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823. Future repayment at this moment

Lu Tan felt his head boiling.

The octopus was directly blown into pieces, and each piece was burned and suddenly turned into ashes.

The transfer of contamination did not stop, but was passed along the connection between Lu Jian and Octopus.

For a moment, he felt an unprecedented sense of dizziness, like being tossed around on a bumpy ship, which gave him a strong urge to vomit.

But before Lu Tan could vomit, he didn't have to worry about this problem.


Lu Tiao's whole head exploded, and the pink, red, and white semi-solids were everywhere, splashing on the glass, like the masterpiece of a food processor that malfunctioned and covered the kitchen.

His body immediately melted and turned into a puddle of flesh.

There was a magic barrier around Shia, which withstood Lu Kan's explosion. She was a little dazed. She looked at the Lu Kan dripping gradually on the glass cover. She couldn't help but reach out and touch a little Lu Kan with her white fingers.

Bring it to your mouth and lick it.

"It tastes terrible."

Shia came to the conclusion and immediately spat out the Lu Tan in her mouth.

The next moment, the melted land gradually gathered together and soon returned to human form.

Including the part eaten by Shia just now, it also returned to his body.

"Are you a little small?"

Shia looked Lu Tan up and down and commented.

"Where is it small?"

Lu Tan looked around himself and found nothing wrong.

"It just feels a little smaller."

Shia patted Lu Jian.

"Oh, it is indeed a bit smaller."

When Lu Tan thought about it, his flesh, which was still as big as his fist, had just evaporated, so it was indeed smaller.

It's not a big problem and it can be used.

"What did you just see?"

Shia asked again.

Lu Tiao definitely didn't explode for no reason, it must have come into contact with something.

What's more, there is very little pollution that can make Lu Tiao explode like this. It must be some kind of big medicine.

"Not so good stuff."

Although Lu Jian suffered a huge impact at that moment, his whole mind collapsed, he could not even maintain his human form, and he could almost pull out his spinal cord and use it as a sword, but he still gained something.

Knowledge is pollution, and pollution is also knowledge.

As long as you can withstand the erosion and alienation caused by pollution, you can obtain rich knowledge that far exceeds your imagination.

Therefore, Lu Jian also gained knowledge.

He closed his eyes, and some silver bubbles appeared in the void.

Those bubbles did not burst, but continued to rise, gathering together like soap, forming a bizarre picture.

Although this picture looks harmonious, it has a strange atmosphere.

Among these flashing bubbles, Lu Jian saw some pictures.

There is a planet where lava flows and solidifies before it cools down.

A city full of futuristic technology overturned under the weight of a huge metal moon.

And in the vast purple sea, the twisted and ugly creatures take their first steps onto the ground.

As the images floating on the surface of the bubbles circulated, Lu Jian saw the silver nails floating in the sky again. As the nails fell, the surrounding foreign lands fell downwards as if they were being pulled.

The knowledge about Tavel's Time Anchor quickly emerged in his mind.

Although the materials needed to make this thing were not readily available to Lu Tian, ​​he still understood the basic principles.

A lot of harvest.

"This time anchor doesn't seem to last long."

Lu Tan said quickly.

Even for people in the Brilliant Realm, seven thousand years is definitely not a blink of an eye.

The energy required for the Tavel Time Anchor to anchor time is huge. Generally speaking, this energy does not come from nothing, but is taken from the people and used for the people.

For example, the Tavel Time Anchor located on Hedao Island, the energy used to anchor time comes from Hedao Island itself.

And this energy is not just energy in the conventional sense, but also includes the future of foreign lands, the heritage of civilization, potential, etc.

It can be said that the Tavel Time Anchor is filling the current loopholes with the future Hedao.

As energy continues to be burned and consumed, the future of the island will fall further behind, and the closer it will be to destruction.

It feels like using future money to pay off current debts.

There are actually some paradoxes here.

The more splendid the civilization of Hedao develops, the more energy it can absorb, and the more time it can anchor to solve this time's awakening of the outer gods, resulting in a better environment for the development of civilization on Hedao.

get better.

This is a closed loop.

As Wajima's energy continues to be used to anchor time, there is not much left for them in the future. As a result, the remaining energy will become less and less, making it difficult to solve the problem in the end.

If Lu Jian is an excellent mathematician or exoticist, then he should be able to calculate a limit threshold. When the degree of pollution exceeds this threshold, the exotic land has no hope because its future energy cannot be supplied.

It is guaranteed that the problem can be solved now, and continuing will only lead to the destruction of foreign lands and is a futile effort.

And if the pollution impact does not reach the threshold, then a steady stream of future energy can be used to solve current problems, and this foreign land is worth saving.

From a moral perspective, this method of calculation is too cold-blooded and ruthless, but in a foreign land, only careful calculation can survive.

The reason why the Brilliant Realm travels through foreign lands to save the world from the ravages of these old rulers is not because they are holy mothers who pity life, but because all foreign lands are being polluted, and the Brilliant Realm is no exception. In order to avoid the fate of one day

At the end of the day, people in the Glory Realm have to deal with these foreign crises and try to find answers.

This is also the reason why the Glory Realm was finally destroyed, because they could not get the answer, and all their efforts were in vain. Even their own world had exceeded that threshold. Under precise calculations, destruction was the best answer.

Of course, for Hedao, if there was no intervention from the Brilliant Realm, the awakened outer gods would destroy the place in an instant, and there would be no future at all.

But Lu Jian briefly observed the data of the Tavel Time Anchor here, and he quickly came to a conclusion.

That is, according to the current progress, Wajima is part of the "abandoned" foreign land.

After the people in the Brilliant Realm came to the conclusion, they should leave immediately, minimize the losses, and use their tools to completely level this foreign land.

If you want to save this place, if you want to reverse all this, you must find some means that can balance the situation and bring the pollution here to within the threshold.

Thinking of this, Lu Tan felt that the surroundings became dark.

The sky did not change, but a huge shadow covered the location where he and Shia were.

Lao Song is back.


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