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826. Counter

The roaring sound was low, like the cry before the earth trembled, like the lament of the world, giving people a strong feeling of melancholy.

If according to what Lao Song said, a deep well is an infinitely extended space, then the sounds that can escape from the deep well are definitely not just sounds.

The moment he realized this, Lu Jian felt something brewing in his body.

When he heard the roar, pollution had already touched him!

But Lu Jian only felt some white hair growing on the back of his hand, but no deeper erosion occurred.

With a gentle pat, those white hairs fell off, just like the floating hairs on cats in spring.

This is somewhat unreasonable, because the pollution that can escape from the deep well cannot be low-level, but high-level pollution will not just make Lu Tiao grow a little white hair.

He and Shia looked at each other. Shia seemed to be affected to a certain extent, but it was still within the acceptable range.

I guess it's because of this set of clothes.

Lu Tian looked at the yellow protective clothing he was wearing.

The ability of this set of clothes to isolate pollution was stronger than he imagined.

He saw the ground change due to the trembling of the sound. The stones began to split, and white fluff grew from the sections. The fluff kept swaying and squirming, and soon turned the stones into a slimy gray semi-solid.

The condition is like cement that has not dried.

Lu Tiao felt that this thing looked familiar, but before he could get married to these mutated stones, the ground under their feet became muddy, and countless cements climbed up along the giants' feet, trying to engulf them.

Da da da——

Lu Tiao heard the equipment on the giants making continuous crisp sounds, like a countdown to a bomb, which made people suddenly feel nervous.

The others tried hard to stabilize their bodies, but Lao Song silently took out a short and thick stick from the backpack behind him.

The stick is similar to a flashlight, except there is no bulb and the surface is smooth and dark.

Lao Song inserted the stick into the ground as soft as his mouth, and the greedy mud immediately submerged it, like a child who had been hungry for several days gobbling it up without even thinking about what he was eating.

The next moment, the quagmire suddenly trembled, and the thick gray muddy water on the surface rippled. Then, with Lao Song as the center, the muddy water escaped, forming a strange open space.

The black stick fell to the ground and trembled slightly, as if it had released some kind of high-frequency signal and dispersed the mutated stones.

Lao Song picked up the stick, and you can see that as the position of the stick moved, the muddy water also moved, forming a circular area.

"Let's go."

Lao Song held the stick tightly and continued to move towards the deep well.

Da, da, da——

The interval between the counting sounds of the equipment has lengthened again. Although it is much denser than when we first entered the forest, it is still not as continuous as when everyone was wrapped in mud.

While moving forward, Lao Song took out a real flashlight from the box containing the equipment.

The flashlight looked ordinary, and its shape was no different from the tools Lu Jian knew.

But since it is a brilliant flashlight, there must be some differences.

"What is this thing?"

Lu Tan then asked Lao Song and pointed to the flashlight in his hand.

"This is a flashlight."

Lao Song replied simply.

"It can illuminate a space within a certain range. In a deep well, most areas are quite dark. You need to use a flashlight to find the way forward."

"...I mean, doesn't it have any anti-pollution properties?"

Lu Tan asked.

"Isn't it enough to be able to bring us light?"

Lao Song asked back.

"Exactly right!"

Lu Tan nodded in agreement.

Xia looked at Lu Tiao with a strange look in her eyes.

"Be careful, Shenjing is not a good place to travel."

Lao Song reminded.

They had now reached the edge of the deep well.

The dividing line of the world.

When Lu Tiao saw the pitch-black space in front of him, he had this thought in his mind.

This deep well has no clear boundaries. The front seems to be shrouded in a thin layer of fog, ambiguous and chaotic, as if it can swallow up everything.

It was extremely quiet in front, and Lu Jian had some imagination. He was afraid that if a stone was thrown in, it wouldn't cause any ripples.

But the deep well also contains a kind of surging power. The most obvious thing is that in the twilight-like black mist, the dark crimson is looming, and those colors penetrate the boundaries, giving people a strange impression.

The light shone on Lu Tian, ​​and he found that his skin gradually grew some black, short, thick, and hard hairs. He scratched through his clothes. The hairs showed no sign of falling out, as if they had been stuck to the skin.

on his skin.

It seems that this light pollutes the body more strongly.

But he didn't have more time to observe carefully, because the giants had already arrived at the edge of the black fog. They left two people outside to guard the equipment, and the remaining people each took a flashlight and a cane, and then

Went into the black mist.

Lu Tiao initially thought that according to Lao Song's description, the deep well should be similar to a black hole, with strong gravity, and might be distorted when people get close to it.

But from his perspective, nothing like this happened.

It was as if they were taking a walk, walking into a deep well.

Lu Jian saw that the world suddenly became cold, and the surroundings were shrouded in black. This darkness was not the darkness of night, but pure black, a darkness that might even cast doubt on his own existence.

Lu Tiao couldn't even feel the presence of the giant holding him.

There is a theory that discusses the impact of vision on human perception. The content of the experiment is very simple. It is to cover one of the subject's arms with something, and at the same time put a prosthetic hand next to his hand, and continuously stimulate the prosthetic hand.

The subject was asked to observe how, eventually, his arm would respond to stimulation on the prosthetic hand, as if the fake hand had become a real hand.

Therefore, when humans fall into this absolute darkness, other perceptions will be affected accordingly.

Moreover, this is not a simple darkness, but an infinitely extending space.

The pollution contained in it is enough to torture people's rationality, causing people to have various hallucinations and even doubt their own existence. In this pollution-filled environment, the loss of reason will lead to even more terrifying situations.

Until, a light shines on.

This light came from the flashlight in Lao Song's hand.

The artificial light source has never been as warm as it is now. A few rays of light illuminated it, and Lu Jian was able to see the environment here clearly.

This chapter has been completed!
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