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Tall humans, with technology beyond the times, fight against pollution in various foreign lands, and can even seal away the outer gods and the old rulers.

The combination of these elements reminded Lu Jian of that destroyed civilization.

After realizing this, he felt that there was no need to hide it.

"Are you from the Brilliant Realm?"

he asked directly.

"Brilliant Realm? If you are talking about the Brilliant Library, then I can only say that I once interned there. It was a painful and wonderful time, haha."

Lao Song did not admit it.

Lu Tiao thought about it and it was normal. Just like people in ancient times would not say that they were from the Tang Dynasty or Han Dynasty, the Brilliant Realm was probably named by people of later generations.

"We are not experimental subjects."

Lu Tan said again.

"Not experimental subjects? No, Yang did create some little people of your age. Aren't you the ones he brought here for experiments before?"

Old Song frowned slightly and came closer. His head was very big, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

"I'm not sure who Yang you are talking about, but we, well, are your descendants. We came from the future."

Lu Tan said.

"The future is really interesting. So, Yang's experiment really succeeded."

Old Song raised a finger, gently rubbed Lu Tan's head, and said again.

"So, you came from the future to help us?"

"It can't be said to be helpful..."

Lu Tan thought about how to explain it.

He doesn't know whether there are still many people in the glorious realm that has been destroyed from his perspective who continue to fight against pollution in these time anchors.

For these giants who have been able to fight for seven thousand years, do they still not know that their hometown has been annihilated?

"We are here to help you."

Shia took over the topic at this time and said.

"We need to see the budding of something, how are you dealing with the pollution here?"


Lao Song rolled his eyes, thought for a while, and shook his head.

"I don't know if there are any germs. The way we deal with pollution now is very simple. We use some divine equipment to control the pollution at extremely low activity. As long as the concentration can be suppressed, the pollution will not spread."

“Control pollution?”

Shia was a little confused. As we all know, in foreign lands, only pollution can fight pollution. If people in the Glory Realm could control pollution, it would be terrible.

"It's not about controlling pollution, it's just about reducing the activity of these pollutions. Strange, since you come from the future, haven't you been taught the corresponding knowledge?"

Lao Song asked suspiciously, but he did not dwell on these things, but pointed to the red sky in the center of the island.

"Pollution, or knowledge, itself has different levels of activity. We define the highest level of pollution as the [brilliance] level. This kind of pollution can only be spread by the supreme outer gods. That knowledge, or pollution,

, will spontaneously spread to all places where it can spread, swallowing up other low-activity pollution. In fact, we still can’t find a specific method to deal with the [brilliant] level of pollution.”

"The pollution at the [Sublimation], [Alienation], and [Erosion] levels further down are becoming less and less active, and the most common [Mortal] level pollution has been judged by the library as not requiring special treatment.

Knowledge, even if normal people take the initiative to contact and read it, it will not cause serious consequences."

"What we have to do is make these active pollutions inactive."

He retracted his hand, and several low roars came from ahead, like muffled thunder before a storm.

"As for how to become inactive, it involves the working principle of the divine equipment. The specific structure may be a kind of pollution to you. I won't go into details, but you only need to know one theory, that is, the high

Higher-order pollution has a suppressive effect on lower-order pollution. In the presence of higher-order pollution, lower-order pollution will become inert and less active."

"[Lullaby], this is a divinely-ordained equipment usually used to control outer god-level pollution. It can connect to some things that you absolutely don't want to know about, and use the pollution on that end to suppress the pollution on this end."

After hearing what Lao Song said, Xia felt even more confused.

"But according to what you said, you are just introducing one kind of pollution to fight another kind of pollution. What if that [Lullaby] gets out of control?"

"That's the problem."

Lao Song silently snapped his fingers, seeming to admire Xia very much.

"[Lullaby] only makes those pollutions sleep temporarily, but they will wake up again one day. What we are committed to finding now is a way to completely eradicate pollution."

Lu Tan was silent.

Here he has reached the history of the Brilliant Realm that he understands.

In order to find ways to combat pollution, people in the Brilliant Realm traveled to all foreign lands and conducted countless studies. Finally, they discovered that the entire world would inevitably sink into the abyss, which led them to fall into the deepest despair.


But now, at the time Lao Song is at, they have not yet touched the wall of sighs, and are still full of hope for the future.

Lu Tan didn't know whether he should tell the other party the ending of the Brilliant Realm.

It may be cruel to say this, but Lu Jian felt that if Lao Song and the others gave up here, the history of Hedao might have undergone huge changes. The pollution caused by an alien god could never be eradicated by pure fire.

Since Hedao will plant sacred cherry blossoms, Lao Song and their efforts here must have achieved certain results.

Even for the sake of Wajima's future history, Lu Tian still needs to deceive them to a certain extent.

"What happens if you fail?"

Shia asked.

"The best-case scenario is that the legion sends another team of people to anchor. The worst-case scenario may be to directly abandon this foreign land, completely seal it, and eliminate everything in it."

Lao Song said and sighed again.

"I like the sea here very much. It would be a shame if it were to be abandoned."

Xia didn't say anything. She knew that what Lao Song said was actually very reasonable.

If this foreign land falls, then all the creatures here will transform into monsters, and the foreign gods may open pathways to other foreign lands and spread pollution to other foreign lands. In this case, instead of losing several

Instead of just ruthlessly sacrificing this foreign land.

In the long process of fighting against pollution in the Glory Realm, they may have saved as many worlds as they destroyed them.

And this time, no one knows whether to witness the sprouting of the sacred cherry blossoms and allow Wajima to continue, or to witness its destruction amidst the roar of the awakening outer gods.


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