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814. frozen time

That ship was far larger than the one Lu Jian was riding on now. It was hard to imagine that such a huge passenger ship had ever appeared in this world. Such shipbuilding technology should only be possessed by wealthy businessmen with strong financial resources.

The storm behind him was still raging, but those strong winds and showers could not break through the blocking effect of the windless zone, and even the sound gradually faded away.

Ahead, the deep night and calm water were lit up by the magnificent ship, giving it a somewhat warm feeling.

In the sky, the big snake among the condensed clouds is ferocious and terrifying, but everyone knows that it will not change any more. It will become a sculpture, standing here like this, warning those who come after it.

"Let's go over there and have a look."

Shia pointed to the ship in front of her. This strange situation was definitely not normal and it was necessary to check it.

"set sail!"

Nagamasa's eyes still stayed on the monsters in the clouds. The conditions in this sea area made him amazed, and at the same time, he was also a little scared.

If it weren't for Shia's magic, I would have ended up like that not long after I rushed in, and would have been frozen in this moment forever.

No wonder the old people say that the Windless Zone is very scary and cannot be visited by ordinary people.

As for Axiang, he took the time to describe the appearance of the monster. This weird creature has never been seen before and is worth recording.

"What is the force that makes it move? How does it move since it has no muscles and blood vessels?"

Axiang was still mumbling to himself.

"Haha, maybe it's some kind of mysterious power, the secret of eternal life."

Beside him, a voice suddenly appeared, startling the scholar.

Leopard was sitting on the railing of the ship's side in a very dangerous posture. She was holding her chin with one hand. Two slender and white legs were exposed under her scarf, which were hanging on the sea. Her little feet were swaying.

A Xiang couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

Faced with a girl whose charm exceeded the limits of human beings, he found his will with great difficulty and asked.

"The secret of eternal life?"

"Yes, do you want to know? As long as you master the secret of eternal life, you can be like this thing and not die for hundreds or thousands of years."

Baobao said seriously, her voice was like a harp flowing with beautiful melody, teasing the heartstrings of every listener.

"Does such a thing really exist?"

Axiang's breathing suddenly became a little faster. Who wouldn't want to know such a secret?

But he took one look at the monster made of bones and reminded himself in time.

"If you can only live like that, eternal life doesn't look good."

"Because the knowledge that a person's body can contain is limited, and life is just the process of accommodating knowledge. When the limit is reached, a person's life will come to an end. If it breaks through this limit, alienation will inevitably occur.


Leopard said as if sighing.

"With your weak body, you can only gain limited knowledge in the end. Don't you think it's a pity?"

"You mean, it was this knowledge that crushed us?"

Axiang felt a little incredible, he had never thought of such an explanation.

The process of human beings aging and entering death is a process in which the acquired knowledge continues to accumulate and erode the body.

If human beings are forever ignorant, their life span can be greatly extended.

But humans are a curious race and will pursue knowledge. Therefore, while gaining power, knowledge also brings a price.

"That's right, if you are willing to give up your body and your identity as a human being, then you can embrace knowledge and become an extraordinary being, just like me."

Baopao smiled and looked at Axiang with a playful look.


Axiang was a little hesitant and confused.

He witnessed with his own eyes the extraordinary power of Shia and the others, and that kind of power was really heartwarming.

But he needed to give up his human identity and become like those solidified monsters in the sky, and Axiang felt that something was wrong.

This conflicting mood was conveyed to Baopao through the air, and the corners of her mouth turned up.

Human struggles, anguish, and depression are quite delicious snacks to her.

Just the next moment, Leopard's back collar was lifted up.

"Don't do unnecessary things."

Lu Tian righteously pulled Baobao down from the railing.

"Hey, it doesn't matter, he won't choose it anyway."

Leopard puffed up his cheeks and protested.

Axiang was a little at a loss.

Although he didn't think that he could really obtain eternal life and immortality, he was indeed very interested in what Baopao said. Why did she conclude that she would not choose?

"Don't take her words to heart, she likes to joke the most."

Lu Tan added, which made Axiang even more confused, wondering whether what Baopao said was true or a lie.

"This boat is really big."

Baopao had already arrived at the bow of the ship at this time, looking at the huge passenger ship ahead.

"I guess some guys were trembling when they saw it."

She joked again, not knowing who she was referring to.

The sailors threw the ropes with hooks onto the passenger ship, quickly pulled up several ropes, spread out the rope ladder, and climbed up.

Lu Tan, Xia and Bao Bao also boarded the ship.

Then, they saw that the ship was not that kind of ghost ship. On the contrary, it was full of people.

On the deck, men and women in beautiful clothes were gathering together, with musicians playing music and singers singing, as if some grand banquet was being held.

However, everyone's movements were frozen.

Whether it is the dancers dancing gracefully, the musicians who are focused on playing, the waiters carrying fine wine, or the diners feasting on their meals, the elderly or the babbling children, everyone has frozen in time.

Their skin was still shiny, just like when they were still alive, and even the food and drinks seemed to be freshly baked and steaming hot.

The lights flickered, making the scene seem rather strange.

"The ship mistakenly entered the windless zone and was frozen?"

Shia thought that without the blessing of magic, ordinary ships would soon become like this after entering the windless zone.

The time of these people has been frozen. In a sense, they are still alive and living in that moment.

"If we remove the forces exerted on them, can we make them come back to life?"

Lu Tan asked.

He reached out and tore off the drumsticks of a delicious-looking roast chicken on the plate on the dining table, sniffed it, put it into his mouth, and chewed large pieces.

"The taste is quite good, why has the current cooking level deteriorated so much?"

Lu Tan said, picked up another glass of wine, and drank it down.

"The wine tastes good too. It seems like they are really frozen in time."

"......Is it tasty?"

Shia was silent for a moment and then asked.

“Very delicious!”

Lu Tan tore off the other chicken leg and handed it to Shia.

Shia took the shiny chicken leg and took a bite.

"Hmm, it tastes really good."

"I want to eat too!"

Leopard shouted.

Lu Tan pulled off another chicken leg and handed it to Bao Bao.

"Can I eat it?"

Nagamasa watched the three of them happily gnawing on the chicken legs and came over.

Lu Tan generously pulled off another chicken leg and handed it to Changzheng.

He finished chewing what he had in his hand and was about to get another chicken leg.

As soon as he took a bite of the second chicken leg, Lu Tiao suddenly felt a little hesitant.

"How many legs does a chicken have?"

After hearing what Lu Tan said, several people holding chicken drumsticks looked at each other in confusion.

This chapter has been completed!
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