to guide the direction of navigation.

This starry sky is completely different from what Lu Jian saw on Earth, and the constellations also have their own names.

Lu Jian noticed that Axiang was sitting by the railing on one side of the ship, holding a notebook to record something.

He moved closer and found that the sea surface on that side seemed to be emitting a faint light.

"It's a jellyfish. To be precise, this kind of tracer jellyfish can only be seen in the open sea. They form swarms and use light to attract small fish, and then prey on the little ones caught."

Axiang looked at the sea and said.

In the light, countless jellyfish can be seen swaying and floating in the sea, attracting schools of fish to shuttle among them. From time to time, fish stop swimming and are entangled and wrapped by the tentacles of the jellyfish, which becomes the nourishment for their growth.

"It is said that this jellyfish can cure diseases, but there are too few samples and only those with money can buy them."

Due to the underdeveloped ice-making technology, distant-ocean fishing is difficult to achieve on Hedao. Even people on the seaside may not be able to come into contact with the organisms in the distant sea, let alone come to this kind of sea area to study ecology.

"The appearance of these jellyfish is a good sign because they only appear in the cleanest and clearest water and are food for another organism."

Axiang pointed to the distance, and Lu Jian saw that under the bright starlight, a dark figure was slowly approaching, parallel to the ship, swimming towards the swaying patch of light.

The next moment, when it was illuminated by light, the black shadow revealed its appearance. It was a huge whale. Its fins flapped like wings, and its huge body emerged from the sea, with a mouth tangled in it.

Light jellyfish.

The whale's body was nearly transparent, and you could see the shimmering light emitted by the jellyfish after it was swallowed. It fell into the water, stirred up huge waves, and quickly dived into the deep sea without a trace.

"These are water whales. Most of their bodies are made of water, which allows them to swim extremely fast and are good at hiding themselves. Fortunately, they are not aggressive and are actually very docile animals."

Axiang explained again.

"These creatures form a complete food chain in the sea. They can make this place circulate for a long time and exist forever."

He sighed.

"Always there."

Lu Tan repeated.

He knew very well that these creatures would no longer exist in Hedao in the future.

How brilliant civilization and ecology will be reduced to nothingness under the erosion of pollution.


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